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The Camera Raw Filter command cannot be executed due to a software error.

New Here ,
Aug 19, 2024 Aug 19, 2024

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When you turn on the filter, it gives an error, I reinstalled the plugin, it didn’t help, I made diagnostics using the plugin, help me find a solution

Photoshop Error information
Code: -1
Text: произошел программный сбой
Message: Команда "Фильтр Camera Raw" не может быть выполнена: произошел программный сбой.
Adobe Photoshop 25.11.0 20240716.r.706 b326a7d - x86
0 address: 00007FF7DB388382 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
1 address: 00007FF7DB335B4D base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
2 address: 00007FF7D88C0CD1 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory@net@local@acp@@QEAAAEAV0123@AEBV0123@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
3 address: 00007FF7D88BE96C base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory@net@local@acp@@QEAAAEAV0123@AEBV0123@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
4 address: 00007FF7D88C3163 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory@net@local@acp@@QEAAAEAV0123@AEBV0123@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
5 address: 00007FF7D88C11A3 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4ACPLHttpTransferClientFactory@net@local@acp@@QEAAAEAV0123@AEBV0123@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
6 address: 00007FF7D8BE3EA2 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
7 address: 00007FF7D99C55AE base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
8 address: 00007FF7D9A7D6DF base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
9 address: 00007FF7D90E43D3 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
10 address: 00007FF7D90E3A0B base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
11 address: 00007FF7D88F5FF1 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_encoding@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
12 address: 00007FF7D88F56D5 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_encoding@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
13 address: 00007FF7D88F37CA base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_encoding@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
14 address: 00007FF7D88E2666 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_always_noconv@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBA_NXZ:-1 in n.a.'
15 address: 00007FF7D8AA0528 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
16 address: 00007FF7D8AA05BD base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
17 address: 00007FF7D8A65E0C base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
18 address: 00007FF7D8A9120A base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
19 address: 00007FF7D8CFB58F base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
20 address: 00007FF7D8A6892B base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a.'
21 address: 00007FF7DA2C8CB2 base: 00007FF7D8070000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol info: '??4PaletteInfo@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a.'
22 address: 00007FFA31C57374 base: 00007FFA31C40000 module name: 'KERNEL32.DLL' symbol info: 'BaseThreadInitThunk:-1 in n.a.'
23 address: 00007FFA3375CC91 base: 00007FFA33710000 module name: 'ntdll.dll' symbol info: 'RtlUserThreadStart:-1 in n.a.'








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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 19, 2024 Aug 19, 2024

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Hey, @Ivan_Sigaev3509. Welcome to the Camera Raw Community. I'll move this to discussions for now & help you figure this out. Please share the system info from Photoshop Help > System info > Copy & paste into a text document > upload & attach here. 


Are you working with multiple displays? Keep only one connected at a time to test for stability.


In Photoshop, press & hold the CTRL + ALT key and go to Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw Preferences and select 'Yes' when prompted to reset Camera Raw preferences.


Let me know if the issue exists. Thanks!
Sameer K

(Use '@mention' to tag me when you reply)





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