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How does one know if someone at adobe has read and is doing something about a bug posting

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Feb 26, 2021 Feb 26, 2021

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So, there is a bug in Bridge that hasn't been fixed for years now. 


Adobe has acknowledged this bug over the phone, and email, as well as one or two times in the bug Forum.

However, the Bug still persists, and it has been a few years now with each iteration no improvement or acknowledgment of the bug. no escalation of the issue in the bug forum... Nothing. just silence from Adobe.


So my question is,

How does one get Adobe's attention?

And can we ask that moderators for the forum either respond or make some time of notification that someone has in fact read the post?



Bug , How to






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Feb 26, 2021 Feb 26, 2021

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Hi Chris,


OK, I'm seeing your post but since you do not mention the bug, what it does/doesn't do, there's nothing I can do to help you see if there's a way to go around the bug.


Also, just so you know, most of the folks here in these forums are not Adobe employees, we are just users like yourself who have a lot of experience and try to help others.


Perhaps you've already done this but this page, Bridge Feedback, is a better place to report bugs and make feature requests, and more Adobe folks do go through these pages: https://adobebridge.uservoice.com


Wish I could help you more but that's about it.


Good luck,





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Feb 26, 2021 Feb 26, 2021

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Hi Gary,

thanks for the quick reply. 

I understand that most users here are not Adobe employees, just awesome people helping out.  This is kind of why I am asking over here now.


The issue that I am referring to is Scrolling in Bridge. It's been choppy for years now, It didn't use to be, and it's not like scrolling is an issue in other programs, it's just Bridge. I used to think it was limited to the Magic Mouse, but it happens on other mice as well as trackpads too. 


It is so obviously bad that I can just about guarantee that No one at adobe USES Bridge—at least not with a magic mouse. If they did you'd know That Person would have our back.


Anyhow, perhaps I am "ranting"... but it's because it's been maybe a decade now of ignoring the situation.

I'm not sure what is more infuriating, the bug, or them ignoring the request.


That said, this post is more or less a, "How does one get a bug recognized."


I would be less irritated if they simply posted on the Bug Requests page:

-in queue

- thank you but we will not be fixing this

- it can't be fixed, piss off... Something







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Feb 26, 2021 Feb 26, 2021

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OK, "that" issue. 


I have mentioned this in these threads in the past, maybe you've seen it but the issue, as I see it, is that Bridge likes to scroll in quantum bits. That is, with each turn of your mouse wheel, it will jump one photo row. This DOES appear jerky to our eyes but what Adobe trying to do here is to make sure we see full images — whether we want to or not. This will show up regardless if you are using Thumbnails or Thumbnail grid. FWIW, one has the same issue with Acrobat if you have it set to show only whole pages, which I do not like, I prefer to be able to see partial pages in Acrobat so I can have the text I'm reading at a comfortable eye level. But that option is not available to us in Bridge (to see partial thumbnails).


One interesting side effect of this is if you scroll at just the right speed and if your thumbnails are just the right size, it will appear that you are scrolling backwards. You are not, it just appears that way. This is no different than when watching a western and a wagon goes by and at the 24 frames per second film shooting speed is just enough off to make it LOOK like the wheel is going backwards but obviously it's not. It's just an optical illusion. 


FWIW, the trick that I use to bypass the jerkyness, is to grab the scroll bar and just drag it up or down. When you are doing that you CAN see partial thumbnails and thereby it doesn't jerk.


For me, the feature request I've seen more often that's been ignored is that if you have Bridge in the background (not the frontmost application) you cannot scroll images. You have to bring Bridge to be the primary application to scroll. This is a feature request, not a bug but it's also something that has been ignored since Bridge v. 1. And the requests for this go back that far.


Good luck, sorry I cannot help you,





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Feb 26, 2021 Feb 26, 2021

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Although there are category labels for bugs, this forum is not the place to post bugs or feature requests if you actually want them to be formally recognised and viewable.


You need to post at the separate user voice/get satisfaction site:




Good luck!





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Mar 01, 2021 Mar 01, 2021

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Hi Stephen,

this is is what I am looking for. I wasn't intending to post a Bug or Feature request here. I was looking for something like this "user voice/get satisfaction site"


However, that seems to be the Bug and Feature request site when I do a google for that. 


The problem here/there, (and what I am trying to point out) is that they do not formally recognize the requests.


Which is why I found my way here. To see if anyone here had any suggestion as to how to get an Adobe eemployee's attention. 

thank you for the suggestion though.





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Mar 01, 2021 Mar 01, 2021

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Hi Chris,


If you look again at my response, you'll see that my first three words were: "OK, that issue."


This has been a long standing complaint, a very long standing complaint. That means that the Adobe folks do know about this and either can't do anything about it, or it would be very expensive (e.g., time consuming) to do something about it, or plan to do something about it as it moves up the que of things needing/wanting to be done. 


Back in the old days, I mean in the mid 1980's, it was possible to call up a company and talk to the owner, an engineer, or someone who could do one-on-one feedback. While that is still possible on small software companies today, on big companies that is just not possible anymore. It's not.


I would also like to talk to someone from Adobe on a number of issues but I know that's just not possible. 


We are told that reports into Bridge UserVoice are seen by folks at Adobe but they are not obligated to respond to anyone.


I wish I could tell you different but #1 I'd be lying and #2, I'd be giving you false hope.


I'm sorry but that's the best I, or anyone here, can do and suggest.


Hang in there





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Mar 01, 2021 Mar 01, 2021

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Hi Gary,

Sorry I was still responding to your post but was distracted. 


Thank you again for the thorough response.

I understand what you are saying, unfortunately, I don't feel like that is the case with regard to this Quantum bit thing, It's not actually where MY point of contention truly is. 

True, with regard to the Content Window (where many of the complaints are about) scrolling with the magic mouse here is jumpy, yes, but if the quantum designs to have images snap to be fully visible (excluding perhaps the top row or bottom row of images) with each step, then this design Fails completely because I can scroll and cut off the top and bottom row of images at the same time. If it did scroll like the Acrobat full-page view, I might consider a system like that acceptable but it does neither. Maybe there is a benefit somewhere, but I can't find it. or maybe I actually don't understand.  All I see is an equation that is about 130x more pixel steps than one "wheel scroll" should be. 


Let's just assume however that scrolling in the Content Window was meant to use this quantum bit thing and it was useful to someone. Fine. it's CRAP, but fine. 

My issue with this quantum scrolling is with the Folders Window. Scrolling in the Folder window is like dealing with mouse with Tourettes. Not only does it jump 13x more up and down (5 Folders down / 4.5 folders Up), but the issue is compounded by going left and right too.

When you have a Long list of open folders (or some folders with Long names), you get a scroll bar for left and right.

If scrolling worked like any other application, you might accidentally scroll a little left or right 1-3 pixels, and not really care. but because of Quantum scrolling, it thinks I want to jump right to the other end completely.  

it's worse than a mouse with a ball inside with a dent and full of hair and dirt. (those were the days).


As for grabbing the scroll bar to scroll, I do resort to this 1980's technology more often than I'd like. Frankly, I have no other choice with regard to left and right, I'll need to move that to the middle... it's actually impossible to "tick" halfway at most widths.

(god forbid they do an update that HIDES the scroll bar unless you scroll trick)


As for the Background scroll option. THAT would great! Send me a link and I'll thumb up it.

It's strange that we can do that in PS or Ill, but not Bridge... Is Bridge maybe not an Adobe original Application? did it come from the MacroMedia purchase?





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Mar 01, 2021 Mar 01, 2021

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Hi Chris,


You gave me a good chuckle with the scrolling of the Folder's Panel where the mouse has Tourettes, thanks for that.


As far as Apple's Magic Mouse, I used it for about 5 minutes when I first got one and immediately went to the store and got a real mouse. It's ONE plus in my observation was that you could scroll both up and down as well as left and right. But I found the physical contortions I had to use to keep my finger on the mouse ball very painful. On a regular wheel I can easily just park my index finger on the wheel with no issue. But there was something about that dang ball that forced my finger and hand to cramp up. Plus, I'm a very heavy right-click user and I was getting too many incorrect readings where my right-clicks were being interpreted as left-clicks. When I sit at a friends computer where I have to use their Magic Mouse, I am reminded of all the reasons why I hate it. (Sorry, had to vent.)


As far as Bridge's origins, it is all Adobe. In CS1 Adobe introduced an extension within PS that let you see a folder's content (I think it was called File Browser or something like that) and by CS2 it was pulled out of PS and renamed Bridge as a separate application. (That's why Bridge v.1 was in CS2, and when the CS series stopped at CS6, Bridge was at v.5).


Interesting about your issues with the Folder's Panel though, I use it so seldom it's not even in my Workspace. I just brought it forward and played with it and I have to admit that I'm not seeing any issues with it as I scroll. In fact, it's working signficantlty better than the Content Panel. If the width of the column is insufficiently wide to show the whole name of the folder, I can just widen the column's width, all good.


Forgive me, I really do not know your experience with Bridge and regardless, you may have been using Bridge since v. 1 but it's been MY experience that there are many features within Bridge that many people are unaware of because they were never introduced to them. Do you know about creating various Workspaces and customizing views and things like that?





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Mar 01, 2021 Mar 01, 2021

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The problem here/there, (and what I am trying to point out) is that they do not formally recognize the requests.

By @chrisdpage



Hi Chris,


As opposed to this user to user site, Adobe staff that can make a difference to product development do take an active and public role in the site. You are right, one may or may not always know, however, I see labels for "closed" or "official solution" etc.,  and one can add votes (me toos) which do have weight with Adobe, which is more than you get here!







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