Difficulties in the transmission of metadaten from Bridge to Windows
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Dear everyone,
we are facing some issues with the uploading process of images and the transmission of their metadaten. I can put the metadaten in Adobe Bridge, but when the pictures are download in the plateform they are just disappearing. Have you already faced this problem and do you have an idea to fix it?
In Adobe Bridge the Metadaten of the image:
In my computer in the properties of the same image:
The properties of the same image after the upload on the plateform:
I hope I was clear enough
Best wishes,
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I don't know which platform you are uploading to, but I suspect it is removing the metadata. I know some platforms and social media sites remove metadata as a standard practice.
Your screenshot does not show the Description section of the Windows metadata. Does it contain the same metadata as Bridge?
Also, the after upload screenshot shows Auteurs: Nanjun Gu (LMU Munich) metadata that is not shown in your computer metadata. Was this added automitically by the platform?
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Thanks you for your answer.
Here a view on the informations given by Adobe and Windows:
Again it is a mysterious for me why windows is not showing the same informations than adobe bridge (for example who producted the pictures)
It would be great if you have some clues! Or advices where I can check.
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I think the problem is that Windows does not display the same metadata properties you are using in Bridge.
On my English system, Windows uses these IPTC properties:
In your system, I think you would use these properties:
Titre = IPTC Titel
Objet = IPTC Beschreibung
Notation = Bewertung
Mots clés = IPTC Stichwörter
Commentaries = ?
Try filling in those fields in Bridge to see if they appear in Windows File Explorer.
Unfortunatley, Windows does not allow you to select which properties are shown in the Details window.