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+ Camera Raw Feature Requests +

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Sep 22, 2005 Sep 22, 2005

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We're interested in what changes you would like see in our products. Do you have an idea for a feature that would help your workflow? Is there a small change that could be made to make your life a little easier? Let us know!  Share an Idea, Ask a Question or Report a Problem and get feedback from the Product Development Team and other passionate users on the Photoshop Family product Feedback Site on Photoshop.com.

In future it would helpful if you could use this thread as a means to add

"Features" that you would like to see in future releases of Adobe Camera Raw.

Please do NOT create additional new Topics and try not to duplicate requests by other users. Also, be thorough in your description of the feature and why you think Adobe should consider it.

Oh, and if you find it necessary to comment on someone's feature request/suggestion, try not to get into a shouting match. The penalty for doing so is...

b If you're asking that a particular camera is supported in a future release or just taking the opportunity to carp that yours isn't then please do so in another thread!


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Adobe Employee ,
May 22, 2009 May 22, 2009

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How does you presets feature request differ from the local corrections presets feature already in the fly-out menu when the local correction brush is selected?




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New Here ,
May 22, 2009 May 22, 2009

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Well... that's countless hours wasted.  Sorry for polluting the feature requests.  Keep up the good work.





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Community Beginner ,
May 22, 2009 May 22, 2009

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Just 3 most important items, in my opinion:

1. ACR 5.3 has pretty bad color bleeding artifacts, I hope this will be fixed at some point.

Attached isa comparison with silkypix 3.0. RAW file was shot with Mamiya ZD camera.

Black and white portion is a blue channel.

2. Lens or sensor cast correction. This is particularly important for medium format digital.

Basically, the ability to offset the developed raw image with a lens cast calibration raw file.

The calibration shot is an evenly exposed gray card. This should be blurred before use in

calculations of the final output.

CaptureOne does this.

3. Automatic Chromatic Aberration correction.

Reference: Nikon Capture NX2.





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Contributor ,
May 22, 2009 May 22, 2009

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Shangara SINGH.




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Guide ,
May 22, 2009 May 22, 2009

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Your post is blank, as are many (most?) attempted through eimail.




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Contributor ,
May 23, 2009 May 23, 2009

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Your post is blank, as are many (most?) attempted through eimail.

I hadn't seen a blank post for a while so thought the issue had been sorted. Appears no-one is on the case. It says at the bottom of all emails:

To post a reply to the thread message, either reply to this email (recommended) or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/1984021#1984021

Notice "recommended!!!" Hmmm....When I clicked link, there was NO reply option and NO indication to say you must login to reply.

When I clicked to go to original post, I was presented with ALL posts. Possibly because I wasn't logged in but how am I to know login is a requirement for the link to work "as expected?"

Useless forum software< IMO...Well, maybe not entirely useless but certainly not thought out or monitored or tested before being released.

Back to the reply:

3. *Automatic Chromatic Aberration correction*.
Reference: Nikon Capture NX2.

Yes, this one would save an incredible amount of time. The current auto feature just doesn't go far enough.

I started with a Fuji S2. Their software removed CA completely but was a dog to use.

What's more, I could shoot a ferris wheel against a sky and get clean spokes (remove blue spill).

Shangara SINGH.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2009 Jul 13, 2009

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One of the most annoying behavior of ACR is the default zoom when opening a image. I open many times images at low resolution (jpeg) and every time I have to zoom manualy at 100%. Is it possible lowers the default fit to window zoom at maximum 100%?

Thank you





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2009 Jul 13, 2009

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Any update on the three requests in the post #502?

Would greatly appreciate it!


Michael Ezra




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 13, 2009 Jul 13, 2009

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Michael, the Camera Raw team reads these requests (and I have certainly

noted the ones you mentioned in post 502). However, we cannot comment on

what features will actually be implemented in future releases.


Any update on the three requests in the post #502?


Would greatly appreciate it!


Michel Ezra




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Guide ,
Jul 13, 2009 Jul 13, 2009

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You have the patience of a saint, Eric. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2009 Jul 13, 2009

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Eric, thanks for a prompt reply!

Just to clarify, the attachement in post 502:

the black and white illustration shows the blue channel of the color illustration.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 13, 2009 Jul 13, 2009

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Yes, Michael, I recall studying that image.

I don't remember, however, if I asked you to send me that raw image for

testing purposes. Could you please do so? You can send to

madmanchan2000@yahoo.com. Or, more likely, that file is too large to email

directly, in which case you can use YouSendIt.com and enter my email

address. Please note that I need the raw file to make progress.



Just to clarify, the attachement in post 502:

the black and white illustration shows the blue channel of the color





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New Here ,
Aug 14, 2009 Aug 14, 2009

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I am very satisfied with the current Camera Raw features.

I am now able to edit about 8 or 9 out of every 10 images in ACR only. However I would like to see improvements to the panel layouts. To switch from one adjustment panel to another ready to make an adjustment can take up to 5 clicks. Worse yet, some of the buttons to click are on the top left of my 24" Cinema Display, the others are on the right of my Cinema Display.

There are many ways to fix this, my suggestions are only one way of doing it.

1. On the HSL / Grayscale  panel add a button to allow adjustment of the characteristic selected by the tab, such as Saturation, Luminance, etc. (This basically duplicate the button on the upper left of the screen without the submenu.)

2. On the Spot Removal, Red Eye, Adjustment Brush, and Graduated Filter panels add a button to go back to the Basic panel. Or better yet, put buttons the all basic tool palette on each of the adjustment palettes. This would, in many cases, eliminate one additional key stroke.

3. In the Adjustment Brush panel add a keystroke (ala Photoshop): Clicking "X" to switch between Add and Erase brush.

James Udo Ludtke




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Contributor ,
Aug 15, 2009 Aug 15, 2009

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The panel navigation in ACR is, as they say, a work in progress. You can tell the GUI designers ran out of time.

Making the tab bar disappear when you select, for example, the Graduated tool, is a really naff idea and shouldn't have gone further than the paper sketch stage.

Not everyone uses a cinema screen, so there are some compromises to bear in mind (and you cannot have a floating toolbar in the dialog). However, you could make the toolbar dragable, so it can be parked closer to the panels on the right.

ITMT, you can get back to Basic tab at any time by pressing H, or Z (and toggle between current tool's panel and Basic tab by pressing the key again).

Likewise, if you know the KB shortcuts for the tools, you can switch panels easily.

Hopefully, Photoshop CS5 will see ACR GUI improvements.

Shangara SINGH.




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Aug 15, 2009 Aug 15, 2009

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Jumping Walrus wrote:

The panel navigation in ACR is, as they say, a work in progress. You can tell the GUI designers ran out of time.

That's your opinion...but it would be wrong. What you are failing to grasp is that Camera Raw is a PLUG-IN, not a stand alone app. As such there are specific UI limitations given by the plug-in SDK. Some things simply can't be done easily or at all in this environment.

Rather than trying to presume how the engineers should do something (unless you are familiar with the CS4 SDK) I would suggest you concentrate on explaining what problems you may be having and how you would rather work. You would get a lot further making a use case and backing it up with descriptions how it would improve things...unless you are taking this opportunity for applying for a job, I wouldn't encourage you to try to do theirs...




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 01, 2009 Nov 01, 2009

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Rule of thirds grids for the crop tool.




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Nov 12, 2009 Nov 12, 2009

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Please either

(1) add support for Leaf Aptus .MOS files created with lossless compression


(2) update the ACR and Lightroom camera support documentation to state that only the uncompressed files are supported.

This is very confusing to someone first adding a Leaf Aptus back to their existing Lightroom/Photoshop workflow - especially since the Leaf backs default to lossless compression.

Of course, if you'd *rather* have users buy Capture One or Leaf Capture, you should leave it the way it is. 🙂


P.S. Specifically, I am using a Leaf Aptus-II 6 digital back - but I believe this applies to all Leaf Aptus backs.




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Nov 24, 2009 Nov 24, 2009

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Hi all~

I have a Canon S-3 IS camera, about 4 years old. It didn't come with Camera Raw as its predecessor did, and the camera in CY 2006 sold for $725-ish w/ add-ons. The camera has made about 70K images, and I'd love to upgrade to a new Canon S-20 IS, but will have to wait a month or so.

I have other bigger and way heavier Canons, but that camera is so perfect! It weighs under a pound and has the equivalent zoom from 28mm to 640mm. It's a prize! The new S-20 zooms from 28mm to about 800mm, and I'm only $400 away from a new one!

Can I download the Camera Raw from Adobe, and install it into the Canon S-3 IS?

Some of the shots here were made with the camera (most of the more informal ones) :



Alex Bachnick





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Nov 24, 2009 Nov 24, 2009

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Camera Raw is a plug-in for Photoshop. It does not function as an add-on to a camera.

You can however get a firmware hack for your camera which gives it the capability to shoot raw images.

Check on the Canon forums.




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Nov 24, 2009 Nov 24, 2009

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Hey 518,

I know about PS CS4, and I've been using it since about 1995 right after it went V 3.1 and added "Layers".

Thanks for the info.

Be Swell!





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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2009 Dec 01, 2009

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Is there any chance to get support for the Fujifilm S200 EXR Camera in the near future?




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Explorer ,
Dec 01, 2009 Dec 01, 2009

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I'll second 515's request

When cropping it would be helpful to have

tick marks on the

bounding box.

When in normal mode it shows a half way point.. but when you choose a ratio based crop mode it only has the courners... I shoot weddings and I crop a lot of photos. I would like to see half way markings and 1/3 markings... that would save me time over eyeballing it, hitting the hand tool so it crops/ straigtens it to full size and then going back into the crop tool to try again.





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Feb 07, 2010 Feb 07, 2010

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With the increasing use of netbooks for travelling photographers, it would be nice to have an ACR dialog that could fit in a smaller screen.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 10, 2010 Feb 10, 2010

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We would all benefit from the addition of a K readout in the info box of the colour readings. When optimizing an image in ACR I am always watching the RGB numbers to be sure that the opened file will print properly. For average skin tonality in a highlight I can only use the RGB info at the moment with R being in the range of 190 to 205 at most for a good highlight. But skin colours are hard to use in a standardized way because of their large variation.  When I open in Photoshop I have the real advantage of using the "amalgamated" K value info as a better reference for density and can configure a Caucasian highlight to somewhere in the 40-50% range really effectively, irrespective of the actual redness, ( or other colour ), of the person's skin tone. Please add the K info to make it easier for us right off the bat.

Additionally it would be a great improvement to have the same kind of  active displaying histogram, (perhapsreferred to earlier), as we find in our BetterLight software wherein placing the curser on any point in the image shows exactly where it  lies on the horizontal axis of the graph. There is a vertical line which moves across the histogram as the curser moves, always identifying the density value of that spot. This makes it so much easier to assess an image under review for editing.

Cheers and thanks in advance for considering these.

Rob d'Estrube   rob@destrube.com




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New Here ,
Feb 26, 2010 Feb 26, 2010

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Feature requests for ACR

-     the ability to save split toning settings in the same tab. ACR Split Toning is wonderful for sepia in comparison with PS (much more control/finetuning).

-     I was wondering if it would be possible to extend highlight recovery at a certain stage and apply it only to the already visible red blown out areas, without also adjusting other areas that are ok by then.

-     Spot removal tool: once you've corrected one spot and you want to move on to a larger spot as a PS user you tend to use the brackets [ ] to enlarge, only to find out that the area of the latest spot you just removed is enlarged.

Feature request ACR in combination with Bridge

-     Snapshots visibility in Bridge like the visibility of crops. I use snapshots to save color settings before moving on to B&W or split toning. Being able to  see in Bridge if an image has snapshots would be great.

Furthermore I was wondering whether the ACR/Lightroom/PS developers are paying attention to the interesting ZERO noise developments over there on the Luminous Landscape Discussion Forum.

And thank you to Jeff Schewe for the truly amazing Real World Camera Raw book.




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