UPDATE 9-30-24: This has been fixed in build 31 or later. Please update your app!
So while GPU acceleration works again I'm now having a weird issue that I cannot add new audio clips to the timeline anymore.
On drag/drop all I get is the empty outline of the clip, which stays when I release left mouse button. After that i can neither move or select it. Tried everything, but it never adds the clip to the timeline.
What is broken:
- Drag/Drop works neither from a project bin nor the source window nor the Windows Explorer.
- Using Insert/Overwrite from the Source Window has no effect.
- When dragging an Audio file to the "New Sequence" button it creates an empty sequence.
- Dragging video files works only if there's no audio track attached
More information:
Yes, the source patching is correctly set. I can also drag/drop new video files (without audio). I can also drag around existing audio clips, duplicate them, replace their contents from source, etc.
Anyone else? I think it was working in the version before the CUDA bug got introduced, but can't be 100% sure.