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Br 12
Ps 23
I have been running the Ps script 'Load files into stack' with the option checked to create a Smart Object. Then going to Ps>Layers>SmartObject>StackMode & selecting the blend mode
I have to navigate from Ps to find the files in Br (sometimes they arent in their own folder>.
Ideally, I'd like to select the thumbnails in Bridge and run the Ps script.
CIs there a simple solution (I can't code) ?
4 Correct answers
1) go to your 'Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Presets\Scripts' folder
2) to make it work like in Photoshop change in 'Load Files into Stack.jsx':
return 'cancel';
loadLayers.intoStack = function(filelist, alignFlag)
{sE = this.stackElements; filelist = []; for(i in sE) filelist.push(sE[i].file); alignFlag = loadLayers.createSmartObject = true} else return 'cancel'
3) relaunch both applications
4) select your thumbnails in Bridge
5) Tools > Photoshop >
...You don't touch Stack Script Only folder. It's library for scripts from upper folder.
You may edit in TextEdit, but you must write file down in same encoding that is now.
Yes, you understand me correctly about which part you have to replace by which other.
After you click Bridge item to run script the dialog will not pop up. Stacking will started.
Chose first 'TextEdit -> Preferences -> Plain Text' before you save .jsx file.
alignFlag = loadLayers.createSmartObject = true
with(ScriptUI.environment.keyboardState) alignFlag = ctrlKey, loadLayers.createSmartObject = shiftKey
and when running script from menu hold Shift for Smart Object, Control for non-alligning
loll I had to read wrongly your yestarday post or something made me to change my mind regarding correct behaviour as to the use of Control key. The ! character is not needed! 😛
When Shift and Ctrl are used the layers neither will be aligned nor smart object created.
When Control is used, you'll have aligned layers, when Shift, then Smart Object Created.
EDIT: I read that post and found what confused me. You said something that already worked right way. So I thought if you say it doesn't
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I noticed it happens, so you can lock it. If that is not going to help then make a copy.
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The 2.3.0 script works fine on my Mac 11.6.3 with version 2022 of Bridge and Photoshop:
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I had Kukurykus' new script working ok with just a couple of remaining questions and tweaks.
Then I read about your success with Dr.Brown's scripts and thought I'd try it. The interface seemed clear and easy to use in your screenshots.
That was hours ago & Im still in the middle of trying to recover. It crashed Br & Ps and all I got were error messages and no longer working apps.Even the original version of Image Processor wouldn't work. And I couldn't even select thumbnails. A total debacle.
I can't understand it because I followed instructions for the installation of the files.
Now, I'm in the midst of trying to restore my computer to an earlier time via Timemachine. A few hours to go. It's copying thousands of files.
Can you tell me your installation path for the DrBrown files to Ps and Br
I may try again at some point if I get my system working again and my installation error, or incompatibility,is clear.
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I answered for remained questions. If now it is like you wished to have it please mark my answer as correct. Ah and thank You for astute questions that have let me help you 😉
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Is there a way to modify that script a way it would create linked smart objects for each of the images inside master smart object that combines them? And that master smart objects listing those linked ones inside as layercomps for quick switching?
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I have made the requested script here:
It's for Photoshop, I'll look into adding Bridge support which I've never done before.
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Thank you.
I haven't looked at it yet but wanted to say that the modifications to the script as indicated by Kukurykus, & marked as correct answer, do work, from Ps & from Br>Tools.
Hold Shift key for Smart Object. Hold Ctrl
Key for Align. Hold both for both. Or no support keys to just load layers.
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He was answering to kirkr5689
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Sorry, didn't see that. I'm away from home and my computer. Just got a notification on my small screen phone
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An update - if there are other readers who also use Kukurykus' modified scripts, please note that it becomes non-functional after Photoshop updates. So do keep a copy which you can use to replace the .jsx file and get it back to being functional
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Sorry to hear about your issues. As I said, installed this 2.3.0 version many years ago and it has been working flawlessly with each update in software with no issues.
As requested, the Mac installation path location for the services script (this is for the stack-a-matic, it appears to be stand alone):
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe Bridge/Dr Brown Services.jsx
I use xbytor's IPP, not the one from Dr Brown. I'm not sure the following are required or not if you already have Image Processor Pro installed/working:
/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2022/Presets/Scripts/Image Processor Pro.jsx
/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2022/Presets/Scripts/Image Processor Pro.xml
/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2022/Presets/Scripts/icons
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Thanks for confirming the installation paths.
I think that I have my mac back on track. I am back to square one, as they say.
But I will wait a while & work with it to be sure it's stable &. returned to normal before attempting the install again.
Besides Stack o matic, I'd love to have the Image Processor Pro with it's added features.
Thanks for all your help.
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Stephen, would you mind showing a screenshot of your Br>Preferences>Startup Script
I am having partial success with the xbytor IPP but need to iron out a few glitches
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The list is too long, it would take about 6 screenshots. There is no IPP startup script in Bridge prefs.
Reading the manual installation instructions for xbytor's IPP, there is no mention of Bridge for installing, however, once installed in the Photoshop paths it is available in Bridge.
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no problem
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I forgot to say that I am on a Mac, in case that makes a difference.
If the Russel Brown script doesnt work on Ps 23 and Bridge 12 then I guess creating an Action is my best bet ? I dont know what or how to use Bridge Talk as previously suggested
If so, are these all the necessary action steps from Bridge -
1. Tools>Ps>Load files into layers (I will have highlighted the selected thumbnails)
2. Select all layers (Select>All Layers)
3. Layers> Smart Objects> Convert to Smart Object
4. Layer>Smart Objects>Stack Mode>
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Record an action that runs the script then use Batch in Bridge to run it.
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It won't work on selected thumbnails, as action played by Batch runs script from Photoshop.
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I was using your amended script successfully from Bridge for a few months - I could hold the Shift key to create a Smart Object, but now suddenly it wont work from Br and I cant tell if or how it was damaged. Tried the line changes you posted above but it's not working/I'm making an error that I can't identify
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After trying it a thousand times I think that I finally have it working again as it should

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