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Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have some files that I want to run a PS action on. If I select them in Bridge go Tools > Photoshop it opens a previous version (2021) version, even though 2022 is already open. If disable PS 2021 in Preferences > Startup Scripts there is no Photoshop option under Tools.
How do I make Bridge run PS actions in the current version of PS?
Many thanks!
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Hi there,
Could you please try resetting Bridge's preferences and let us know if it helps?
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No, has made no difference. I have just the 2022 version od PS open. I have Bridge open go to Tools>Photoshop>Batch and then it opens up the 2021 version of Photoshop - why is this happening?
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Hi Fijona,
First be assured that this happens to many many many people, myself included. It is not a rare occurrence but that doesn't mitigate the annoyance.
There are two potential controls on which version of PS gets opened:
Lastly, you might also try rebuilding Bridge's Preferences. In fact, I'd recommend doing this before doing #2 above, it's easier.
To reset Preferences:
Quit Bridge (if running). Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application, for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt -Shift. Then open Bridge BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache”, and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose "Reset Preferences."
Please let us know if any of these work.
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Thanks for your quick reply.
I am MAC Big Sur 11.6. I've tried the reset preferences but that hasn't worked, it still wants to open an older version of PS. I will work through your other solutions when I am back at work in the morning and ley you know.
Thanks again.
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Late to the party, but I have the similar problem, with one year older versions. I prefer to use Bridge CC 2022 (version 13 from the CC 2023 is far too buggy, unstable, and unpractical) and want to use some Extra tools in Bridge, like Load files into Photoshop Layers. And it tries to open Photoshop CC 2022.
This is due tot the fact that it's not depending on the File Type Associations in the Preference – they're all set to Photoshop CC 2023). These are merely for opening files from the Content window. Neither are the system's file associations settings on my Mac responsible for the confusion. They're also set to Photoshop CC 2023.
No, it's a Plugin which is in charge of driving this workflow, and calling the Photoshop CC 2022 specifically in stead. I haven't found out how and where I can tweak this setting. Simpy switchting off all Startup scripts (in the Preferences) referring to Photoshop 2022 doesn't help...
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Have the same problem. I have Bridge 2022, PS 2022 and PS 2023. PS 2022 is only around as a backup and I exclusively use PS 2023, but the Bridge/Tools/Photohop/Batch always launches PS 2022 no matter what. If i disable the plugin JUST for PS 2022 and leave 2023 checked on, the Photoshop submenu under Tools disappears.
What's really fun is the latest Bridge 2024 refuses to even use PS 2022 or 2023 for any of the Tools.
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The only way around this is manipulating some Adobe scripts. I use Bridge 2022 in production with Photoshop 2024 and it works with some fudging. I'm not going to explain how to hack things but it CAN be done. You can also cause all sorts of problems.