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With the release of macOS big Sur (version 11), you may wonder if Bridge is compatible, or if you should wait to install the new OS update.
For upgrade recommendations and a list of known issues that we're aware of thus far, see Bridge and Big Sur | macOS 11.
If you run into any issues while using Bridge in Big Sur that are not listed in the above article, please let us know here in the Bridge community.
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After upgrading to Big Sur I cannot upload image through my card reader but have to connect my camera by wire instead. My card reader works and so do my memory cards. "No valid files" is what I see when I used the card reader.
Any answers or solutions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. HM
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Hi Hans,
I'm using a 5k iMac (2015) using Big Sur and I've been having no issues with PhotoDownloader taking images from my Card Reader.
For the record, I'm using both a SanDisk Extreme Pro, 32GB SDHC and a SanDisk Extreme III 4 GB Compact Flash.
My Card Reader is a Kingston FCR-HS3 (USB).
About the only issue I CAN point to is that my Ingestion settings have not be sticky (I have to remember to click on the Convert to DNG button).
Can you share what you're using. And also please verify that you've updated Bridge to
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Hi Gary, thank you for your very quick response to my post.
Stating backwards, yes, I have upgraded to
Thinking my old reader (EC Technology) was to blame, I just bought a new one, "Smart USB 3.0"
My card is "Transcend 32GB 400X" along with a 32 GB 45MB/s SanDisk
My computer is a 27" iMac 5K and, like yours, a 2015 model.
Uploading via cable from my Canon 5D mark III is not the end of the world, it is just irritating!
Any suggestions you or others can suggest will be greatly appreciated.
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Hi Hans,
Let's take a few backsteps to check some other things: when you place your card in your card reader, do the files show up in the Finder. That is, at a pinch, can you simply drag the photos from your card reader to your computer.
Oh wait, one other thought: did you ever give permission to Bridge to access other drives, your Desktop, etc. Here's my standard "lesson" on how to do this:
Go to your System Preferences and select Security & Privacy. Click on the Privacy Tab, then scroll down till you see Full Disk Access.
Then unlock the lock in the bottom left with your system authorization PW. Finally click on the “+” to bring up an Open window and select LRC and any other applications that needs or may need open access to various areas of your computer.
But wait, there’s more…
Now click on the next folder down, Files and Folders. You’ll see many applications grayed out because these are applications that already got permission from the first part.
But as you scroll down you may see other applications that have sub-categories to OK. If that lock is still open, you can do this at any time.
So let us know if you can see the images on the card in the Finder and did the instruction list shown above do anything? Was it necessary?
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THANK YOU, Gary. You are a genius! Works like a charm. I'll buy you a beer if we ever get to meet in person 🙂
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No problem. This has been consistantly the biggest wall that folks have had on these forums. So common that my "answer" is copy-pasted from a short list of answers I use to answer common questions.
I'll still take the beer though 😄
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Hi Gary. I am sorry and surprised to be back to tell you that I still can't download through my card reader. It worked when I follow your instructions originally, but since then my iMac has been turned on and off a few times.
The files do show up in finder and from there I can drog them over to a folder on my desktop and from there to their right place. I went back and checked the things you advised me to do, and they are all as they should be. If this is such a common issue, maybe the good folks at Adobe should take a closer look? Any which way, if you have more tricks up your sleeve, I would love to hear more.
Your future beer buddy in St. Paul.
PS: I so wish I had never upgraded my computer. Each and every time I do, something goes astray and I have to spend hours fixing it ;-(
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I'm having all sorts of issues after updating. I can no longer drag and drop folders from my external hard drive into Bridge (yes I've added Bridge 2021 to full access folder in security preferences.) I also just did a batch rename after culling 4k photos and starring around 500. Those stars ratings are now completely gone. Star ratings were randomly disappearing while I was doing the culling, but would reappear after restarting bridge. Very buggy and frustrating and really slowing my workflow down this week.
Mac OS 11.5.2 Big Sur
Bridge 2021
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Katie, I am no computer wizzard, so take this with a grain of salt! For reason unknown my card reader no longer activates Bridge so what I do instead is to drag the files into a folder on my desktop and then into my picture folder. Once there they will show up in bridge. It sounds annoying, but I now like it better than going through the Bridge downloader.
I hope this may solve your problem.
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I recently updated in my work iMac to latest Big Sur and color synchronization between Adobe works not work properly, every day i need to sync it in Bridge, on main screen is also button Show Saved Color Settings Files, and there was nothing, so i have found these files on another folder and put it there, but still, i need to SYNC Europe Prepress 3 setting every day.
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I am using Bridge on Mac Big Sur, and when I open it, all I get is a black screen, and no way to navigate. I went to preferences, but that, too, is black. I switched from dark mode to light mode on my mac, but that does not change anything. Weird thing is, it did work when I installed it. I am new to cc (I used my beloved standalone CS6 until I was forced to upgrade).
I am stuck!! I can kind of get some tooltips, but nothing that helps. It is Bridge 2020, but if there is a version listed, I cannot even get that. Help!!!
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If you're trying to use the latest version of Bridge, I'm afraid you're out of luck. The ABSOLUTE minimum is OS 12 and the recommended minimum is OS 13.
You can see the full list here:
You can either go back a version or two of Bridge, or update your computer to a newer OS. If you can't do that, you may have to get a new computer. (Welcome to the new technology of mutually supported purchasing. :>( )