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ACR is creating new file names

New Here ,
Oct 14, 2018 Oct 14, 2018

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I have been using ACR 8.5 and when I open a file it displays the original file name at the bottom. I just got a new MacBook Pro, PSE 2019 and ACR 10.4. When I open a file in ACR 10.4 it is showing "fullsizeoutput_2e.jpeg" "fullsizeoutput_2f" etc... for every file opened. How can I change it to show the original file name?




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Oct 14, 2018 Oct 14, 2018

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What is an example of the original filename corresponding to the other names you've listed?

What's the process you're using to open an original files in ACR that is showing a different name?  Give an example of the steps you're using.




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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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I import my images into the Photos app to organize and cull. I Then go to Elements and chose "Open in Camera Raw" from there I choose the files I want to edit from "Photos". My file names from my camera are AJI1000, AJI1001 etc. In the old version of Camera Raw when I would open the file it would show AJI1000 at the bottom. Now it shows fullsizeoutput... I haven't changed anything in my process the only difference is the new version of Elements and ACR.




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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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I should note that the original file name is displayed in Photos. Also I just tried the "open" option in elements instead of the "open in camera raw" and the same thing happens. It changes the file name to "fullsizeoutput1, fullsizeoutput2" etc




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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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I don't do Mac, but I do know that using "Photos" in any way connected with Adobe applications is not recommended. Mac users can explain why. You should always open raw files directly into ACR.




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Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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I am not a Mac person so maybe someone who is can tell you something better, but:

What were you doing before when things worked as you expected?  Were you on Windows or not using Photos as your photo manager?

Why are you using Photos and not Organizer?

The problem is likely that you're opening from Photos and it renders a JPG from the raw and sends that jpg to your app.

There is a way in Photos to export the raw to another folder (makes a copy) and you can then open that copy of your raw in your other application, but why make extra copies, why not just copy the original files to your HD and import into Organizer and from there open in ACR or PSE, right?

Like I said maybe there is something that allows better integration between Photos and PSE but I don't have experience with a Mac.




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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I was doing the exact same process on my Imac and older macbook, (I explained the process in the reply above.) Both of them open the file with the original name, yes as a jpeg, but still had the original name. I don't like organizer. I've always used photos to keep things organized, and I would just like someone to answer why now in the newer version of elements and camera raw is it changing the file name. it has never done this before so I'm sure there is a setting or something that I'm just not seeing.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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ACR isn't changing the filename. Photos is.

Both of them open the file with the original name, yes as a jpeg, but still had the original name.

In any case that should be much more of a deal-breaker than the file name.




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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No, it’s correct in photos. It’s also correct if I open it in elements Just using “open”. But using “open in Camera  raw” it’s a different name.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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Yes, it may well be, but Photos is exporting a jpeg from the original raw file. And that export has a specific name added by Photos.

You don't seem to understand that distinction between the original file and the Photos export.




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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Yes I do understand. It has always exported a jpeg, but in the old version of camera raw it still had the original name of AJI123.jpg not the new renamed "fullsizeoutput123.jpg". I love how my simple question has turned into everyone telling me how wrong I am in how I CHOOSE to open, organize, or save my files. You might think it's the wrong way but the bottom line is something has changed between 8.5 and 10.4 version of RAW that is now changing the name of the file or creating a copy and renaming that copy. Either way, it's different, and all I asking was if anyone knew how to change it back.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 18, 2018 Oct 18, 2018

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I know this is NOT what you want to hear but D Fosse is correct insofar as there cannot be any change caused by a newer version of ACR (or any version of ACR for this specific issue).

Here's a test to do: take some photos from your camera, place them in a folder in your desktop and open them up in the new ACR. Now save them from ACR into a different folder. Do the names change?

The only way the names will have changed is if you intentionally change them. Otherwise, ACR will not change their name. The name that Photos is giving them, "fullsizeoutput123.jpg" is Photos doing, not ACR.

Please check what Photos is doing because that's the problem, not ACR.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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I don't know of any way ACR can change the original filename - except when saving out directly from ACR, or by having Bridge or Lightroom rename on import.

Also, you're obviously opening jpegs already saved out from somewhere else. You're not opening original raw files.




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