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I work in an organization that serializes an image using a common format. For example:
The codes in that string are informational. if I were to break it down it works like this:
AB = Office Code
01 = Photographer Number
2015 = Year
0123 = Work Order Number (like an invoice number)
999 = Frame Number (in the old days this was the frame number on a roll of film, now it is just sequential based on shooter selection)
Altogether this is known in our organization as an Image Number. Anyone in our organziation can identify by looking at the filename which office shot the image, which photographer, what year, which job it is associated with and which image in the series shot for the job it is.
As we use metadata extensively it is beneficial to take that information and add it to relevant metadata fields. Our internal spec thus demands that we take the Image Number and add it or parts of it to various metadata fields. For example:
Title: Image Number
Job Identifier: Work Order Number
I have gotten a good portion of a script from Paul Riggott to work so that it uses to write to the Title metadata field, and I would like to add the ability to write the write the job Identifier field. I can construct the variable but I have no idea how to tell it what field to write it to. At the moment this is working:
md.Title = ImageNum;
But this is not:
md.JobIdentifier = WorkOrderNum;
TL;DR Question:
How do I write to the job identifier field?
Message was edited by: Shawn Kent (Couldn't get full code to display on work computer (outdated version of IE))
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This is an example of reading and writing to that field.
var thumb = app.document.selections[0];
var md = thumb.synchronousMetadata
md.namespace = '';
var JobIdentifier = md.TransmissionReference;
md.TransmissionReference = "new text";