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Sequential Responses in a Quiz

New Here ,
Nov 16, 2020 Nov 16, 2020

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I am new to Captivate so I apologize if this question is absurdly simple or if it has been answered somewhere else in the Forum. 

I am trying to create a responsive project that consists of a single, graded, multiple-choice question with an explanation for each answer.  (The learner can only take the quiz once.) There will be 40 individual projects (approximately 1/week allowing for holidays, etc.) If the learner answers teh question  incorrectly, I want a slide explaining why that response is incorrect to be the first thing they see after submitting the answer.   A simple example would be: 

Question: What is the first letter of the alphabet?

Answers: A, B, C, D 

If the user selects “B,” I would like the learner to go to a slide that says “B is the second letter of the alphabet.”  The learner would then progress through slides with the other three explanations.  (“A is the first letter of the alphabet.” “C is the third letter of the alphabet.” “D is the fourth letter of the alphabet.”)  If the learner selects “C,” I would like the learner to go to a slide that saysC is the third letter of the alphabet.”  The learner would then progress through the other three explanations.  (“A is the first letter of the alphabet.” “B is the second letter of the alphabet.” “D is the fourth letter of the alphabet.”)  Note that this is an extremely simple example.  The real project will include images or videos on each of explanatory the slides and provide a detailed explanation of why the response was incorrect. 

I have been able to create a project with the desired sequencing using buttons, but then the responses are not graded.  I have been able to create a project using a question slide which grades the response but then the learner is taken through each of the explanations in order. 

Any assistance would be appreciated. 


Edwin A Bowe, MD




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 16, 2020 Nov 16, 2020

Why make it so complicated? You can use Advanced Answer features in a MCQ with one correct answer. You'll have all the explanations on the same slide in that case without a multitude of slides which will break the Quizzing features. Advanced Answer allows you a different feedback for each answer and a different action for each answer.


Community Expert ,
Nov 16, 2020 Nov 16, 2020

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Why make it so complicated? You can use Advanced Answer features in a MCQ with one correct answer. You'll have all the explanations on the same slide in that case without a multitude of slides which will break the Quizzing features. Advanced Answer allows you a different feedback for each answer and a different action for each answer.




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New Here ,
Nov 16, 2020 Nov 16, 2020

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Thank you. I was unaware of that feature. I’ll try it.

Thank you again.


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Community Expert ,
Nov 17, 2020 Nov 17, 2020

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New Here ,
Nov 17, 2020 Nov 17, 2020

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It works!  Thank you for your guidance.  (It would have been a lot easier if this feature had been described in any of the textbooks.)


Thank you again.






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Community Expert ,
Nov 17, 2020 Nov 17, 2020

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Will try to be 'diplomatic' but 'textbooks' are mostly very incomplete. So are trainings.

Have a look at this blog post, where I try to explain what should be the main topics in any basic training. Sadly you'll rarely find them in a training programme nor manaul (except for an intro to quiz):



If you ever visit my blog, you'll find a lot more which has never been included in any textbook. 




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