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P: Revert UI to older Camera Raw UI (12.2.1) after Interface Changes

Jun 16, 2020 Jun 16, 2020

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after updating photoshop , when i opened it for the first time there was option to use camera raw as it is (vertical film) or to change it to new UI (with new look and horizontal filmstrip ), i just clicked new UI to see how it looks , i thought if i dont like it i will just go back to using older UI but there is no option to select older UI , i contacted adobe but person who was helping me just suggested that i should install older version of camera raw or ask for help from this forum , i found it bit frustrating that if there was simple option to choose new UI so why not give option to revert back to older UI with newly updated software. maybe its bug or adobe forcing people to use new UI even if they dont like it

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macOS , Windows




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Adobe Employee , Jul 31, 2020 Jul 31, 2020

Thank you for continuing to provide valuable feedback on the recent UI changes in Adobe Camera Raw 12.3. For some customers these changes have disrupted existing workflows, particularly for in-process projects. To mitigate these issues we have offered a roll back to version 12.2.1 so that you can continue your current projects under the old UI.


Adobe updated the Camera Raw user interface for several reasons. The new design supports commonly-requested features, such as a horizontal filmstrip, a



Adobe Employee , Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020
If you want to refer to 12.2.1, you can do so here: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-in-installer.html#12_x


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Community Expert ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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I found an English version. I agree the message is confusing, but if you read what is written below the two layouts it becomes clearer. The dialog shows two layouts of the new interface. Those two layouts do not only have a different position of the film strip (and ratings in the vertical film strip), but also offer 'solo mode' on the right (where opening one panel closes the other panels) or the mode on the left where you can have multiple panels open at the same time.

I'm sure that is what the message means: you can choose between what you see on the left or on the right, not between the new version 12.3 interface and the old pre-12.3 version interface.

-- Johan W. Elzenga




Explorer ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Seriously Adobe how on earth could the software engineers have ever thought this was a good idea to completely do away with a UI that has been working for many many years? This new set up is like a fisher price romperoom UI. Why no download for ACR 12.1? Typical engineers absolutely no common sense.




New Here ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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This is correct, and you can change these once you are in ACR 12.3 anyway, but they are both ACR 12.3, neither are the old UI layout. No option is given to use the old UI. This is why I have reverted back to a previous ACR version. Adobe has effectively taken away my tools for my job and replaced it with something that requires twice as many clicks to operate, slows down my workflow and is not usable on my 13" laptop when I'm on location because the tools are all crammed in one corner making it impossible to see on a small screen. They have tried to force lightroom layout on us, if I wanted lightroom I would use that! I don't and I won't. 




Explorer ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Of course downgrading to ACR 11.4.3 totally messes up using the latest Bridge as Bridge can longer render full thumbnails using ACR 11.4.3 and ACR 11.4.3 can not be used through the lastest Bridge luckily ACR 11.4.3 opens in the latest Photoshop which again is backwards intuitive.

Adobe this is a total joke.




Adobe Employee ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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If you want to refer to 12.2.1, you can do so here: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-in-installer.html#12_x




Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Totally agree- on 27" iMac, that’s a lot of moussing to get from far left, where I chose to keep vertical filmstrip view (and with my screen propositions mean that space is not being used anyway, where as if I have filmstrip on bottom, image itself is now at least 20% smaller in raw window), and the narrow stretch of real estate where the tools are now squeezed/hidden. Still unused space on top to return them to.

Also, any reminders on my computer block some of the tools. Lastly, the logical place to look for menu type tool selections is...well, on the top, near the menu. I really don’t want to have to take time I should be working to relearn how to use the camera raw window, when the changes seem more cosmetic than functional.

I think this UI update was not well thought out, and could use some more work.




Explorer ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Jeffrey thanks for that. It still doesn't fix the ACR incompatibility with the new Bridge. I don't know what you guys are thinking changing the ACR UI so drastically. Rule one don't fix what isn't broken. Okay allow people to have the film strip horizontally but to completely change the UI in the process is stupid. This new UI is no different than every horribly un-intuitive designed internet webpage were it is impossible to navigate logically. What appears to be happening is the iOS design unit bringing in UI design intended for smart devices not for power users. Didn't anyone test this before release? How can the user having to scroll up and down to switch between adjustment panels seem like a good idea? The old UI was completely self contained in one window now you have floating tools outside the main window and scroll bars. Seriously does that make any sense?




Explorer ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Jeffrey thanks for that. It still doesn't fix the ACR incompatibility with the new Bridge. I don't know what you guys are thinking changing the ACR UI so drastically. Rule one don't fix what isn't broken. Okay allow people to have the film strip horizontally but to completely change the UI in the process is stupid. This new UI is no different than every horribly un-intuitive designed internet webpage were it is impossible to navigate logically. What appears to be happening is the iOS design unit bringing in UI design intended for smart devices not for power users. Didn't anyone test this before release? How can the user having to scroll up and down to switch between adjustment panels seem like a good idea? The old UI was completely self contained in one window now you have floating tools outside the main window and scroll bars. Seriously does that make any sense?




Contributor ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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I personally like it - I am very much up for innovation and development. I do understand that it takes time to work with something new but most times, we learn the new thing and realise that it's much better. I'd hate to get stuck in the past and the old ACR felt like it was in the past(so does LR Classic, eh-hem). The many clicks and the fact that important adjustments are embedded and I have to click further arrows to fine-tune things is a drag; namely effects, detail etc. Change is hard I admit but change can be adapted to.




Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Also, Esc no longer lets you exit camera raw window without making any changes.




Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Thank you Jeffrey for pointing out the way to revert to old version.
But another topic was merged with this one. 
The other topic explained that the new UI doesn't improve at all the user experience, nor efficiency.
That was the main point. So the take away shoud be, make this new design optional or develop an update with the older UI and withe the new HSL local adjustment in it.
(but not just the link to the old version)




Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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OK for the innovation (HSL local adjustment). It is great.
But the UI adjustment take off many useful, mandatory, vital features.
I have no problem learning a new improved tool.
But when it goes backward and make things worse, (due to I don't know), that is not OK.

– The “NEW” button to start a new local adjustment (radial filter) was VERY important  (for example I want to create a new smaller adjustment under the current one). Actually, it’s not possible, you have to find a way to get out of the current edit first and only then can create a new one.
Especially in the RADIAL filter view as for example if I am working on a current one, I can’t create a new one immediately as the button is already selected. It is useful when we want to create an adjustment under the current one -which is for example covering a large area (problem mostly met in the case of the radial filter).

– The small quick + and – buttons on each slider allowed to immediately renew the settings of all sliders and at the same time creating a new adjustment. Now that it’s gone, you have first to get out of the current edit by yourself (at least in LRC there is a button "Done" but in ACR, you have to find your way out) and click the reset button before starting a new. 

– Putting those main shortcuts on the right was NOT a good idea. Sliders should be on the far right of the screen, the mouse stay there most of the time, not those shortcuts.

- Now during a radial local adjustment editing, if you have zoomed in (let’s say at 100%), there’s no way to zoom out at will without leaving first the local adjustment menu. Ability to zoom out and will is now gone.

the Ctr+Space + Clik to zoom in (and zoom in many times if needed)

and Crt+Alt+Space + Click (to zoom out many times if needed).

Now only Ctr+Space Click work as toggle zoom in or out (only 2 choices in once or out once).

If the idea was to IMPROVE the User Experience and efficiency, it was not met with this update.




Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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As if I had a car and you say, here is a bicycle, it can do the job too.
That is a change, it can do the job, we can adapt ourselves if we had no choice.
But the change is in the wrong direction, that is the problem. 




New Here ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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I agree with you Aniaina, Change is not better nor is new better if it is a step backwards like this. It looks like the new ACR UI has been designed by a lightroom enthusiast with a dislike for traditional ways that are smooth, fast and simple. In favour of a much more awkward, slow and complex way of working!  

How did the 'Photoshop Family' become a dictatorship by Adobe rather than the democracy that it should be? After all, we are the paying customers, we should have the choice to use the old UI, especially if people have been using it for so long!




Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Good grief - I created a login to this site for the sole reason to chime in on this thread and say how completely F'd up the ACR 12.3 is !!!!!!! I used to run a software dev team and I can promise you this stupidity of an update didn't go through one single honest-to-goodness USER of ACR !!!  If they did, the project director should be fired. I mean seriously, apart from the total screwup of the new interface, have you tried the CROP tool? The damn thing stays in the middle of the page and you have to move the entire photo underneath the crop frame - SHEER STUPIDITY !!!!! why on G's green earth Adobe feels compelled to continually jack with stuff that NO ONE WANTS OR ASKS FOR is the most infuriating thing about being an Adobe customer. Another person reverting to 12.2.1 to maintain sanity due to this STOOOOOOPID interface update.




Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Look... I meant no disrespect. It's been a bad day and I had just set down to about 3 hours of post production when I realized what the 12.3 update had changed. if I could edit my response I would. Since I can't, let me try to re-take the high road...

These changes are genuinely frustrating for heavy users who have a real workflow.

For me, the muscle memory I develop when using these applications is like what I have playing guitar. I don't even have to think about what I'm doing as I have my workflow down pat, and I'm very familiar w/ the interface for action outside standard workflow.

Imagine switching my guitar to a cello, right before a concert and with no notification until I walk on stage. At which point you hand me a cello and say, "here you go, we may it better for you!"  Uh... WFT? NO... I need my guitar back, and I need it now!

You wanna make a massive change like this? Fine. Make 'em. But substantial UI/UX changes w/ NO UI FALLBACK option instantly obliterates ALL existing autonomic efficiencies in your user base. These take time to develop and will take time to redevelop. That is NOT good. And all this with little (if any?)user requests, input, notification or involvement?!?!?  Yeah... that's gonna generate some serious complaints; but more importantly, bad will.

Just give us a UI fallback option for at least two major version releases.

Over the course of those releases, odds are YOU will decide to re-implement some old things, just as WE will likely decide to adopt some new things - which moves us closer together as users and developers. Not driven apart by wedges such as the ACR 12.3 release.

My thanks in advance to anyone w/ Adobe's ACR dev team who reads this and give it credence.

Ps. For the record, I have NOT reverted ...YET. I'm going to force myself to use this updated UI/UX for my post work tonight and then objectively reassess my position.

Here we go...




Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Totally agree with you. Zero respect shown by Adobe to its users.




Community Beginner ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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What's the best way to petition Adobe about making the older Camera Raw an option.  I've used Adobe products since they first came out, and this update and drop down menus is rediculous. 




Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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I just don't know why they are doing those dramatic changes without asking people for opinion. I had my workflow for years, now everything has changed - for worse.




Community Beginner ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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I absolutely hate the update. It is clunky, frustrating, and has slowed down my workflow




Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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I, too, absolutely dislike the changes made with ACR 12.3. It took some reading to find out how to make the adjustment brush keep it's setting. Zooming is now as pitiful as in LR. 
Cropping in ACR 12.3 is practically unusable for me (i7, 16Gb, internal graphics). It used to be fine, ACR used to be fine and fast. Not anymore. It just downloaded 12.2.1.




Community Beginner ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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Adobe what have you done!!?? I cannot believe this! If I wantred to work in LR/CR I would use Lightroom. I always work in Bridge and CR beacuse of it's simple but effective layout compared to Lightroom. Now it's the same timeconsuming scroll-till-you-drop to reach my menus. I repeat I cannot believe you did this.


Please go back to the old layout. Let people choose.. LR or CR but now it's the same and I DON"T LIKE IT..period




Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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Oliver you can deactivate LR-like zooming in the prefs.




New Here ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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I agree with Daniel, Camera Raw is not an improvement. Where is the batch processing of RAW files? Moving the menus to one side is just pointless. For those of us who process large quantity of images for clients these changes will slow the whole process down. Please go back to the previous layout, my entire workflow method has now been disrupted.




Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2020 Jun 19, 2020

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Thank you Stefan. Desktop and laptop behave differently although on both the LR zoom option is unchecked. Zoom on the desktop still works like LR. Most likely because the internal graphics of the "old" i7-4790. Crop also works better on the i7-8550U laptop. 



