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Can not erase masked areas in camera raw 9.1

Community Beginner ,
Nov 21, 2020 Nov 21, 2020

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I hope someone can help without telling me to upgrade to newer versions.

I OWN photoshop CS6.  It is not in a cloud. It belongs to me and lives on my hard drive.

I have been using it mostly without issues ... until I noticed something strange a few days ago.


I had been using CS6 and camera raw 9.1.1 for a while with absolutley no issues on my windows 7 system.

About a month ago I bought a new super fast Ryzen 7 /windows 10 system.


I now use CS6 on this computer. But there is a problem.

When I use camera raw, and I use the mask brush (so I can change highlight/exposure/etc on selected areas) I can paint properly, the mask color I chose shows up and I can change settings for the selected area.... but I CAN NOT erase any portion of the mask I just painted.

I had no trouble doing this on the old system.

I verified today, with RAW files from Nikon D5 and D810. I can apply a mask wit the brush but I am unable to erase any of it. The mask color (I use light purple) remains everywhere I applied it and will not erase.

I verified by unchecking the SHow Mask box after trying to erase, then changing brightness. 

NONE of the mask got erased, everywhere I tried to erase changes brightness.


I hope someone can PLEASE tell me how to fix this.

One reason I spent $3000 on a new system was to have  faster image processing , I do not want to go back to a 15 year old windows 7 system!








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Community Beginner ,
Nov 21, 2020 Nov 21, 2020

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Sorry, can't find the EDIT function to correct my post after posting it!


I am asking about the ADJUSTMENT BRUSH... 








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Community Beginner ,
Nov 24, 2020 Nov 24, 2020

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I discovered the problem.


The FLOW setting on the erase brush was at zero. 

I never checked it.  On my old system the flow was set  somewhere between 50 and 100%.


Spotted it today while trying to troubleshoot.




I hope this helps the next person with the same problem.







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Community Expert ,
Nov 22, 2020 Nov 22, 2020

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I get the problem, but ACR 9.1.1 is the last update you're ever going to get for Photoshop CS6. If there is a technical issue with 9.1.1 on the current Windows 10 (and that would be no surprise), it will never get fixed.


To put it in context: You spent $3000 on a new computer. You have a Nikon D5 and a D810. But you can't spend $10 a month for an up to date and supported Photoshop version?




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 24, 2020 Nov 24, 2020

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I suspect ther HAVE to be other people running adobe CS6 on windows 10 that do not have this problem!

If it was a common issue then I beleive I would have found many similar complaints through search engines. 


As for paying $10 a month....  I just checked the photoshop CC pricing.  It is $21 U.S. a month.

That's $28 a month for me here in Canada.

$336 dollars a year, for how many years? 

And the prices are going to stay the same in the years to come?  NOT!

Not such a great deal!

This option grates on my beliefs.






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Nov 24, 2020 Nov 24, 2020

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FYI- "$28??"  You can subscribe to the Photography Plan (20Gb) for US$9.99, CAN$13.00 /month,

and have included: Photoshop 2021, ACR 13, Lightroom-Classic v10, Lightroom-Desktop v4, Lightroom-Mobile Apps, Bridge, Portfolio site, Photoshop Express, Photoshop Camera.




Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 25, 2020 Nov 25, 2020

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I checked it out.  Yes, there IS something called a photography plan at $9.99  US a month.  There is also something called "photoshop"  for $20.99 US a month.   

Forgive my initial confusion.  






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Nov 26, 2020 Nov 26, 2020

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The 'Photography Plan 20Gb' was introduced at a considerable discount price to attract new subscribers (Photographers) to Lightroom+Photoshop, and lucky for us, Adobe has never increased the price. Why would you pass up this great deal? And now we have the added mobile software 'thrown in'!

One condition is that the 'Photography Plan 20Gb' is a 12month Contract. ie. you agree to subscribe for a minimum 12months (paid monthly or annually). If you cancel this contract there are penalty fees.

The 'Photoshop' subscription is only a 'Monthly' contract- (use for 1 month then cancel- if you want).


Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 29, 2020 Nov 29, 2020

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My question is only 10 dollars a month? I believe the pricing to be a lot more. Please show me the 10 dollar a month options for photoshop if that exists. 




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Nov 29, 2020 Nov 29, 2020

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"Please show me the 10 dollar a month options for photoshop if that exists. "


The link may want you to select your Country Region. Also currency conversion and local Taxes will apply.

At the base of the page-


"Photoshop on Desktop" is the 'full' version Photoshop that installs on your computer. (Currently v22.0.1...)

"Lightroom Classic" is the 'latest' of the 'original' Lightroom (currently v10.0)


Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 30, 2020 Nov 30, 2020

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I have seen this before, but light room is not photoshop. If it was photoshop, they need to call it photoshop. I am not taking professional landscapes that need light room. I don't even know what light room is and I don't care. I am tired of being pushed to try New things, that I don't want to justify the price of the software.  They need something reasonable like a Photoshop month by month not paying all at once. If I don't like I am stuck with it. Maybe its like a gym membership, they know you won't like so they need to make you pay for a year upfront. 




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Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2020 Nov 30, 2020

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Lets' clear this up! And you are not "pushed" to try anything! You decide what you want to use!


1) You subscribe to the Photography Plan (20Gb) at US$9.99  (on a 12month contract)

2) You install ONLY THE SOFTWARE YOU WANT that is available to you IN THE PLAN!

So you would ONLY INSTALL 'PHOTOSHOP'.! if that is all you want! It is the FULL DESKTOP PHOTOSHOP VERSION 20.0.1.


Or, you PAY $20.99 US a month and get ONLY PHOTOSHOP which you can cancel on a month by month basis.

If you want Photoshop "month by month"- Pay the $20.99/m -   Simple!

You could try it for one month at $20.99, then if you like it- Cancel the 'monthly' sub, and subscribe to the cheaper "Photography Plan".

Without a subscription- Trials of Adobe products are only for 7 days!


I subscribe to the Photography Plan and these are the Adobe Programs I have installed on my desktop PC-




Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2020 Dec 01, 2020

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Thank you for clearing this up. I just can't see spending over $120 dollars a year on Photoshop. I have to find something else that give me a clone stamp and a healing brush and the ablity to crop, which is all I use. Yes I have Elements. I don't use most of the Photoshop features. I have used the noise reduction filter also and the color changing features, but not very much. I definely don't want Light Box as it is for editing on the go on your phone and would be better suited for Instagramers. 




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Community Expert ,
Dec 02, 2020 Dec 02, 2020

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"Photoshop-Elements" has all you need! Why look further?

"Light Box" -Never heard of this one!


Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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Light box, I meant Light Room. I do not see a month to month for elements, but I did pay for Photoshop 2018, so I am still using it, but I still don't want to do the Raw update.  I don't use Raw and I never will use it. I guess light room makes me feel more like I am stuck in a box instead, but that is what they were offering, and its an on the go editing tool for Instgram people. I don't want to edit on my phone. Try using clone stamp on a phone. LOL




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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I do not see a month to month for elements

Photoshop-ELEMENTS is not a Subscription. It is purchased outright, and you pay for updates when wanted.


but I did pay for Photoshop 2018, so I am still using it,


You must be subscribing if it is PHOTOSHOP 2018.

Or did you 'buy' Photoshop-ELEMENTS 2018?

Until you state exactly what you are using we are just "going in circles"!


but I still don't want to do the Raw update. I don't use Raw and I never will use it.

Famous last words! You do not know what you are missing!


I guess light room makes me feel more like I am stuck in a box instead, but that is what they were offering, and its an on the go editing tool for Instgram people.

Rubbish! Lightroom-CLASSIC is a powerful 'raw' editor for ANY type of photo file (raw, JPG, PSD, TIF, etc) that has strong Digital Asset Management used by millions of Professionals and amateurs. (about 13million if I am not wrong!)

I use Lightroom-Classic with Photoshop (on my two PCs) and do not use any Social Media (instagram and the like).

You may be referring to the 'Cloud Version' that is just called "Lightroom"- a totally different "kettle of fish"! and not my "cup of tea 🙂 ".



Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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I did buy photoshop 2018. When I looked up the Lightroom it said for on the go edits, so that must be the online version. I still have it and I want to disable the RAW update because I am worried it will create an issue. I still like using elements. I looked into other alternates but I need the Rectangular Marquee took because I take photos of fashion dolls that are tall and thin and I need to crop out the backgrounds very often. I found other software have clone stamp and background erase, but I can not live with Rectangular Marquee. So I have to work something out to keep it.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Ps-ELEMENTS has Rectangular Marquee tool-





Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Does this mean if I get regular Photoshop that there is no Rectangular Marquee tool? They can not faze this out. I need this more then any other tool. I draw my own boxes. I assume they are dumping Elements in favor of other programs like Lightroom.




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Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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I do not know what you are referring to!

All versions of the "Bitmap" editors- PHOTOSHOP and PHOTOSHOP-ELEMENTS have the Marquee Selection Tool!

TBMK They are not dumping PHOTOSHOP-ELEMENTS. https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-elements/features.html#


My last reply in this thread. Thanks for the conversation. Do some online research.


Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

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Thank you anyway. I do appreciate your input. I am glad that regular photoshop still has Rectangular Marquee and that Elements is not being dumped or changing. I will find some way to keep using it, when I have to update from elements 2018. Rectangular Marquee and Elliptical Marquee are not found in any other program as far as I know. I don't use Elliptical Marquee, but I like drawing free form boxes for cropping on many things, such as showing a small lady bug on a large flower. 




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