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naming a new folder in Bridge

Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2021 Jan 17, 2021

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I download my images to Bridge, then open new folder which I name at the same time.  I can no longer rename the folder, just keeps the 'untitled folder 2' on it.  This happened in the last few weeks, some time after updating LRcc, PS etc.

Please help - driven mad with the wasted time!!


Pandi Stepan


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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 17, 2021 Jan 17, 2021

Jeesh! OK, the one big difference is that you're on Big Sur and I'm on Catalina. (I tend to wait a long time to update to new OSs becuase I try to avoid the "growing pains" period.)


It MAY be due to, or related to, Big Sur.


You state that this started over the past couple of weeks. The obvious question is what happened a couple of weeks ago?


As far as things to try, here are several:


1) Force the re-caching of the folder: go to Tools (menu) -> Cache... -> Purge Cache for folder (the fold



Community Expert ,
Jan 17, 2021 Jan 17, 2021

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Hi Pandi,


It's working just fine on my system, what is your OS and what release?


Also, how are you trying to do the rename? It should be the same as renaming for images or folders: click once to make it selected, then pause a moment, then click on the name again. If you click too soon, the system (not Bridge), will think of it as a double-click and open. That's why there needs to be a Pause after the first click.


Oh, can you rename images or is that giving you issues as well?




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2021 Jan 17, 2021

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Hi Gary

Thank you for your prompt reply – I am using a Mac with OS Big Sur 11.1 and updated LRcc and PS with the most recent update, 2021 version. I have used Bridge for about 5 years and never had difficulty either opening the folders or, when opening new folders to put the newly downloaded images into. But the last couple of weeks I cannot get it to work – I click on the ‘new Folder’ tab on top RHS, new folder icon opens and it says ‘untitled folder’ just as always but it will not allow me to give it a name. I move my images from the camera on the SD card which I slot into the back of the computer and then download from there to Bridge. I then select the images I want to keep and move them to the new folder which I would then give a name to. I have noted your point about the double click, but it does not seem to make a difference. I am not trying to rename images, or folders that already have been given a name by me.

I would appreciate any more help you can give me,… this is such a frustrating issue as I cannot have dozens of folders called ‘untitled
folder 2’, ‘untitled folder 3’ etc!!






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Community Expert ,
Jan 17, 2021 Jan 17, 2021

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Jeesh! OK, the one big difference is that you're on Big Sur and I'm on Catalina. (I tend to wait a long time to update to new OSs becuase I try to avoid the "growing pains" period.)


It MAY be due to, or related to, Big Sur.


You state that this started over the past couple of weeks. The obvious question is what happened a couple of weeks ago?


As far as things to try, here are several:


1) Force the re-caching of the folder: go to Tools (menu) -> Cache... -> Purge Cache for folder (the folder you are working on)


If that doesn't work, than try rebuilding your Bridge's Preferences



If that doesn't work, than you can always go into the Finder, rename the folder there and go back to Bridge. This is obviously a work-around and should NOT be necessary. However, with over 30 years working with Macs, the choice is do you want to get the job done or do you want to get the job done the way it's supposed to be done.


Meanwhile, if this is not working, please go to:



and make a formal bug complaint. This should be working. 


Let me know what you find out here, I'm curios.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2021 Jan 19, 2021

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Thanks for this - as you suggest, I am currently using the workaround with renaming folder in Finder, annoying but it does seem to work.  The purge cache - I keep getting a pop-up page about the downloader and DNG conversion: I dont want my files in DNG before editing them in LrC so I have not tried this.  But I did leave a message on the bug complaint.  However, the box for typing it in is called 'your idea' which made me wonder if this really is the place for reporting an issue which is incredibly annoying!  I await a response from that page.


I am so grateful for your speedy response to my dilemma, and glad that i found this forum.  Thank you!




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