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El Capitan & Adobe Photo Importer

Explorer ,
Oct 03, 2015 Oct 03, 2015

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The photo importer callable from Bridge no longer recognizes my cameras since I installed El Capitan.  I've disabled Apple's Phottos.app from importing.  Is there a workaround, or is it bye-bye Photo Importer for me?  I am of course NOT using CC, but PS 12.last update on a Mac Pro.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 14, 2015 Oct 14, 2015

Hi everyone,

Also I would request you to keep an eye on this thread - Bridge: Issue using Photo Downloader on Mac OS 10.11 - El Capitan

We will be updating this thread when we have new information.





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Explorer ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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Thanks for the very interesting links! The fact that Nikon abolished the very convenient and probably stable MSC protocol does not seem particularly clever.

Another thing that may help is Apple's program Image Capture. To import photos from my Nikon 1 V3, the only options seem to be either a card reader or Image Capture.





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Explorer ,
Jan 07, 2016 Jan 07, 2016

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In case it helps anyone, I was able to get around this problem by taking the SD card out of the camera and putting it into a USB card reader. Photo Downloader could then find the card and import the photos normally, even identifying the camera it came from.

The reader I used was the Transcend USB 3.0 Card Reader, TS-RDF5K (though I used it in a USB 2.0 port). The cards I tested were SanDisk Extreme, two different generations and sizes.






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Explorer ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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Well, still no real news about when the upload problem is going to be resolved.  I've begun the process of looking for alternatives to Adobe software.  I noticed today that Affinity Photo is on offer - Affinity Photo - Professional image editing software for Mac - at the moment it costs around £30 (around US$43) - a one off cost.  Only for Macs I believe. Sorry Windows users.  Using Affinity Photo is much like using Photoshop and my initial impression is that Affinity Photo is a cost effective and worthy replacement for Photoshop.

Now, it would seem that the Affinity software also has the image acquisition problem we are suffering with Bridge.  On my Mac Affinity Photo can't see my Canon 5D Mk3. I have yet to try Affinity Pro with a card reader but I will try soonest.  That said, Affinity Photo, so far, does everything I need to do with images (apart from upload them ha ha ha).  Currently I'm paying Adobe quite a lot of money every month (more than £30 monthly I believe) for their software which continues to be problematic and, worse, Adobe really don't seem to care about the problems we are all facing.  As I see it, they have a head in the sand philosophy and, at all costs, avoid eye contact with the customers!  Doubtless somebody will point out that it is an Apple problem too and I guess that might be true.  It is also true, however, that I have given both Apple and Adobe a great deal of my money over the years and I can't help feeling disappointed and cheated in equal measure.  I did believe I was paying for quality products.

I'm not a big user of Adobe Illustrator but Affinity has a similar program to Illustrator called Affinity Designer (currently around £40 (US458)) - again, a one off payment not a monthly fee.  And I'm sure Affinity Designer will come on offer soon.  I'll try it as soon as it does.  The other Adobe program I use a great deal is InDesign and so if anyone can recommend a program like InDesign then I would consider moving away from Adobe altogether.  Something that would truly accelerate my departure from Adobe would be an InDesign replacement made by the Affinity people (Serif).

I'm not a great Adobe watcher but I sense that the Adobe ethos has changed in recent years.  I'm not sure if they're moving away from desktop applications in favour of mobile stuff but they certainly seem to be moving away from me!  I have been a loyal Adobe customer for many years now and, to be honest, I used to believe that they just couldn't be beaten but now, taking everything into account, I am not sure that remains true.  It would appear Adobe are squandering their market lead.  I have to admit I was not keen on the move to monthly payments and although there was much hype about regular updates for Creative Cloud subscribers, what I do notice is that updates often amount to a rearrangement of the existing furniture.  Some would say smoke and mirrors.  Others would say Adobe has taken their eye off the ball and the opportunity to streamline and improve their various core products across the board has been squandered.  Alarm bells, perhaps, should have been ringing at Adobe when John Nack left Adobe and went to Google.

Anyhow, I'll now go back to Affinity Photo and see how well it holds up against Photoshop.  if anyone could point me towards and InDesign replacement I would be truly grateful.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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Richard Broom wrote:

Well, still no real news about when the upload problem is going to be resolved.  I've begun the process of looking for alternatives to Adobe software.  I noticed today that Affinity Photo is on offer - Affinity Photo - Professional image editing software for Mac - at the moment it costs around £30 (around US$43) - a one off cost.  Only for Macs I believe. Sorry Windows users.

Oh, don't worry. I'll manage just fine as a Windows user.

I had to wait three whole months for a firmware update for my Fujifilm camera just so I could download images directly to Bridge again. (This was in Windows 10, which did things differently where digital cameras were concerned, so note here that it wasn't Adobe's fault.) The world didn't exactly end because, although it wasn't an ideal workaround, there was a workaround. (It was similar to how you guys are doing it; use a card reader.)

John Nack leaving Adobe for Google was amicable‌. Why speculate on something that wasn't there?





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Explorer ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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Thank you and whilst I don't want to get into an argument about semantics, I believe you are missing my point.  I've stuck with Adobe - and indeed Apple - for a long time now and have paid handsomely for that privilege.  The uploading problem is, for me,  the straw that has broken the camel's back or, to mix metaphors, it represents the tip of an iceberg.  It isn't only the problems, it is the way the problems are handled.  There are clearly systemic problems at Adobe, Apple or both.  If there were not we wouldn't have these recurring upgrade issues.  The upshot is, I, and others, are paying for software that becomes, at upgrade, clunky.  Apple and Adobe aim their products at professionals and charge accordingly.  And yet, there would seem to be problems whenever there is an OS or application software upgrade - it has become the nature of the beast. What I am saying, in short, is that I have lost the faith.  Surely we should expect better?  It is Apple's faulty? Is it Adobe's fault?  I don't care - I'm just a bit tired of this seemingly endless cycle of bugs and patches.  All I want is a product that I pay for to work.  Frankly, I've wasted too much of my working day sorting out, researching or working around problems.  I don't get paid for this.  I'm self employed and that is probably why I feel as strongly as I do about the continuing problems.   And, finally, not speculation about John's departure from Adobe, it was mild postulation.  I hope that clears things up.  Best Wishes.  Richard.





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Explorer ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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Heartily agree. I am a newcomer to the Apple Mac world, only jumping over in May last year (15), having been continually exhorted to by other photographers on the grounds of its vastly superior performance and stability compared to Windows; I am afraid to say that the experience has not been pleasant and I am left wondering why I have paid such a premium (I'm retired and on a pension so it was not a decision I took lightly) for such an average product (the OS).  Adobe PSE 14 is immeasurably clunkier than PSE10 that I was using on Windows 7, with many facilities not available on this 'update' (lighting effects filter, ability to import from a scanner, to name but two - there are more).  I have never had so many 'freezes' or lock ups (even when doing quite basic editing operations) as I have had in the last 3 months with PSE14 running on El Capitan and it wasn't that flash under Yosemite.  My Macbook Pro looks very stylish but I'd happily trade the looks for performance, stability, and some responsiveness from Apple / Adobe.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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People have to realize that with technology comes risks. It'a lot like the heartbreaking stories of people losing their precious images because they simply didn't back up those images (and then made a backup of those images).

People shouldn't do mission-critical work on new tech, ever, full stop, especially if it's their livelihood, no matter what the promises made by someone like Apple or Microsoft. That's the best piece advice I could give. I would never, for example, tell people to upgrade to Windows 10 on its initial release for mission-critical work based on what I've seen, reported and experienced, at least not at first. (Maybe now, but even that's a maybe. I know it's much better now that it was just a couple of months ago.)

And if you must? Either install on another partition or install it on a non-critical system. (If we're talking software versions like Photoshop, install the new version alongside the older version.) I'm pretty sure you figured this out by now but I wanted anyone reading this to know.





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New Here ,
Jan 08, 2016 Jan 08, 2016

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Not even the fact it's mission critical - updates should be supported - period. Don't tell the world this - horrible statement. This is a customer experience - basically ONE software holds up the REST of my updates ONE. After a week, a month ok, but MONTHS. Absolutely inexcusable. I am an IT exec and know what it takes to get the ball moving.

If I took MONTHS to publish an updated I would be fired or lose customers - and guess what - it's happening - look through the posts. This is an issue that can and should be resolved. The relationship manager is dedicated to this between companies.





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Enthusiast ,
Jan 09, 2016 Jan 09, 2016

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And if you must? Either install on another partition or install it on a non-critical system. (If we're talking software versions like Photoshop, install the new version alongside the older version.) I'm pretty sure you figured this out by now but I wanted anyone reading this to know.

I learned, a very long time ago, to NEVER update any OSX until it reaches at least a Dot 5 Release.


Because there are always incompatibilities with both attached hardware (particularly with Drivers) and with Application software that only become apparent once the OS is in widespread use on a multitude of assorted computers and networks.

Updating and upgrading Applications is a different matter (because it is very quick and easy to revert if you run into problems) but blindly upgrading an OS the moment that it is released onto your main working partition is truly foolish.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 09, 2016 Jan 09, 2016

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Comments about careful upgrading are well taken. Still there are situations, such as the university environment where I work, where upgrades are initiated, and incompatibilities are not recognized, until it's a done deal. In my case, my IT department rebuilt my laptop and put El Cap on the drive as a pro forma move. Moreover we have computer labs that have also been upgraded and Bridge was the best tool for getting images to disk because it's impossible for every student to build a LR library on a university lab machine. The fact still remains that Adobe was not keeping its eye on the ball and, given subscription rates, should hear that we are not pleased. The dual boot machines that I manage in my studio are fine. That still does not alleviate the inconvenience of the situation with my laptop. Please don't assume we all need schooling on how to avoid "mission critical" mishaps.





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Enthusiast ,
Jan 09, 2016 Jan 09, 2016

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Perhaps it's  those "University ITs" who need the "Schooling"?

To my definite knowledge most major Investment Banks, Government Departments and the largest Corporations very often delay OS upgrades until they are TWO versions behind the latest release; and, for security reasons, no employee is permitted to take their personal laptop into the office anyway.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 09, 2016 Jan 09, 2016

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When Adobe starts making RAW file translation updates for their older software versions then your suggestion about two upgrade cycles might hold some water.





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Explorer ,
Jan 09, 2016 Jan 09, 2016

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Ouch.  I was rather stung by CameraAnn's comment suggesting, indirectly, that I am foolish (after all, I did upgrade).  I am such a sensitive soul these days!  They say that a fool and his/her money is easily parted and so I guess this is a clear case of mea culpa and so, no fool like an old fool.  It's a fair cop!

But please listen to this old fool for a moment:  I have recently retired but for the past 20 years of my life I have been running my own small business.  Here's what I know about customers (for what it is worth CameraAnn, hope you can bear with this).  Never ever take customers for granted.  Always treat them with the respect they deserve (and sometimes don't deserve!!!).  Stick by them and they will stick by you.  When a customer is in trouble you should bend over backwards to help them and NEVER take advantage (esp overcharge) when a customer is in a vulnerable position.  Be entirely honest with your customer.  Keep you customer advised on progress (or lack of it).  Understand when your customer is upset.  Stay tuned into to your customer and listen for signs of trouble.  Be honest and politely frank with customers.  Make it easy for your client to contact you at any time - one telephone call can easily defuse a bad situation.  There is of course more but I'm sure others will have other wise words of advice to add.

Now, with regard to Apple and Adobe, I have to apply my own business guidelines to them and ask (and you can ask yourself), are Adobe and Apple treating me with the same levels of honesty, openness and respect that I would apply to them if they were my customer?  If Adobe and/or Apple were my customers (they are not and never will be) then do all the above 'rules' return a positive result.  The answer has to be no.  I would certainly (and do) treat Adobe and Apple with respect but is that favour returned?.   Sadly, I can't help feeling that I am being kept at arms length and in the dark (sorry, more mixed metaphors) by Adobe and Apple.  Do they really care about me?  Perhaps not - unless, of course, I am on the sales line buying something.

I am disappointed and maybe that is because I am now old and grumpy and maybe, also, it is because I was brought up in a different era when politeness, good manners and good customer service were the norm.  Perhaps the young whippersnappers these days accept the treatment that is dished up by the larger companies.  This old fool could, of course, be clearly 'off message' and I should perhaps fully retire, leave town and get out of peoples' hair.  And so, CameraAnn, you are perfectly right.  I am a fool.  I am a very, very foolish old fool.  I have paid and continue to pay for a product that doesn't work and continues to give problems.  And so I have to admit, freely, that I am an angry, grumpy, sad, disappointed old fool.  But I also recognise that if you make a customer feel foolish and angry, then you are well on your way to losing that customer.  And, almost finally and incidentally, only fools deliberately let their customers leave and leave angry.

On the upside, I have been playing with Affinity Photo today and I am quite impressed with it.  Were it not for the problems with Adobe/Apple this old fool might not have begun the search for alternative software options.  Now who is the fool?

Best Wishes

Richard (I really should work on a nickname............Old Grumpy perhaps?)





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Explorer ,
Feb 10, 2016 Feb 10, 2016

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Well, Adobe has kind of provided a workaround that vaguely resembles a fix:

Bridge Reloaded | Creative Cloud blog by Adobe

Bridge Help | Get photos from a digital camera or card reader‌

It is perhaps better than nothing.





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Explorer ,
Feb 11, 2016 Feb 11, 2016

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Bridge updated, but nothing with Photo Downloader, still not finding any camera...





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Explorer ,
Feb 11, 2016 Feb 11, 2016

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Correct. You are supposed to use the new menu item Import from Device instead.





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 12, 2016 Feb 12, 2016

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Correct, this is the new workaround that I mentioned previously. The real fix is still forthcoming, but the problem has to do with a larger infrastructure change that will take longer to address. Part of that groundwork was lain with this update, but it won't be until at least the next update that we'll see this fully corrected.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 21, 2016 Mar 21, 2016

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Enough time to eliminate errors!  I will switch to Capture One!





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New Here ,
May 14, 2016 May 14, 2016

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Thanks for at least acknowledging the issue, but none of this addresses the inability to drag-and-drop into Bridge from apps such as a web browser or Photos. The fact that such basic functionality has been broken is a workflow nightmare.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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Possible workaround if you want to import from >64GB cards (and end up with DNG files) --

Giving Bridge the ability to "import from device" by importing them via Apple's photo downloader  is a kludge.  You can't rename files or convert them to DNG. 

And I haven't been able to get DNG Converter 9.3 to convert files downloaded that way, even though they can be opened and batch-renamed in Bridge (but not converted to DNG in a batch).

But:  a few days ago Adobe released DNG Converter 9.4. Using the new version, I just converted a large number of files that had been copied using the "import from device workaround.  Files were converted successfully from both a USB memory stick and my hard drive.  Some of the files had been edited in Camera Raw, and the conversation saved the edits.  And the converter lets you name files as you convert them.

So if you want to rename files as you import and want or will accept DNG files, using the newest version off DNG Converter in conjunction with the "import from device" workaround that Adobe has graciously provided (sarcasm intended) is not totally painful.





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New Here ,
Apr 05, 2016 Apr 05, 2016

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I use an application called Keyboard Maestro. I’ve created a macro that quits Photos and loads Photo Downloader. I’ve also got it ejecting the device when the download has finished.





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Explorer ,
Apr 28, 2016 Apr 28, 2016

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Import from Device has stopped recognizing my iphone. AUGH!!!!!!





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Explorer ,
May 14, 2016 May 14, 2016

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joachim f.f41864531

Joachim  -Thanks for the tip re Capture One.  I hadn't heard about this software. Have begun the process of looking for alternatives to Adobe software.  I'm really not sure what is happening at Adobe.  Have they lost their way?   Have they become complacent?  Are they taking their customers for granted? Do they only care about their Shareholders?  Gradually I am finding replacements for Adobe software and, when I find a good replacement for InDesign then I will be able to drop my CC account.  I have NEVER liked the monthly payment policy. I have to pay quite a lot of money for Adobe software and I am finding less expensive alternatives that cost less and they don't hit me for payment every month.  Who does the monthly payment scheme benefit? And how often have I seen upgrades which amount to a rearrangement of the furniture (Photoshop). The Bridge saga just goes on and on. InDesign (data merge problems) never get fixed.  Disappointing.  I'm just not a good fit for Adobe anymore. 






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New Here ,
May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016

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I ve got the same problem initially mentioned. My D700 is recognized, my D750 not. Still no solution?





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New Here ,
May 16, 2016 May 16, 2016

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I own a Nikon D800, use El Capitan 10.11.4 and have Adobe Bridge CS6. In order to get photos into Bridge:

1. Download and install NikonView from the nikon site.

2. Connect the camera (in my case the D800) to the computer, then open NXView.

3. Once the app opens, click the "Transfer" button.

4. The NXView settings menu opens at the top of the application.

5. Click the "Primary Destination" tab and set the destination folder.

6. Click the "Preferences" tab and uncheck the "Transfer new files only" box, then check the "Open destination folder with the following application after transfer."

7. Navigate to and select Adobe Bridge CS6, then click "Start Transfer."

Your files will transfer to the selected folder and Bridge will open afterwards. This process adds a few steps, but works!






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