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Problems with reporting between Captivate SCORM 1.2 package and Moodle on iOS 14 / Safari

Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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Hi there,


we created an e-learning course in Captivate which works quite fine on several devices. But now there is a problem on mobile apple devices with iOS 14 and Safari. As LMS we use Moodle, updated to most recent version.


The issue is, that Moodle does not track the course at all. If the learner stops the course e.g. at slide eleven, then close the course and start it again from Moodle, the course alway starts from slide one. On other than apple devices and on the test platform SCORM Cloud (even with apple device), the tracking works correctly.


Is there anyone with the same problem and maybe a solution?


Is there anyone who can give me informations, which settings I should use in Captivate Preferences to reach a maximum of compatibility with Moodle?


Thanks in advance for your support! Tanja.

Import export , Quizzing and LMS , Recording




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Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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Moodle is not exactly a typical SCORM 1.2 LMS. There are special settings in the Captivate Quiz > Reporting section that are supposed to be used for Moodle.  I would suggest you republish using those settings and see if the issue is resolved.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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I will try a completely new and simple quiz with default settings in Quiz > Reporting and select LMS: Moodle. And then I make no changes to any setting. Or do you recommend in addition to this to use any special setting?




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Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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Just a plain vanilla simple project, set for Moodle and SCORM 1.2, with just a single quiz question reporting to the quiz.  That's all you should need to test this out.  I have found that sometimes the only way to debug an issue is to remove all of the complexity so that you can easily see whether or not the Captivate module, or the LMS is the problem.  If you have a complex project, sometimes things creep in that blur the issue too much and you end up just chasing your tail.  So, keep it simple and see whether the issue is really with the LMS or the module.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 09, 2021 Feb 09, 2021

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Thank you very much for your hint. The new plain project works like expected, the course is tracked correctly, the status is set correctly. So next comes the hard job to find out, why my complex project doesn´t report to Moodle like expected …




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Community Expert ,
Feb 09, 2021 Feb 09, 2021

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Actually, it may not be that difficult.  You already know that the issue is NOT with Captivate but something that you have added into the Captivate project.  It could be a component, it could be some unusual text character that the system is mistaking for code, or it could simply be (heaven forbid) that your project has become corrupted.


First things first, take a copy of your project file on which to experiment.

Next, progressively hide groups of slides in this copy project and then republish to test whether the issue disappears.  If it does, then your problem is somewhere in that group of slides.  Hide single slides and retest until you isolate one or more slides that when hidden seem to get rid of the problem.


This process of elimination may only take a few minutes to an hour (as long as you have easy access to upload to your LMS) and once you know where the problem slide is you can usually go through all of the objects on that slide to find the problem.


Please report back here when you do finally locate the gremlin.  It's always handy for other users to know what might have caused this issue. 




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 11, 2021 Feb 11, 2021

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I could not catch the gremlin … at least I found a workaround: if I put a static next-Button on every slide and activate reporting "include it in quiz". Then the tracking works (at least most of the time …).


I think, there is some basic problem with the file. As I work for different clients I checked some of my other projects in Moodle. I always noticed the same problems. The only exception is the very clean an tiny testfile. If the project is a bit more complex, the problems occur. Is there anything wrong with my installation of Captivate?




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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2021 Feb 11, 2021

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Has this project been built from the ground up in the current version of Captivate?  Or was it built in an earlier version and then upgraded to the one you are using now?  Sometimes the corruption creeps in when you upgrade.


One of the ways to strip out corruption or at least make it show up more is to create a new blank project of the same heigh and width stage, and then copy paste all of your current project's slides into this new project.


You could test this approach to see if it helps.


I often create projects for clients that use Moodle and I have often implemented the Moodle LMS for them.  But I have never encountered the issues you mention.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 11, 2021 Feb 11, 2021

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Yes, I already tried to copy/paste just a few slides of my project in a blank project > same problems. I tested different customer projects, some of them are created from new in the current version of Captivate > same problems. The problems can only be seen on new iPads with iOS 14/Safari and Moodle. In SCORM Cloud and on other devices, even in Chrome on iPad there are no problems. Do your customers use new iPads with Safari?


Thanks so much for your support!




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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2021 Feb 11, 2021

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iPhones yes, but not likely to be using iPads as this was a course created for people in a less fortunate part of the world.  If they had money for a mobile device it was always going to be a phone not a tablet.




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