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In Bridge preferences there is the setting to open RAWs in Bridge by doubleclick. I have activated this. Files like .nef and .cr2 open in Camera-Raw in Bridge. But it does not work for .fff files. They open in Camera-Raw in Photoshop. Also sometmies RAWs which have been edited bevore open in Camera-Raw in Photoshop. What do I have to do to open ALL RAWs in Bridge Camera-Raw?
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What type of system? If Windows 10 go to Settings, System, Default Apps, and "Choose default apps by file type". Scroll down the left side list of file extensions and assign Bridge to your raw file types. When you double click on a file in File Explorer it will start Bridge with all files in the selected file folder. Right click on any and open in Camera Raw, or use double click.
Richard Southworth
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It is all Apple Systems from 10.10. up to the newest one. All RAWs are assigned to Photoshop.
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I believe you can change that, same as Windows. Just google for your OS.
Solved - Sierra - Change default app | Tech Support Guy
Richard Southworth
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Yes I can change that. But unfortunately it has no effect on the discribed problem.
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I believe I misunderstood, you are describing opening files from within Bridge, not from finder.
My system does the same, if I double-click on a raw image from within Bridge Photoshop is opened. However, I always open raw files in Bridge using right click, open in Camera Raw, and the file is opened in ACR hosted from within Bridge, not Photoshop.
Richard Southworth
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Yes I open the files from within Bridge. It is the same here. If I doubleclick in Bridge, Photoshop with ACR opens for the .fff files. Others like .cr2 and .nef open directly in ACR from within Bridge. If I do right click, all files open in ACR from within Bridge. So I guess this has to be some hidden setting inside Bridge (or ACR) or some bad coding.
Hopefully it is some hidden setting and someone can tell me where to find it? 😉
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I don't want to be insulting, but I believe you may be mistaken about which Camera Raw is opening. It is my understanding that when one double clicks on a file in Bridge it will always open in Photoshop-Camera Raw, assuming the preferences for that raw file indicate Photoshop.
Camera Raw can be hosted from either Bridge or Photoshop (can be both at the same time, i.e. can have two instances of ACR open), as far as I know the only way to tell the difference is to look at the three buttons in the lower right hand corner of ACR. If Open is highlighted then ACR is hosted by Photoshop, if Done is highlighted then ACR is hosted by Bridge.
From inside Bridge, Camera Raw hosted by Bridge can be opened by right-click, Ctrl-R, or from the file menu, but a double-click or just open from the file menu will cause Photoshop to start, and the ACR will be hosted by Photoshop. If Photoshop is already open, then when you double-click in Bridge all you will see is ACR, look at the lower right hand buttons to determine from where it originated.
Richard Southworth
Added by edit - could you provide a link to one of the fff files, so that I can download and try on my system?
Added by second edit - my mistake, I went back and read your first post, you have enabled ACR in Bridge with double-click. I did the same, and now I understand your issue I think. If Bridge recognizes the file as raw it invokes ACR, otherwise it goes directly to Photoshop. So the question is how to flag .fff files as raw. Sorry it took me so long to understand.
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It is exactly like you wrote in your second edit. The crazy thing about it is that right click -> open in camera raw opens all files in camera raw.
But for the doubleclick, the setting ACR in Bridge seems to be ignored for some files.
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I edit 95% of my images in Camera Raw, without ever invoking Photoshop. So I decided I liked double-click in Bridge to open everything in Camera Raw - raw images and any jpg or tif. So I now have the double-click preference in Bridge checked, AND in the "Jpeg and Tiff Handling" section of Camera Raw preferences I have selected "Automatically open all selected JPEGs" and "Automatically open all selected TIFFs".
I suggest you try the same, see if Bridge will recognize the .fff files as TIFFs.
Richard Southworth
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You are right, that seems to be the point. Bridge seems to handle .fff files as TIFFs.
Unfortunatly that setting does not improve my workflow because I want the TIFFs to be opened in Photoshop. Seems to be a coding error of Adobe, that the .fff files are recognized as TIFFs.
Thank you for your help!
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You would have to change your habits slightly - just remember on TIFFs to not use double-click, instead use Open from the menu, or right-click and Open, or Ctrl-O, three different methods to open TIFFs directly in Photoshop.
Or use double-click on a TIFF and then click Open immediately with no modifications in Camera Raw. I guess it mostly depends upon how often you need to open a .fff file as to whether or not the change is warranted.
Good luck, and I've learned some things from this thread,
Richard Southworth
Added by edit - there is some info available by searching on .fff files, seems that there are two types, not sure if the difference bears upon your issue.