Hello How to open photos from Camera raw as layers in Photoshop. There is this possibility under Lr and Bridge but I would like to do it from ACR. Otherwise I go through the stack after opening them in Ps. Is there another faster method? Thank you in advance for your answers.
I do not install Lightroom for it does not support layered image files. Photoshop does not have support for RAW files but will Open RAW file by using its Plug-in ACR which will convert the Camera RAW Mosaic data into and RGB image which can be open as a normal Photoshop document with a Raster image layer or opened as a smart object layer with a Camera RAW object. Even Raw File pass to Photoshop by Lightroom are opened through Photoshop Plug-in ACR for Photoshop does not support RAW files. ACR can use Lightroom's recorded conversion settings for ACR and Lightroom use the same Adobe RAW conversion engine.
Thank you for your answer but I am aware of all this. My question was the possibility of opening several images processed in ACR as layers in PS in the same .psd without having to stack them.
How can you have multiple layer in a psd and not have a layer stack. Even if each layer's pixel content are in different locations over the canvas you still have the smart object layers or raster image layer in your Photoshop documen'ts layer stack. That is how Photoshop layer work. You can Select multiple images in Photoshop menu File>Open dialog. ACR UI will open and all the Files thumbnail will be in ACR image film strip. You can select all of then and have ACR create Photoshop Document for all of them. The images will not be stacked each image will be in its own document.
What exactly you mean by stack? One image on top of another in the layers panel or something else? Do you mean to open several images in ACR then to load them as layers in Photoshop in single document or to open images in separate documentd? Can you post some screenshot to ilustrate what you want to accomplish?
This is your 3rd proposal: I want to open several images in ACR then load them as layers in Photoshop in a single document without any other maneuver as we can do it from the library of Lr ( Menu >> edit in >> open as layers in Ps).
Lightroom and ACR are running same processing engine but Lightroom has more features. ACR does not offer functionality to open selected images in Photoshop as layers stacked one on top of another, you must use Bridge or Photoshop.
I couldn't find a solution anywhere so thank you for your confirmation. Other than that it's a shame that this function does not exist. Thank you to you 2 for your answers JLP
Over there, they never made this a feature request as you did. You might want to post in that thread that you've opened an actual feature request here and get them to vote on this (which is key)! I have upvoted; I see no reason why this shouldn't be doable like LR unless engineering can tell us why.
Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"
I just voted as well. Here it is, February of 2023, and still no ability to "Open as Layers in Photoshop" directly from ACR. That makes absolutely ZERO sense.