I am a K-12 teacher and I use Adobe Express with my intro-level students. My school has paid for access to the full Adobe suite for years. One of the things I teach my intro students is how to choose the correct font size for printed projects. I have typesetter rulers and example posters around the room, and have been doing this job for many years. I know what a size 80 font is supposed to look like versus a size 24 font.
Ever since the new update, the font sizes in the new Adobe Express have just been really off. It's completely confused my students and frustrated me. It's not just my device/account; I know because it is happening on my student's devices/accounts as well. We are using the full web versions, not a mobile app. I'll include a couple photos below as examples:
I set up this file in Adobe Express as 11" wide and 8.5" tall, using Abril Fatface size 50.

Based on my prior knowledge and experience, that does not look like a size 50 point size at all. Something is seriously wrong. To confirm this, I set up the same parameters in Google Docs: same page size, font, and font size, and it looks like this:

As you can see here, the font at size 50 is much larger. This is what I would expect from Abril Fatface at size 50. And just in case you still don't believe me, I repeated the same experiment in Adobe Illustrator.

Abril Fatface at size 50 on an 11" by 8.5" document should be large enough to take up two rows in a text box. But, in Adobe Express it's very tiny. I tried to do a visual comparison and determined that Abril Fatface size 50 in Adobe Express is actually more like size 12 in Adobe Illustrator.
This issue is happening with all fonts & typefaces, not just Abril Fatface. I just used that as an example since it was available in Adobe and Google Docs.
Because of this bug, my students are getting really confused and I'm not able to really use Adobe Express correctly, which again my school district pays for. What is causing this? How do we fix it?
Extra Technical Details: My students use small macbooks. Some are new M1 machines and others are a bit older. I'm experiencing this issue on my 16" 2019 Macbook Pro, running Ventura 13.1. We are using the web version of Adobe Express on Google Chrome version 117.0.5938.92. I got the same issue on my home PC using Windows 11 and Google Chrome. I tried to test it out in Safari on my Macbook Pro, but Express was so slow/unable to load that I couldn't even attempt it.