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CR edits not reflected in Bridge.

Engaged ,
Nov 16, 2021 Nov 16, 2021

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I posted this first in Photoshop as it was related to appdata, but continuing, is more relevant here:

I keep getting spinning circles and things take so long.  I wanted to open 2 files in Bridge, while Photoshop was already open and it took 6 minutes, and to just to shadow/highlight and levels, the total time was 14 minutes.  In Bridge, most of the RAW files don't preview the crops and adjustments made in camera raw.  I went to preferences, as saw that the Camera Raw cache is listed as in C://users/myname/appdata.  but when I try to look in file manager directory tree, it shows no appdata folder.  I wanted to delete it and put it on the D:  drive.  I purged what it showed in preferences and took about 10 or more minutes.  I am trying to make more room on my C: drive and wonder about folders such as AA5677B8DE244720A76DD5D0758E8372gs and BD7B9A37BB7E408FB57BF97CA8DB371Cgs .  Are these important.  When I try to see what is taking up so much space on the C: drive, what I see doesn't seem to add up to the amount used.

I did gain a bunch of space purging the invisible CR cache though and am reassigning to D:. So that made no difference to Bridge previews.  In the picture, all were cropped and edited in CR.  The first NEF should look like the tiff made from it, sizewise as that is how it is in CR.  Regarding the others, all should be about the same size, but some show the preview and some don't, so show uncropped.  This makes it very hard to compare images and weed unwanted excess.

Camera RAW , Crash or freeze , Performance , Problem or error




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Engaged ,
Jan 03, 2022 Jan 03, 2022

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That problem has been around for me for years now.  I mean the one where your crops and edits do not carryover into photoshop.  The only way to fix this is to close photoshop and then run your batch edits from Bridge with Photoshop closed initially.  It's a pain in the butt, but remembering to do it will save you finding you've done a a few thousand with identical, but incorrect, crops and slider settings.




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