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Thumbnails continually rebuilding

Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2012 Dec 13, 2012

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I got an update for ACR (CS6) today and installed it. Suddenly, EVERY time I open Bridge or return to it from another page, it starts thumbnailing my images from scratch. We're talking hundreds of images in this folder. This is new. It did not do this yesterday. What is going on and how do I fix it.  If I leave bridge (even if it's still open) and I go back to Bridge, it starts doing the thumbnail extractions all over again and THEN starts on the full size extractions all over again. The result is that all of Photoshop has slowed to a crawl. This is the second time in a month that an update has caused new problems that did not exist before. It's beyond frustrating.

that's cute. I just sat through 10 minutes of full size extractions counting down. it got to zero and STARTED AGAIN. Okay, guys, what's going on? I have 50 gb of images from Asia I need to process. I truly don't have time for this. And the thumbnail extractions just started over again.

Message title was edited by: Brett N




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 20, 2013 Mar 20, 2013

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Is there some way to ask them again. Or ask someone?




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Mar 20, 2013 Mar 20, 2013

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It is a little stange to me that they are only supposed to visit the forums on their personal time.  It seems like it wouold be in their job descriptiion as it is a way to see how the programs work.  If the 7.4 version still does not work will try again.




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Advocate ,
Mar 26, 2013 Mar 26, 2013

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Robert Shomler wrote (Mar. 19):

I am working now with acr 7.4 release candidate and have not yet encountered a Bridge recaching problem, even after calling File Info from Bridge.  Perhaps the conflict was eliminated in 7.4?  (I have not performed a lot of testing, and I may not have the same system configs, image, or metadata components that caused the problem to appear with 7.3.)

Looks like Bridge continually re-extracting thumbnails for cr2 files that have metadata still can occur with acr 7.4 release candidate. 

Yesterday repeated thumb re-extraction reoccurred for first time while working with one folder but not in working in other folders.  It’s as if a folder became ‘contaminated’ re Bridge cache validation.  After an hour and some of making acr edits almost any Bridge action would cause Bridge to re-extract the thumbnails for the of files that had any metadata.  One time this activity was triggered by applying a star rating to one cr2.  It does not appear to be metadata or xmp content related: I used Bridge ‘Copy to’ to copy all the acr-edited files and many more unedited cr2's (that had no xmp metadata) to a new folder.  Thumb regeneration did not occur while working with files in this folder - same cr2 and xmp files.  Returned to first folder and Bridge re-extracted all the thumbs again.  Navigate to new folder - no problem.  Return again to original folder and Bridge again re-extracted all the thumbs.  Closing and relaunching Bridge did not change anything.

Returned to original folder today and no thumb re-extraction (system hibernate overnight, not reboot).




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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 26, 2013 Mar 26, 2013

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Hi Everyone,

My apologies for not responding to this thread sooner. I've been swamped with other duties.

I need to revisit our bug database to track down the status of this issue. Unfortunately, as Robert has noted, it does not appear that any fix was made in ACR 7.4 and I don't recall seeing any Br updates since






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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2013 Mar 26, 2013

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I can't believe I am the only person on earth with the thumbnail rebuilding problem. You at one point said you were able to replicate the problem. Is it confined to Canon? to the 7D? Doesn't Adobe have an obligation to fix something like this. Others have mentioned having the problem so I would think Adobe would fix it.  Meanwhile, I can't even consider buying a new camera unless I want to spend extra hours converting to DNG.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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btw, I know this isn't exactly a bridge question but, well, in a way it is. I have seen a LOT of chatter on other forums about adobe going to cloud only. This would cost someone who wants only Photoshop  $20 a month or $240 a year ($480 for the two years usually covered between updates to the program). Compare that to the $200 we now pay for a dowload or boxed upgrade. I then called Adobe direct sales and was assured the disks (maybe not a full box but at least a disk) or download options would remain. And yet, people in the UK swear Adobe sales has told them otherwise. Can someone please clear this up once and for all. And here is the connection to my problems with bridge...if we were on cloud and getting regular updates, a bug like  the constant recalibration of thumbnails would be a serious problem with no way to drop back to the previous version as I did. So not only would we be paying almost as much as buying the whole photoshop program (not suite, not extended, just ps) but updates might be a real problem. And then there's the issue of business firewalls. Can someone WITH adobe please tell us which is the truth. Are we all going to be forced into the cloud or have to stay with whatever version we have now or will there be a way to buy the update via download or disk?




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Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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Adobe is quite successful so far with their subscription program, so of course they're going to move away from the perpetual license model.  Subscriptions make more money and come with a catch, of course - you have to keep paying or you lose the ability to run the software.  They have also stated that they will be making releases more often (indeed, note that 13.1 is only available to cloud subscribers).  Doesn't take rocket science to derive that they just found a way to get more money for the same software.

FYI, some folks who prefer to have both the option to drop out of the subscription program and still be able to use the product, AND get the latest updates soonest, actually buy perpetual licenses AND pay for the subscription.  It sounds extravagant, but it is a way to throw money at the problem of not being to have the cake and eat it too.

Like you, I do hope the ability to buy a perpetual license remains, but thinking objectively I give it less than a 50/50 chance.





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People's Champ ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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Can someone please clear this up once and for all.

I'm afraid you have to address this question to higher authorities because we are just users like you. You could try to address this question directly to the highest possible authority for this, Adobe's CEO Shantanu Narayen but regarding this video about him and high pricing in Australia I doubt you will get a clear answer…


But AFAIK it still will be possible to order the applications online and have a download version of the software, if you wish a hard copy on DVD yourself this will be possible after contacting Adobe and pay additional costs (which is already quit common in the digital world. But those who can for certain say what it will be in the future should go in the stock market and probably get very rich...

And here is the connection to my problems with bridge...if we were on cloud and getting regular updates, a bug like the constant recalibration of thumbnails would be a serious problem with no way to drop back to the previous version as I did. So not only would we be paying almost as much as buying the whole photoshop program (not suite, not extended, just ps) but updates might be a real problem.

Maybe the other answer are here for you to find:


Inhere is clearly stated (general info, question 8) that as long you are paying the subscription for the cloud and have downloaded the application of the prior CS version to your computer you keep having access to this older application.

Not quite the same as having a perpetual license but it is an option to consider.

If you are professional and do earn a living with the use of Adobe software the idea Noel offers having both perpetual license and subscription is a serious option to consider, it will ensure you to have access to your own copy of the software that will work as long as you computer works but keep in mind that when the Cloud server fails it is also possible the activation server is down. So in that case you already should have installed and activated this version to be absolutely sure you can use it at any time.




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Engaged ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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Yeah, I am considering forking over the $200 for the perp license. I have the entire suite as a subscription, which I consider valuable  on an individual basis. For instance, I do some magazine work which asks me to interview the person being photographed. Having Audition to do this is quite helpful.

So on and so forth.......




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New Here ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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You are not the only person experiencing this problem.  I have had this same problem for at least one week now.  I found this thread because I was looking for a solution.  I do not know exactly when the problem started because I became gradually aware of it.  I am using CS6 with all updates (except the current release candidate) installed.  My computer uses Windows 7 with 8GB memory, a 1TB hard drive that is nowhere near filled, and an AMD Phenom II X6 processor. Nothing in my workflow has changed: I upload raw images through a card reader and, during upload, convert them to DNGs and add basic metadata (name, address, copyright).  The folder in which I am currently working contains DNGs, jpegs, and perhaps a few unlayered tiffs -- as did my folders before the problem started.  All images in the folder are from an RX1 that I have been using for about three months.  Folders containing earlier RX1 images did not suffer this issue, but they do now when I revisit them.  I have not changed any of my preferences, and I have tried purging the cache and increasing the cache size.  In my case, thumbnails and previews for the entire folder do not regenerate.  Rather, Bridge always wants to regenerate somewhere in the neighborhood of five to fifteen thumbnails/previews.  As an example, I allow the thumbnail/preview generation to complete; I open a raw file in Bridge, make adjustments, and save as a jpeg; I select "done" and return to my Bridge workspace; Bridge starts regenerating multiple thumbnails -- more thumbnails than necessary for the image(s) I worked on.  This happens in other situations, too, such as when I delete images from the folder.  And Bridge is running more slowly than usual, especially during the thumbnail regeneration stage.  What I have not done yet is to purge all of my preferences, but perhaps I will try that next.




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People's Champ ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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which I consider valuable on an individual basis. For instance, I do some magazine work which asks me to interview the person being photographed. Having Audition to do this is quite helpful.

This seems to happen more and more, people only used to one app now having the ability for access to a lot of other applications also start using them for useful things. Maybe not often and certainly not always in depth, but they are there at hand




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People's Champ ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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What I have not done yet is to purge all of my preferences, but perhaps I will try that next.

Not really familiar with Windows but on my Mac when having trouble with caching I simply Quit Bridge, go to the user library caches folder and find and delete the Bridge caches folder completely. Restart bridge holding down option (ctrl on Win) and from the menu choose reset preferences.

Don't know if you have set also the option to write cache to folders if possible, you can find out by selecting a problem folder and use 'show hidden files' form the menu view. If there are some cache files and Cache T files you have also cache in the folders.

There seem to be a lot of strange reasons for Bridge to mess up the cache, it simply happens every now and then, al be it that the higher the versions the less we get troubled with it.

And sometimes an update for ACR means also a new default setting or deleting your own default setting, meaning all thumbs start rebuilding again with the new default.

But as said, I'm on a mac and this problem on this long thread seems more windows related. But you might give it a try to start over with a fresh and empty cache folder.




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New Here ,
Mar 28, 2013 Mar 28, 2013

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Omke, thanks for your advice.  I seemed to have solved my problem in another way: I renamed the troublesome folder, created a new folder, and transferred my files from the troublesome folder to the new folder.  First I transfered the DNGs that I had not yet modified, then all DNGs, then all jpegs, then all TIFFs.  With each transfer, I tested the thumbnail/preview regeneration problem.  For whatever reason, the problem did not repeat itself in the new folder.  If this means anything, when I renamed the troublesome folder, I received a message about "recursive" something or other -- a message I have never seen before.




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People's Champ ,
Mar 28, 2013 Mar 28, 2013

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For whatever reason, the problem did not repeat itself in the new folder. If this means anything, when I renamed the troublesome folder, I received a message about "recursive" something or other -- a message I have never seen before.

indeed, for what ever reason. Sometimes a folder just gets corrupted and Bridge seems a bit more critical about this then other applications. Creating a new folder and copy the content of the old folder is always better then renaming a troublesome folder because it still is the same folder with problems

Glad your problem is solved.




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Advocate ,
Mar 28, 2013 Mar 28, 2013

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d\'Huez wrote:

Omke, thanks for your advice.  I seemed to have solved my problem in another way: I renamed the troublesome folder, created a new folder, and transferred my files from the troublesome folder to the new folder.  First I transfered the DNGs that I had not yet modified, then all DNGs, then all jpegs, then all TIFFs.  With each transfer, I tested the thumbnail/preview regeneration problem.  For whatever reason, the problem did not repeat itself in the new folder.  If this means anything, when I renamed the troublesome folder, I received a message about "recursive" something or other -- a message I have never seen before.

Your experience of transferring files to a new folder and not encountering the repeated thumbnail extraction problem is similar to what I observed for a folder (post 186).  I did not rename the files, used Bridge 'Copy to' to copy cr2 raw files with their accompanying xmp files.  Looks like a folder can become ‘contaminated’ re Bridge cache validation -- problem associated with the folder, not the files.  Problem seems to be with files that have both camera raw edits  metadata and added IPTC metadata.  We may hope that Adobe will soon review their work on this bug (SG post 187).

I've observed the Bridge recursive update message while Bridge is updating its cache DB after batch rename of folder rename.  May depend on what's in Bridge cache for that folder.




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Mentor ,
Mar 28, 2013 Mar 28, 2013

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I have seen an apparently corrupt Raw image in Bridge, which still appears corrupt when it is copied to a new location, or even deleted and placed somewhere else. However, rename the raw file outside Bridge, and copy it to another location, and all of a sudden Bridge shows it's not corrupt any more.

It's almost as if Bridge has made its mind up about a particular file, identified by its name.

I too have seen the "recursive" message when renaming a folder. I was going to comment earlier, but I couldn't remember the whole message. I seem to remember it's something to do with updating its database or cache, not that that helps much.




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Engaged ,
Mar 28, 2013 Mar 28, 2013

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I seem to be either ignorant of or immune to the problem. I notice cr2 as involved. I use Nikon nef. Does this also occur with nef's?




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Mentor ,
Mar 29, 2013 Mar 29, 2013

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Hudechrome wrote:

I seem to be either ignorant of or immune to the problem. I notice cr2 as involved. I use Nikon nef. Does this also occur with nef's?

To be honest, it depends on how serious the problem is. I see cache rebuilding a lot, especially with Searches and Collections (glorified Searches), and I shoot Nikon D300, D800, and Lumix GF2 and GX1. At one stage, I was running Camera Raw 7.3, while sorting through a few thousand photos, and went beck to 7.0 in frustration, and this seemed to help.

But I am not sure if I am seeing the same level of rebuilding as decribed in this discussion. I had a Collection of several thousand images, which I was trying to reduce to a shortlist. I left the computer until all previews were generated to be sure it was finished, but every time I switched focus to another application and returned to Bridge, it would start again--not all previews, but many tens of them.

I have seen this for many versions of CS, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, indeed it seems to be getting worse, if anything. I have recently built myself a new fast computer, partly to get around this resource drain. I have to spend much time with large Collections and keywording duties, so I can't say if this has helped much yet. It certainly seems a lot faster, but I am still currently running the minimum version which supports my cameras, 7.1, and keeping an eye on the Bridge & Camera Raw forums, as well as Adobe Labs, for acknowledgement of the problem.




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Engaged ,
Mar 29, 2013 Mar 29, 2013

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I suppose it's too much to ask Yammer, but I would really like to see if you have problems with 7.4 on your new computer. I am also in the process of upgrading two computers and it would be interesting to see if the problem exists on your new one, and it's configuration as well.

I simply don't have the problem. Now this machine is running on an AMD processor. If this is an Intel problem that also would be nice to know.

I have some resources to look at concerning Intel anyway, so I think I'll take a look.

What is your setup, Yammer, previous and current?




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Mentor ,
Mar 29, 2013 Mar 29, 2013

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Hudechrome wrote:

I suppose it's too much to ask Yammer, but I would really like to see if you have problems with 7.4 on your new computer.


What is your setup, Yammer, previous and current?

I will probably try out 7.4 when it arrives. I keep copies of each version now, in case I have to revert. It's a shame it's a manual process. Maybe I'll write a batch file to do it quickly, if I can remember how to do it.

All my computers have been home builds. I first ran CS2/3 on an Asus (Intel 845PE) Pentium 4 2GB running Windows XP Pro. Until a couple of weeks ago, I had CS4/5/6 on an Asus (Intel P45) Core2 Duo 4GB running Windows XP/7 Pro. Now I'm running CS6 on an Asus (Intel Z77) Core i7-3 16GB with a fresh install of Windows 7 Pro.

Over the years, I've gone from a single-drive system to my current setup, which is boot/OS/apps on SSD, documents on HD, and photos on RAID. I've always had a mid-range graphics card, and the last two have been ATI/AMD Radeons.

They may not have always been bleeding edge, but my computers are always finely tuned machines (I used to design, build and maintain custom PCs in a former life).

Anyway, since first using CS2/3, I have reinstalled both CS and the operating system, on three different builds, so I would probably notice if a problem started with a particular build. As it stands, many of the day-to-day idiosyncrasies I find in Bridge have been around for years. To be fair, some of them have been fixed (Folder panel right-click, and the horrendous metadata database foul-ups), and some are not down to Adobe alone (preview sharpness). But, as they used to say at school: must try harder.




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Mar 29, 2013 Mar 29, 2013

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Very good. Thanks, Yammer.

Now, are there any folks out there seeing this problem running on an AMD processor? On a Mac?

I agree that Bridge is not that stable, for instance, I cannot ever get my system to do a reset. No combination of controls opening Bridge results in being able to reset prefs or even get to default.

Today, when I open Bridge from a OS restart, both left and right side palels are minimized and I have to drag them out to a more useful size. So long as I don't restart the OS they remain. I've tried to reset my working space; TS!

There are a couple of other things as well but at the moment I am at work so I can't go look.




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Mar 29, 2013 Mar 29, 2013

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You should be able to reset preferences without a problem.  Exactly what steps are you doing?

There are been cases where user is not able to do this but suspect they changed file locations from the default locations after installation.  A re-install fixed the problem.




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Mar 29, 2013 Mar 29, 2013

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Whatever the instructions say to do. I'm not home so I can't go look.

I have not changed file location(of Bridge, I presume. I frequently change image file locations.)




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New Here ,
Mar 31, 2013 Mar 31, 2013

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I am experiencing the same problem using an AMD processor, Windows 7, and Photoshop CS6 with all updates.  I thought I had solved the problem by creating a new folder and moving the files to it, but I was mistaken.  In my case, Bridge continually rebuilds thumbnails and previews, generally nine of them, whenever I do anything in the folder, including if I just delete an image or open a raw file and close it without changes.  At this point I have purged the cache and reset all of my preferences in Bridge and Photoshop, but that did not help.  The number nine does not correspond with any particular characteristic of the affected folder as far as I can tell, and I followed my usual procedure in the creation and population of the folder.  Because I create folders by month, and we are at the end of March, I will soon be working in an April folder.  I am hoping that the problem is restricted to the March folder and will not be carried to other folders.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 31, 2013 Mar 31, 2013

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Well, I had that problem in ALL folders that had metadata in them. All I had to do is add ANY metadata and the recalibration started. The number wasn't consistent. Sometimes 15, more, less. Whatever. It is truly sad that a known bug like this still hasn't been fixed. It started for me immediately upon updating to RAW 7.3 last November. I had to revert to 7.2 and since Adobe, in its infinite wisdom, saw fit to take these previous vesions off any public sites, it took help from people on this forum to even get a 7.2 8bi folder. And then, one of the Adobe folk on this forum helped me install it after I spent days and days unsuccessfully doing it myself. So I am now stuck, seemingly forever, in RAW 7.2. And if I get a new camera? I will be forced to convert to DNG, which, frankly, is an annoying extra step for me. I am on Windows 7 shooting with a Canon 7D. I have a friend shooting Nikon who does not seem to have this problem. WHY hasn't Adobe formally addressed this issue????? Meanwhile, if Adobe forces everyone into the cloud, and updates come whether one wants them or not, a bug like this will turn out to be beyond annoying with no way to revert. I originally thought the problem was limited to me but someone at Adobe has replicated it and obviously, from what people on this forum say, I am not alone in this.




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