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Camera raw changes not showing in after effects or premier

New Here ,
May 14, 2019 May 14, 2019

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I used bridge to open some JPG files in Camera Raw. I made changes to the photo, open them in Photoshop, made some more changes and then saved the image. Bridge shows the correct image with an icon indicating there were Camera raw edits (the 3 slider icon above and right of the thumbnail). However, when I try to use the photos in After Effects and Premier none of the Camera Raw edits show, however the photos shop are there. Reopening the photos in Photoshop still show both sets of images.

Why isn't After Effects and Premier reading in the Camera Raw edits?






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Community Expert ,
May 14, 2019 May 14, 2019

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Hi Neal,

This is one of the "trick" issues with working with jpgs while in ACR: There is a "side car" file that ACR makes that's associated with jpg images that contains all of the changes you made on that image with ACR. After you make the changes in ACR than close the ACR window and open it up again, ACR is reading the changes in the side car file (an extra file that in the folder thats in the same folder as the original jpg) and lets you see what you did.

However, if you go into that folder and move that jpg to a different location and open it up you'll see the original file as it was.

To make the changes permanent within the jpg you must open the jpg and then do a Save as. These changes will now be permanent.

Let us know if this helps you





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New Here ,
May 14, 2019 May 14, 2019

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It appears that using "Save As" versus "Save" maybe the solution. The files were all opened into Photoshop after the camera raw edits. Additional edits were made and the images saved as jpg using the "Save" method. It appears that the sidecar was not combined into a single file but was left separate. 

Interesting note: Reopening the files from Bridge, which goes through ACR and into Photoshop, and then saving using the "Save" method does combine the sidecar changes into the jpg.

I still don't understand why After Effects didn't read in the sidecar, it should have. The files were not moved.





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Community Expert ,
May 14, 2019 May 14, 2019

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Hi Neal,

First I need to correct myself here: adjusting a jpg in ACR does not create a container file. It's been so long since I did make an ACR correction with a jpg I had forgotten. My bad.

However, the code that ACR reads to see the changes can only be understood by ACR. If you look at that changed jpg in any other application you will see the original jpg. If you double-click on that image in Bridge or the Finder, it will open in ACR first to interpret the code that ACR left.

You still have to do a Save as to integrate the ACR changes into the file for other applications to see. The one exception to this is PS which will open the jpg with all of the changes made from ACR. If you open that same image in InDesign, Illustrator, AE or PR, you will not see the changes.

I cannot speak for why this happens but at least now you know to Save as as opposed to Save.






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