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Thumbnails continually rebuilding

Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2012 Dec 13, 2012

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I got an update for ACR (CS6) today and installed it. Suddenly, EVERY time I open Bridge or return to it from another page, it starts thumbnailing my images from scratch. We're talking hundreds of images in this folder. This is new. It did not do this yesterday. What is going on and how do I fix it.  If I leave bridge (even if it's still open) and I go back to Bridge, it starts doing the thumbnail extractions all over again and THEN starts on the full size extractions all over again. The result is that all of Photoshop has slowed to a crawl. This is the second time in a month that an update has caused new problems that did not exist before. It's beyond frustrating.

that's cute. I just sat through 10 minutes of full size extractions counting down. it got to zero and STARTED AGAIN. Okay, guys, what's going on? I have 50 gb of images from Asia I need to process. I truly don't have time for this. And the thumbnail extractions just started over again.

Message title was edited by: Brett N




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Advocate ,
Jan 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2013

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Does Bridge update address this cache invalidation problem with acr 7.3?




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2013

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I believe this is  being investigated.   Robert and all, to 'fix' my recaching/recalibration problem I had to drop back from 7.3 to 7.2 by replacing the 8bi file.  Since I don't plan to buy a new camera any time soon, I'm okay but eventually I hope it's cleared up.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2013

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Hi Robert,

I'm to checking on this, but I don't think the update addresses this issue.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2013

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If not, I wonder if applying this update will then result in some other unexpected problem. Is there any way to find out whether I or anyone else with the recache problem will have problems with the Bridge update?




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Jan 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2013

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If you want to be conservative, put off installing the update and watch the forums.  If you don't see anything specific being complained about, ask the question, "How's version xxx working for you?"





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2013

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Yes, since I don't have a pressing issue or reason to update (everything is working), I had already decided that conservative and waiting was the way to go.  thks for the good words.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 20, 2013 Jan 20, 2013

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Here's the release notes for the Br 5.0.2 update: http://blogs.adobe.com/crawlspace/2013/01/bridge-5-0-2-updates-now-available.html

The Bridge team has released an update version 5.0.2, resolving the following issues:

  • Bridge could not utilize a temporary directory located anywhere other than the startup drive. http://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/kb/bridge-crashes-changing-temp-file.html
  • A security vulnerability in PostScript file rendition was fixed
  • A PNG buffer overflow security vulnerability was fixed
  • Bridge no longer inadvertently attempts to re-render layered TIFF files upon each visit to the same directory.(Pending preference setting)






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2013 Jan 20, 2013

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Considering what happened last time I did an update, is there any to tell if installing this one will result in unintended problems? I see this addresses re-rendering layered Tif files. But that wasn't my problem...it was re-rendering raw images that had metadata .xmp files.

Have you learned anything new about the problems that occurred with my ACR update? Do you know if it the problem was limited to Windows 7? To Canon cameras? To possibly only the Canon 7D?




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Jan 20, 2013 Jan 20, 2013

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No there is no way to tell if it’ll show other problems with your system. But install it, anyway, then uninstall it, if something goes awry.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2013 Jan 20, 2013

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That is far easier said than done (uninstalling or reverting back to a previous version). It took me four days to try and replace the ACR 7.3 8bi file and frankly, I still wasn't able to do it and had to get help directly from Adobe. I don't know if you are with adobe but considering what happened to me last time, I don't think that is a wise thing for me to do unless someone from Adobe can address my question about whether this would result in more re-calibration. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 20, 2013 Jan 20, 2013

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Hi Yvette,

The general expectation is that updates don't disrupt anyone. But I can't say for every case that will be the outcome.

If you have no pressing need to update (not impacted by the first item), can you wait? Since you did a manual downgrade of the ACR plug-in, I would like to double check that the Bridge updater doesn't complain and cause other headaches.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2013 Jan 20, 2013

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Yes, that is a wise thing. I have no need to update at this point. And (cue the Twilight Zone music) I am suddenly able to access the discussion again from AOL.  There is a certain amount of humor in all of this.




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Mentor ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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I've recently been dealing with a 9000 image Collection in Bridge CS6, and my 4-year-old PC couldn't cope. I'm used to Bridge regenerating thumbnails and previews for no good reason (it's been doing it for years), but it's just not practical with such large collections.

I lieu of a new computer, I spent several hours going over my aging overclocked Core2 Duo, looking for a little more horsepower. One thing that helped a LOT, was dropping back to Camera Raw 7.0. Bridge still overdoes the "thumbnail extractions", but now comes to rest relatively quickly.

So, if your cameras are old enough, I'd recommend dropping back to CR 7.0. If you're using newer cameras, you could try converting to DNG until Adobe gets this fixed.

(I even installed the Lightroom 4 trial, to see if their catalog works any quicker for large collections, but I can never get on with Lightroom's workflow, and I suspect I never will)

Edit: I just realised I opened a can of worms ... most people will no longer have a copy of Camera Raw 7.0 unless they backed it up before upgrading, and you can't get it off the Adobe website (as far as I know). I'd offer it up for download, but I suspect that would be against the rules. Can anyone think of a legit way of obtaining the old 8bi files?




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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At some point, someone put up a way to find the 7.2 8bi file. It took digging and converting and since I am not a tech minded person, I had days of trouble. But the info is somewhere on this forum. My problems started with the 7.3 update. Dropping back to 7.2 solved my problem. It's comforting (to me, definitely not to you) to see someone else in a real world situation has encountered this. I am now hesitant to install ANY photoshop updates and since I have no reason to, I won't until this is sorted out. The problem for me is linked to creation of metadata .xmp files. Plain RAW files with no modification do not regenerate (but then, why have a RAW file in the lst place). Are you on XP, Vista or Windows 7...just curious.




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Engaged ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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Lightroom and Bridge are really different animals. I thought to try LR on a current project which yielded maybe 1600 shots (before editing out crap) but quickly gave up. My budget couldn't account for the learning curve. So I am with you.

Maybe I am not seeing things correctly but I don't perceive the regen problem. Once the previews and thumbs are generated, the next time I go there , no activity is visible (ok, 2 or 3 second's worth) in the lower left corner.

I just looked, after rebooting the computer.

I hope fixing it for you doesn't screw up me! The is in the details!




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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Wow, I'm not the only person who doesn't love Lightroom. Let me count the ways...white letters on black background (no, it can't be altered) that I can't read, a history state panel that goes backward (newest at bottom, thoroughly confusing if you are used to the way Photoshop works) and so much more. And I still can't rationalize adding two extra steps (import, export) to my workflow. Not to mention worrying if/when the catalog will somehow go ... poof, which means adding yet another step...backing up the catalog elsewhere. the ONLY advantage I see is the ability to see your steps after you are done with an image and go back to alter them. But, frankly, in my workflow that is not as important as the rest.




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Engaged ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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My comment to Yammer includes modified RAW, dng, tiff and psd in the lineup. It is stable.

I presume that stability is also true at Adobe. So the question becomes: From where does the instability arise?




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Mentor ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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I'm using Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

I've had problems with Bridge regenerating cache for several versions of CS, and on different computers with different versions of Windows. Every time a new CS version arrives, I cross my fingers in hope that it will be sorted, but, alas, it never is. I suspect that I am more prone to this problem because I like to work with collections of images, which usually vary from 100 to 1000 in size. The same applies for Search results, which, I guess, are almost the same thing.

Good find, with the 7.2 workaround. That's certainly a lot easier to do than go back to 7.0. I helped Noel with some CR version benchmarking a few weeks ago, so I already knew that 7.0 was the fastest version of Camera Raw on my system, so it was an easy decision for me.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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I still wonder if this is specifically a windows problem and possibly a canon camera problem. I have a friend on Windows 7 who shoots Nikon and is NOT having the regeneration problem, tho she has upgraded to 7.3.  I know all of this is being researched. Hopefully someone figures it out. Again, for me, it is strictly a metadata .xmp file problem. The minute I made ANY alteration to the RAW image, which generated an .xmp file, I got the regeneration problem. When I created a folder w/o the .xmp files, there was no problem. And yet, I seem to remember someone saying THEY had the problem regardless of whether there was an .xmp file. Urg and all that




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Engaged ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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Import and export is common in Audio software and likely Video as well. So it doesn't surprise me to see it in an editor like LR.

So far as backup, I have a backup in place, specifically for files from my Edit drive, which allows me to either backup manually or at some pre-determined time. I consider this a necessity, and even run the files directly from the card reader to a third drive, which I never touch unless disaster strikes (both backup and Edit die).




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Engaged ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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Like I said, neither do I. I shoot Nikon too.

I guess my comments don't count so I'll just slink away........




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Mentor ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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Hudechrome wrote:

Maybe I am not seeing things correctly but I don't perceive the regen problem. Once the previews and thumbs are generated, the next time I go there , no activity is visible (ok, 2 or 3 second's worth) in the lower left corner.

If you're interested, try creating a New Collection of several hundred images, taken from several different folders. Then, try applying keywords, removing some from the collection, and updating the settings of some. Try it in batches too. Try sending Bridge to the back, and bringing it forward again--sometimes this is enough for it to spring into action again.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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Someone at Adobe has been able to recreate the problem. For what it's worth, it does not occur for me with Tif or Jpeg files, only Raw with .xmp files attached.




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People's Champ ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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I've had problems with Bridge regenerating cache for several versions of CS, and on different computers with different versions of Windows. Every time a new CS version arrives, I cross my fingers in hope that it will be sorted, but, alas, it never is.

Problem with an upgrade is that it usually has a different cache format again for Bridge and therefor all cache has to be regenerated. Hence my statement that relying on Bridge for use of real DAM with large content of files is not the best route to follow (as you know by now, for this task I have running Canto Cumulus Single User on an archive with 60 K of files and with great satisfaction).

What also might be the case for an update for ACR is the changing of the default Camera Raw settings. I Have set my custom camera Raw settings (also serial number specific) but sometimes I'm free of recaching and sometimes I'm not.

Since I make a habit of regularly dumping the complete cache I have no problem with this but I can imagine you think otherwise

However, when needing to recache I do often so overnight, using the main folder and the option to show content from subfolders, ending up with a freshly new cache for the lot.




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Mentor ,
Jan 23, 2013 Jan 23, 2013

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ycardozo wrote:

I still wonder if this is specifically a windows problem and possibly a canon camera problem. I have a friend on Windows 7 who shoots Nikon and is NOT having the regeneration problem, tho she has upgraded to 7.3.

I'm on Nikon (and Lumix).




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