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Can't open CR2 files in photoshop and camera raw

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Jun 09, 2013 Jun 09, 2013

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This weekend I rented a Canon 5D Mark iii. I have downloaded the files and all of the thumbnails in camera raw say CR2 and when I try to open Photoshop does not recognize this product.

I have:

Photoshop CS4

Camera Raw CS4

Canon 5D Mark ii

I have checked my updates folder and all my updates are current. Do I need to upgrade to CS5 or is there a way around this?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Jul 06, 2016 Jul 06, 2016

Thx for your attention and help.

I've turned my laptop inside out and checked all the updates, but that was not the problem and/or solution.

The problem was Canon Utility 2; I've deinstalled that program and now it al works as it should work.



Adobe Employee ,
Jun 09, 2013 Jun 09, 2013

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Canon EOS 5D Mark III support was added in ACR 7.1 for Photoshop CS6. In order for you to view the 5D Mark III raw files in CS4, you need to download and convert your CR2 files using the latest DNG converter found here: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5597





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New Here ,
Jun 09, 2013 Jun 09, 2013

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I have downloaded the DNG coverter, but how do I then convert them?

I tried to upload the images again and convert to DNG via Camera Raw CS4 and they still showed up at CR2 thumbnails and won't open?





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Jun 09, 2013 Jun 09, 2013

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The Adobe DNG Converter is a stand-alone application.

Once you install it you need to launch it and run it like any other application, specifically, point it to the folder containing your raw image files in order to generate raw DNG copies which you can then open in ACR hosted by Photoshop CS4 or by Bridge CS4.  The DNG Converter works on folders only, not if you try to convert individual files contained in a folder.

You'll have to run it each time you have a new batch of Canon raw files.  Yes, it is an extra step.

The original files will remain untouched.  Keep them in a safe place so you can work on them again when you upgrade to a higher version of Photoshop that can host a more modern and more competent version of ACR, if you wish.

Those original files will never be able to be opened in CS4, only the raw DNGs copies that you generate with the DNG converter will.

Note that the new, final release of the DNG Converter 8.1 was released today, so download that version ASAP.  You always want to update to the latest version of the DNG Converter as it will always contain unannounced bug fixes and improvements,





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New Here ,
Jan 27, 2016 Jan 27, 2016

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I downloaded Adobe DNG converter 9.3 and it does not "see" my CR2 files.  There are no instructions with it nor a" Help" pull down.  I purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 (upgraded) in hopes that it might have the ability to open or convert CR2 images.  Its camera raw does not have that capability.  The Adobe table of cameras that should be serviced in Camera Raw lists my Canon PowerShot G3X as covered but nothing works.  Promises, promises.  There is no number to call to get real help.  Only a forum where the blind lead the blind. I posted a question in the forum and now cannot find my way back to it to see if  I got an answer.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!





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Community Expert ,
Jan 27, 2016 Jan 27, 2016

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Ramsey-Aldridge wrote:

I downloaded Adobe DNG converter 9.3 and it does not "see" my CR2 files.  There are no instructions with it nor a" Help" pull down.

The DNG converter works on folders, not files.


Photoshop Help | Adobe Digital Negative Converter 9.x

Camera Raw: How to use Adobe DNG Converter - YouTube





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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

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Did you ever get your files to open? same problem. wont convert and have the latest for cs4 5.7 raw. The convertor does not even reconginze the files.





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Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

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Do you have an example raw file you can post, for others to examine? You can upload it to somewhere like www.dropbox.com <http://www.dropbox.com> and then post a public download link in a reply, to this forum thread. It should be something you don’t mine other people seeing.

If the camera is different than the ones that work, a newer model camera, then use the DNG Converter 8.4 and see if it works. http://www.adobe.com/download/updates





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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

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thanks ssprengel.

here is the link for the files, the camera is the same camera and its a mark ii. however the first 20 or so images actually do open in raw and show the files to be bascially damaged and the images is green. i have added one of those files to the dropbox as well. I did once look through theses files.. not sure what has happend.

8368 wil open in raw but shows to be damaged.

8364 and 8374 are the files that photoshop does not recognize among 600 other CR2 files.

I do have the converter downloaded, but it does not even recognize the files as anything.






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Apr 20, 2014 Apr 20, 2014

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Like you say, the first one has something recognizable--apparently the tiny preview the camera embeds is still intact, but the larger JPG preview and raw data aren't there, anymore:


The other two files are completely unrecognizable as any sort of image data.  Can you recopy any from the CF cards, or do you have second copies, anywhere?





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New Here ,
Jun 15, 2014 Jun 15, 2014

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Hi I recently had a problem opening CR2 files in PHotoshop cs4. I had to reinstall into a new computer, so obviously it installed the basic programme and not the updates.

After trying everything, even calling the help desk, there was apparently nothing that can be donw as they no longer support cs4.

I kept trying and found a you tube video, which i cant find again to add the link but i followed the link and with what I did earlier I can now open CR2 files in my photoshop cs4

I found the relevany update that I needed to install and downloaded it, camera raw 5.2 ( Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Camera Raw 5.2 update )  this is the one for the Canon 5d Mk2

After downloading it would not update the progeramme so I was in the same possition, but i noticed the files were there and i just needed to put them in the right place in photoshop so carried on looking for were to put the Plus In.

This led me to the video.

To the point.

Download the update and save to a location where you will remember.

open Adobe photoshop and go to "edit"

Them " Preferences "

then "General "

Then " Plus-Ins"

At the top you will see " Add Plug-Ins Folder " Check this box then navigate to the "win64" ( this is because mine is a windows 64 bit computer and the download is specific ) and Choose it.

Shut down photo shop and try to open a raw.

Bridge doesnt work for some reason but im going to keep looking.

Hope this works for you as well.





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New Here ,
Jun 11, 2015 Jun 11, 2015

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I found this Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Adobe DNG Converter 8.1 and it seems to have solved the problem. Just convert CR2 files to DNG and then open the file in LtR CC





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Explorer ,
Aug 23, 2015 Aug 23, 2015

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This may be the issue:  I assume you are on a mac? When you load the images from the SD card, do you use Image capture?. I discovered that Image capture only pulls the jpg portion of the RAW+jpeg file. So the RAW data is not there!! If you download the canon Eos utility and use that to copy the photos, it will copy the whole file and then lightroom and photoshop worked. You can tell if this si the issue because the file size of the CR2 file is equal to the jpg i.e. about 3 Mb instead of 10Mb.

Sadly my camera (old 1000D) doesn't show up in finder, Lightroom wouldn't pull the whole RAW file either so i am stuck with the inflexible EOS software.






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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

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I have photoshop cs4 and camera raw 5.7. I can open every other CR2 FILE on my computer but one batch. I have tried to convert W 8.1 converter but they wont show up at all like they dont exist. and I just get the error that photoshop does not recognize this type of file. Can someone please help me? Im a photographer and have client files. Are these files damaged?





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New Here ,
Feb 25, 2016 Feb 25, 2016

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What bull is this. We don't need a converter to something that worked before. Adobe better fix this or I'll stop my plan with them.

CR2 files worked fine in the previous versions, but now we are forced to use creative cloud and even there the update isn't working. Error upon error.

Should I take 200 pictures everyday and then have to convert them before even starting to work with them, no way.

It has never been a problem to open CR2 files until now....FIX IT ADOBE !!

How can you guys even talk about using a youtube video from 2012, when it has been working fine opening CR2 files between 2012 and now !?!!





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 25, 2016 Feb 25, 2016

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The .CR2 extension identifies the file as a proprietary Canon RAW file. For each new Canon camera on the market, Adobe has to implement support for these proprietary formats like .CR2. Just because a new Canon camera uses a .CR2 file type doesn't mean it is automatically supported by Adobe software or by RAW processing software available from other software vendors. The same is true for other cameras like Nikon, Olympus, etc. They each have their own proprietary RAW format that Adobe must write new code to support. There is engineering work necessary to make this happen. This often involves us getting physical camera units from the manufacturers and working directly with them to add support. We do our best to issue new camera support releases as often as possible.

Some camera vendors choose to write out .DNG images, which is an industry standard RAW file format Adobe has made freely available to help facilitate what you are asking for. This is why it is often suggested that for older versions of Adobe Camera software, using the free DNG converter provides a way to open and edit RAW files from newer cameras without having to update your Adobe Camera software. DNG files are RAW files just like .CR2, but they are backwards compatible with older Adobe camera software and with many older versions of camera software from other vendors. Converting images to DNG can be set to happen automatically on import in applications like Adobe Bridge or in Adobe Lightroom.

If you have .CR2 files from a specific Canon camera that were able to be opened in a previous version of your Adobe software and now they will not open, then that is a different issue that someone here can likely help you with.

Hope this information was helpful.


- Chris





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New Here ,
Jun 10, 2016 Jun 10, 2016

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HI Chris,

I have a Mac, and Photoshop CS4.  I am converting a Canon d50 to an Infrared Camera.  When I download the sample photos from Lifepixel (CR2), they will not open in  Photoshop.  So, Daniel at Lifepixel walked me through downloading Digital Photo Professional.  The RAW photo shows there, but will not open in CS4 photoshop. I tried saving it to the desktop, and then opening it in Photoshop, but it will not open.  Can you help.  I purchased a camera and the process is $300 more, and I will need to be able to manipulate the cScreen Shot 2016-06-09 at 10.10.00 PM.png

Color channels.  I have no problem using RAW files from my 5d mark ii. Thanks. Cynthia





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Jun 10, 2016 Jun 10, 2016

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Could you give us a link to the sample photos from Lifepixel?





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Jun 10, 2016 Jun 10, 2016

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Raw files can be found on the IR Filter Choices page, if you click on a row to expand it a Download RAW link will show:


The samples appear to be from a T3i camera which is first supported with ACR 6.4 in CS5, so it won’t work in CS4 although your D50 would.





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Jun 10, 2016 Jun 10, 2016

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Use the DNG Converter and create DNGs from the downloaded raw file samples, setting ACR 5.4 compatibility in the options, then those DNGs should open in your older CS4/ACR5 software. The DNG Converter can be found, here:






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Community Expert ,
Jun 11, 2016 Jun 11, 2016

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After you open the files in Digital Photo Professional, convert and save the files as tiff and then open them in photoshop cs4.

In Digital Photo Professional it's File>Convert and save and the use Tiff 16bit.

I don't think you'll get the results your looking for if you convert the cr2s to dngs and then open them in photoshop cs4's camera raw.

Although one can correct the white balance issues in adobe camera raw by using the adobe dng profile editor to create a

profile for your ir cr2 and/or dng images for use in adobe camera raw.

Like explained here:






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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2016 Jun 12, 2016

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Hi All, I am not sure that I am responding correctly, as I don't use "forums" much.  I thank you so very much for your input and will be testing out your ideas this week before I get my camera returned.  I thought it might be something to do with the camera use and DNG/RAW capabilities with CS4, but that is all pretty foreign to me.  I will let you know if it works.  Thank you again for your input and finding the link to the LifePixel examples for me.  I am hoping that the Canon D50 is compatible with CS4 as you mentioned and won't pose a problem. 

Kind Regards,






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New Here ,
Jun 13, 2016 Jun 13, 2016

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The TIFF file idea worked, and I think may be quicker than converting to DNG.  Thank you both for helping. So relieved!!!!

 Kind Regards,



email:  monograms@themonogram.gallery





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Jun 13, 2016 Jun 13, 2016

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If you want to work with the T3i files from LifePixel the same as you'd work with the raw files from your D50 after conversion, then using the DNG Converter is the way to go.

If you just want to do "something" with the files, then you could have downloaded the JPGs from LifePixel as they'd behave similarly to any TIFF you'd create with DPP.

Here is a general IR Processing tutorial found by googling (Camera Raw IR White Balance):

How to Process Infrared Photographs

This may have been the link R_Kelly meant to include, earlier, but didn't: how to create a custom camera profile for IR processing which is only applicable if you are using RAW files, so you could practice using DNGs of the T3i photos:

Creating An Adobe Camera RAW Infrared White Balance Profile - YouTube

I'd expect both of these tutorials are starting with a Standard IR type filter not one of the ones that includes blue or other colors.





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New Here ,
Feb 26, 2024 Feb 26, 2024

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Right!!!???! If I pay for Creative Cloud and maintain the updates I should be working faster and more efficiently - NOT SLOWER. I have had the same camera and produced the same raw .CR2 files and processed these files beautifully through Photoshop for years and all of a sudden Photoshop doesn't know what to do with these files? This is super duper crappy and unaceptable.





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