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P: Allow Crop Settings in Presets

Apr 26, 2011 Apr 26, 2011

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I would love to be able to set "crop" presets. I am a notoriously crooked shooter, and if I could have a preset that corrected my natural tendency for crooked images it would be awesome!

Idea No status
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Community Beginner ,
May 07, 2022 May 07, 2022

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Am I missing something or how hard is it to add a feature that kind of already exists and users are asking for, that it takes 11 years and is still not implemented? Just a very simple thing that you could save crop settings as a preset and it would work exactly same way as when copying or syncing crop settings. No need to overthink it. If it’s possible to sync and copy, then why not create a preset?


Is there a fear that it might in some situations work unexpectedly for some users?  There is a very simple solution for that. Those users could then just stop using the option and ignore it. There are a lot of options I don’t use but I’m happy they are there for other people to use.


I have the same situation as Pat Garrett. I use crop lenses with Canon 5Ds sometimes because some of them are sharp and good enough to be very good and lightweight travel lenses. And the 50mp gives 30mp at 1.3x crop and even 1.6x gives still a very reasonable 20mp. Sometimes I forget to select the crop option from camera or even use the lens with 6D that doesn’t have the crop option in camera.


Sure I can crop one image and sync to others. And sometimes I need to adjust the crop as with any other image. But it would speed things up and give a better view of the images straight away if I could use a develop setting during import. Or just a one click of the preset and in most cases I would have the area I want cropped very quickly. As others have pointed out they would have even more use for this feature.


Even if this wouldn’t be a great benefit for a vast amount of users, it’s just adding a one checkbox, not developing a totally new feature that doesn’t exist yet. So what would be the harm of implementing this and why isn’t it advancing?




May 07, 2022 May 07, 2022

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Am I missing something or how hard is it to add a feature that kind of already exists and users are asking for, that it takes 11 years and is still not implemented?

11 years and a grand total of 47 upvotes. That's one big reason it's not being addressed here. Upvotes get the eyes of Adobe. Get more votes. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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Yes, but in my view, when this is already a partially existing and working feature (by copying settings from other image), it’s almost more of a minor but very annoying bug to be fixed rather than a great new feature that’s been requested. In every software there are bugs that get fixed in due time even if most users don’t notice them and request a fix.


Of course it depends how you define a bug and a feature. Maybe it isn’t a bug in that sense that it wasn’t a mistake but a conscious choice developers made. Obviously this isn’t a game changer and top priority but people are still requesting it to be fixed and it’s been there very long. And probably many people don’t come to write these forums. I don’t know how much votes there is usually because I haven’t been active here either.


I don’t know how complicatedly the development of Adobe works. But to me it seems Adobe Employee has already put more effort answering to this thread than it would take from a developer to fix this thing that for some people would be very useful and save a lot of time and for other people would do no harm. With all the respect, that’s why I was surprised to see this thread was 11 years old and nothing has been done.




May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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It's not a bug; it's a design decision. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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As I said: “almost” a bug and not in that sense that it wouldn’t have been “a conscious choice” or “a design decision” once. But if I make a bad decision, I can change my mind later and fix things. Or if in my opinion my decision isn’t bad and there’s no need to change it, then I am able to explain why it isn’t bad. I also asked why it is like this since I see no reasonable answer.


If it’s the fear that it might in some situations work unexpectedly for some users, as I was guessing, I see no point in that. In life things don’t always go as you expect. And even in Lightroom at present they don’t go always as expected. For example it’s possible to create a preset that has a camera profile and then use that preset to another image that has been taken with a different camera. And some presets may work differently with jpg/tiff and raw images.


There is a checkbox to enable “Partially Compatible Develop Presets”. There could be similar option to enable crop settings in presets. It’s hardly more than creating a few checkboxes since the functionality already exists. One of the simplest task when developing a software.


Or if there is some other reason, I would just like to hear it to understand better why this is not possible because it’s frustrating if there are annoyances and you see no obvious reason for them.




May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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Not almost a bug. But of course, you are free to file a bug report and see what transpires for you. 


Do again note, that this request (which you call a bug) was posted in 2011!

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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When I said it feels “almost like a bug”, I didn’t mean it is a real bug that was unintentionally slipped to the software. Maybe then more like a design flaw (in my opinion – if someone explains why it’s not a flaw and is a good decision then I might change my mind). My bad if I wrote unclearly.


This thread is what came up with Google search. Even if this is old request, I didn’t make a new request or thread because Adobe Employee Rikk Flohr wrote:


“Additional, multiple and recent posting does not aid the cause of a feature nor make it more visible. Your feature request will carry more weight when added to the aggregate thread. By itself, it runs the risk of being buried.”


So I upvoted this and put my comments and questions here. Even if the last answer was from Dec 2018, I guess it’s not forbidden for me to comment and wonder why there was this kind of design decision and why couldn’t it be changed/fixed. I read all the previous comments and didn’t find a reasonable answer.


If that was not a correct way to interact and try to support this request, then forgive me. I don’t know how it should be done then. Few times I have had some issue with Adobe products and I try to contact their support either here or some other feedback site there was some years ago, I never even get answer from Adobe employee. With many other companies the customer support works much better.


And if you don’t have the answers either, that’s fine and no problem. I didn’t expect you would have. But I’m wondering what your motivation to reply is. Other than being rude and misunderstanding (on purpose?) what I say.




May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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I provided the answers: it's a design decision for 11 years +. And, for 11 years here,  there is a grand total of 47 upvotes. That are two big reasons it's not being addressed. Upvotes get the eyes of Adobe.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2022 May 08, 2022

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Hmm, I’m not sure if there was a bug (and this time I mean a real bug) in this forum as I think my last answer got lost. Sorry if this comes multiple times.


Thank you for your time and effort for providing me the answers. Unfortunately, those answers are self-evident and hardly provide any information I was asking for.


Yes, it is a design decision or design flaw. I was asking why on earth that kind of decision/flaw was made. And the answer shouldn’t be “because Adobe just made it and can’t make no mistakes ever”. Sure they can do or not do whatever they want with their products but that doesn’t mean they are above criticism if their decision seems weird/bad.


Ok, not enough votes here. But is Adobe unable to correct bad decisions on it’s own if people don’t vote here and how much votes are needed?


There was Adobe Employee commenting in this thread and asking additional questions how would people expect this functionality to behave. As if you would expect a company that cares it’s customers to do and this was going to progress. So didn’t it already got “the eyes of Adobe”? Or at least one employee. Couldn’t that employee distribute it to the eyes of the other employees if it didn’t got their eyes yet?


I understand that if this was a request that demanded months of work and effort from several developers, Adobe is not going to do it because of a small amount of users. But after all we are talking about only a minor tweak. Very simple task any developer can do in a moment. I guess over the years Adobe has been doing some minor tweaks to their software alongside bigger major updates to improve usability even if people hadn’t voted and requested all of them and not every single user benefits from every tweak. That’s what innovative companies do. So why would this feature/fix be so bad thing? Almost seems like it’s principled and stubborn decision. Does it break something if implemented?


But I guess enough of this if this doesn’t interest anyone else. I don’t need to be underestimated by having the same answer spammed again and again. So let's move on and have a nice day.




May 09, 2022 May 09, 2022

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There seems to be strong opinions about how software should be developed, by people (AFAIK) having no experience developing software. 
Lots of guessing and assumptions with far few upvotes!

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2022 May 09, 2022

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I have a degree in information technology and my specialisation was software engineering. It is true that I haven’t worked for big companies and nowadays I’m much more interested about photography and media stuff and haven’t done that much developing. But when I do 360 and build virtual tours which are my main interest these days, I still need to do some coding myself, especially when I’m doing a game based on virtual tours. So I would say I have some experience and at least a good understanding about developing a software.


That’s the reason I’m always more interested discussing and hearing about details and why some decisions were made than just simple answers that “it’s not done because it’s decided so and it has to be a good decision because it’s always been like that”.


I’m sorry if I was a little grumpy. It just irritates when someone answers to me telling only self-evident things as I was stupid and wouldn’t be able to understand anything more detailed. Sure I don’t expect those detailed answers from another users but I was thinking there would be Adobe’s employees here also to enlighten things even a little. For me it’s been very difficult to ever get any comment from Adobe to my concerns.


And it always frustrates when with a very little effort something could be made to be easier and faster. But often people spend more time discussing should it be done or not if enough people don’t benefit while it would probably take less time just doing it.


This is how I think and what motivates me as a programmer also: if there is even a small thing that is boring and takes unnecessary time doing it manually again and again, I try to automate it so that I can spend time doing something more interesting. That’s why I use a lot presets and droplets etc. and would hope that there are minimal restrictions with them to be able to use them more effectively.


If I’m wrong and it would be a huge task to make this little tweak, I would be happy to hear it. But I understand if no one here is interested about discussing this and apparently then people don’t care this feature. So I rest my case and won’t bother anymore.




May 09, 2022 May 09, 2022

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I have a degree in information technology and my specialisation was software engineering.


What software for the Adobe/Photoshop/Imaging ecosystem have you developed? Do you have any such "specialisation" in that task

Perhaps you can engineer a plug-in as others have done to accomplish your goals:


Do you understand how feature requests from outside Adobe pre-release work in this forum? They are viewed via the number of upvotes (and the time it takes for them to populate). This request was made in 2011 and there are currently 47 votes. Those are facts, sir. Did you upvote, did you get your friends who subscribe to do the same? Do you accept that a feature you may desire with 47 others that aren't implemented isn't a bug? 

I don't expect answers, but it would be useful if you examine how this all works and accept the current outcome based on the facts and history of this request.

To answer your specific question posted here, YES, and the explanation has been provided multiple times since:  Community Beginner , May 07, 2022:

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022

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To make things clear I answer once more.


I’m not exactly sure what you are asking. How am I supposed to know what software/IDE Adobe developers use? Or do you mean what languages I’ve been using?  To my understanding first version of Photoshop was written in Pascal but nowadays it’s C++.


In case you are interested, in high school the first language I came to use was actually Pascal. But mostly I’ve been using C/C++, Java and Python. A little bit PHP and even assembly and so on. I’ve been working with interfaces like OpenGL and DirectX. And IDEs like Visual Studio. With Unity3D I was programming with C Sharp. Krpano uses XML but they have their own scripting language to make actions. Now with 3DVista JavaScript is what should be used to create custom functions in virtual tours.


But I’m not sure how this is relevant. I didn’t say I was a master programmer or specialised to programming features to Photoshop. How could I be? After all, I’m not Adobe developer. But even if syntax, IDE and the level at which you work may differ a lot, the basic principles in programming are the same. Based on my own experience it takes most time to create the functionality, developing algorithms, AI etc. Read and write operations and adding a checkbox to GUI are usually simple basic tasks and it doesn’t depend that much on what kind of software you are developing. When Adobe has great developers doing amazing and advanced complicated things, I can’t see how these simple tasks would take much effort from them.


But now you are providing me some information that helps me to understand how things work with Adobe, thank you. I didn’t know it all depends on requests and upvotes. I thought the votes were more like directional and guidelines. I'm not sure if many people just wandering here from a google search realizes voting is so important and takes time to do it. There was already Adobe employee here asking how people would wish this feature to work. So I thought the votes were not that important at all and Adobe was already advancing/considering this to be implemented. That’s why I was surprised nothing has happened in years.


Recently Adobe regrouped the settings in Copy, Sync and Preset windows. Some people it may disturb but I think it’s clearer now. They had been the same way as long as I remember. So apparently Adobe can change things that have been in the same way for a long time. And I don’t know if there was a request and votes for that change but I thought Adobe was capable to improve their software on their own and not everything depends on votes. It would have been a perfect opportunity to add the Crop there also.


In my view the simplest solution would be that Copy, Sync and Preset were working exactly same way offering the same options. For some reason Adobe has left out Crop and Spot removal settings from Preset. To me that seems like crippling their software. Sure in most cases it’s not a good idea to have spot removal in a preset. Even if you have the same spot in every image, you may need to adjust the source differently. But sometimes that could be very useful also. So why not let users decide if they want to use those settings or not? Now it feels like Adobe giving impression they know better than their customers what their customers want to do.




Community Beginner ,
May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022

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And yes, plugins might offer one solution, but unfortunately I don’t think they work in mobile version or do they? And as I do some editing on the road, this feature would be especially useful in mobile, when the cropping manually isn’t that intuitive and fast. So I would need a solution that is compatible both on mobile and desktop.




May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022

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I’m not exactly sure what you are asking.


For you to read, and accept how this works! 

So simple, so factual: 



After all, I’m not Adobe developer

I am.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




Community Beginner ,
Sep 13, 2022 Sep 13, 2022

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Hey mikas93267824. I agree totally with you and wish they provided the option to set crop presets. 

[abusive language removed by moderators]



