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no metadata in movie files

Engaged ,
Apr 27, 2019 Apr 27, 2019

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Another problem in this bug-ridden CC Bridge.  Sometimes, I can add no data to the raw  Nikon .mov files, though usually I can.  In the current instance, I was adding more data such as location, description, keywords and other to those in a Bridge search, with about 153 .move files.  I had been lucky and only 1 had  given the message that data could not be added.  So I was finalizing, adding another keyword to some, and I got the message that some could not accept data and now there were 11, such files, and they had lost all the previously added keywords, description, headline, title, everything.  As it took an inordinately long time for selected files to highlight that they were selected, and then accept the input data, in the first place, this is extremely annoyting.

I previous cases .mov files that would initially accept no data, later for unknown reasons became receptive to such.

Also, as in CS6 Bridge  in the camera data sometimes a date of a previous year. like 2007 is entered instead of the present one, and a lens 80-400mm that I haven't owned for years is recorded instead of the proper lens.Occasionally even a different  camera. This is despite entirely new memory cards and I don't know where such ancient memories are stored to be applied.

In Nikon's own software the wrong info is not recorded.




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Engaged ,
Apr 27, 2019 Apr 27, 2019

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EG:  'The file "301_4909.MOV" cannot store xmp metadata.  No changes will occur.'




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