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Where are the contact sheets??

Explorer ,
Nov 09, 2023 Nov 09, 2023

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Another glitch I found today with Bridge 2024 (version 14) - the contact sheets that I use in the Output module did not transfer from Bridge 2023 - they don't appear on my Windows 10 machine or my MacBook. I spent hours creating several templates that include headers and footers - it is how I provide work to my clients.  I even manually placed them to the following location (which is where a new one I created saved to):

C:\Users\johns\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2024\OutputModule\ContactSheet\UserTemplate

PLEASE Adobe!!!  Why do you do this???  We shouldn't have to have multiple versions of Bridge installed in order to use workflows we have developed over the course of years.  I currently have Bridge versions 2022, 2023, and 2024 in order to do my work.  And those interfacing with PS make a mess.  Please, please get this stuff fixed.  Don't break the old stuff when you come out with your new versions.  That completely negates and positive interaction for "new" features you've developed.  As far as I am concerned, given the choice of keeping things working vs breaking things to give us new features, I can do without the new features.

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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 09, 2023 Nov 09, 2023

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Hello @johnsoneric 


Thank you for reaching out to us. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. To better investigate the issue, could you please share the following information


1. Please confirm if the Bridge version is

2. Please confirm the old version i.e. Bridge 2022 or Bridge 2023 where you had created the contact sheet and it was not migrated to Bridge 2024 

3. As you mentioned that even after copying the contact sheet, it is not coming up in 14. From which version of Bridge you are copying the contact sheet?

4. Please confirm if you got the option to migrate the preferences from old version of Bridge to Bridge 2024

4. Please share the the custom preset which is not migrated to Bridge 14

5. Please share the plist file located at 

6. Please share the log file /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge 2024/BridgeLog.log


Please share all the details with sharewithbr@adobe.com


We might reach out to you for further information or a screen sharing session. It would be helpful if you can share your preferred time slot so we will schedule the session accordingly. 



Bridge Team




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Explorer ,
Nov 11, 2023 Nov 11, 2023

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I replied to this in an email to sharewithbr@adobe.com, but am including some of that reply here for the benefit of others experiencing the same issue.  (1) both my MacBook and Windows 10 show version Creative Cloud shows that both are up to date. Where is version (2) Contact sheets were migrated from 2022, then 2023 - and long before those versions.  Both 2022 and 2023 seriously altered the contact sheets from the previous versions, btw, and I had to modify to get back to where they had been.  And, starting with the 2023 version, the output preview does not scale when adjusting the content filmstrip on the bottom.  On top of that, the output settings panel no longer resizes to fit the window, and requires me to scroll down to export.  Frankly, the developer/destroyers left the the output workspace a real mess, and it has only gotten worse. (3) From which Bridge version?  From the last version. When I update Bridge I always ask for the settings to be migrated and saved.  In this case, the templates are just not there.  So, I manually copied from Bridge 2023 to 2024 to the same location, but they still don't show. (4) The plist's requested were provided, but I don't know about a custom preset. These are output templates.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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Hello @johnsoneric 


Thank you for sharing the asked details and apologies for the inconvenience caused. We are investigating the shared information.


Output templates not migrating from Bridge 2023 to Bridge 2024 ( was a known issue and it is fixed with You should now have an update option available in Creative Cloud to update the version of Bridge from Bridge 2023.


Also, it would be helpful if you could share the output template on which you are facing the issue. 


Windows location

Appdata - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2024

Registry entry - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Bridge 2024


The screenshot of output templates which you shared over email has json files. Could you please share which version of Bridge you used to create those json output templates? Could you please share these files also?



Bridge Team




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Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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Thank you  - they have imported with this latest update on my MacBook, but first had to uninstall then reinstall.  It has NOT worked with my Windows machine.  I am not sure what you want from the registry entry. I output same, but the attachment option here will not accept it.  I've attached the four output templates.  I cannot say which version I created these in, sorry - I've been using these for at least 10 years, and they are critical to my workflow. Throughout this time different Bridge updates have forced me to modify these templates. One huge issue (even still) is in the Output Preview window they do not look like the actual output, at least in the footers.  I use the footer to provide company and contact information.  So, I had to guess when setting these up and finally get the correct alignments through trial and error.  I believe this broke 5 or 6 years ago, if I remember correctly the last version of Bridge where this worked properly was Verion 11. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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Hello @johnsoneric,


Thank you for sharing the output templates. It seems, the shared templates were created by a non supported and older version of Bridge, as the latest versions support and expect some other format. We apologize for all the inconveniece caused to you. I tried to update these templates in the expected format. Could you please place the shared attached files in the output templates folder in mac and windows both and check if those are loading for you? If yes, please feel free to share the json files and I will convert them in the acceptable format.


For other issues you reported, I will check them and connect within the team here. We will reach out to you in case of any update or information required.



Bridge Team




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Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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Interesting.  I will download - where do they go? I see there are two locations for output templates in Windows 10 (haven't checked the Mac yet):

C:\Users\johns\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2024\OutputModule\ContactSheet\UserTemplate


C:\Users\johns\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2024\Adobe Output Module\UserTemplate\ContactSheet




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Explorer ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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First, thank you for taking the time to convert the templates, however, that conversion did not work. In fact, it made a TERRIBLE mess of things.  It is frustrating to know the templates were created with a "non-supported" version of Bridge.  Why is it not supported?  No need to answer now, other than templates were ALWAYS created with the current version of Bridge that I have been paying for contiuously for many, many years.  My workflow and templates haven't changed - just the Adobe software.  So for now I am using Bridge 2023 until this issue and others are resolved.  And frankly, Bridge 2023 still has issues.  I have been and am swamped with work and have too much to do between now and a trip out of the country on December 3 - 18.  I would like to continue this conversation when I return.  Thank you.




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Nov 15, 2023 Nov 15, 2023

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This was another developer screwup. They changed the output template format from v12 to v13 and then in v14, they didn't properly migrate those templates or convert them. I have a script which creates custom templates and it completely broke in v13. I was able to fix it for v13 but it broke again in v14. :sigh:




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New Here ,
Apr 09, 2024 Apr 09, 2024

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I am having similar problems, I created a template for output, was able to give it my colleague by placing them in output module folder in Bridge 2023, that folder now doesn't exist in Bridge 2024 so I can't transfer it over to the rest of my team for important work so now I'm going to have to individually create it on 10 different PC's.  Why do you do this Adobe? the CC has been nothing but pain since you forced us all to transfer over to it.  We lose days of business time trying to sort out the problems.




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Apr 09, 2024 Apr 09, 2024

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There is no custom template folder until you manually create a template inside Bridge. Try doing that.




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New Here ,
Sep 14, 2024 Sep 14, 2024

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This suggestion seemed to work for me.  I created a new Contact Sheet template in Bridge 2024. That created a  UserTemplate folder located at C:\Users\brian\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2024\Output Module\ContactSheet\UserTemplate containing my new Contact Sheet Template.


I then copied my Bridge 2023 Contact Sheets from C:\Users\brian\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2023\Output Module\ContactSheet\UserTemplate to the Bridge 2024 location and all seems right in the world again.

I have Windows 11 Pro.

Is this helpful?



Brian H




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