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Hi all,
Has anyone come across an issue of effects not working on text in Captivate 9?
Am "AlphaFromTo" works fine in the software but if I preview or output to a SCORM the text just appears rather than fading in. Entrance effects such as EaseInRight work in the software, not in a preview but fine in the SCORM.
Ive also tried "AlphaFromTo" on an object that contains text. again the text just appears but the filled object is affected by the effect.
Is this an inability for captivate to adjust the alpha on text? Many thanks in advance.
Really? Mohana offered the same suggestion as me. Transition is in the Timing panel at the bottom, below the effects. Why make it complicated when a simple solution exists since eons?
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There is no text object, either your text is in a text caption or in a shape used as text container, and Alpha has to be set for that object. Can you show the timeline with the Effects timelines expanded?
As for Preview: which Preview method did you use?
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In terms of Preview I used the drop down "preview from this slide option" but as I say, it doesnt output in the SCORM
Ive attached a screenshot of the timeline.
The SMARTSHAPE_748 is the object with text in, the others are simply text captions. Ive checked the FX are set up correctly with a full alpha of 100% at the end of the associated FX time but no luck.
p.s Thank you for your help on this
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Apologies I forgot the screengrab
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Are you on That is the version after the hot fix. If you only want a fade in, is there any reason why you use the Alpha from To? I know that the 'old' transition is really more to be trusted, especially for HTML output. You can time it as well. I had several issues with Alpha effects as well.
From the screenshot I see that you have rather short duration for the effects, much shorter than the default duration.
As for Preview: best Preview is In Browser or HTML in Browser, depending on the wanted output. Did the live preview play (with Play Slide)?
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So Im on
I used AlphaFromTo as it seemed like the best one to use for a simple fade in. I couldnt find anything else or the "old" transition you were referring to, though I did try FadedZoomIn (as suggested by mohanadas below). This worked fine in terms of the scaling (zoom) and adjusting the values for scale affected the results in both browswer preview and SCORM. However adjusting the alpha however didn't.
Based on mohanadas's reply its does seem alpha effects do not work on responsive text which is something I discovered last night whilst looking into it further and trying different projects. Not the best but at least its a known issue.
I might just have to work around and overlay an object with the same BG colour and then fade that out to reveal the text.
Thank you both for your time and help
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Really? Mohana offered the same suggestion as me. Transition is in the Timing panel at the bottom, below the effects. Why make it complicated when a simple solution exists since eons?
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Wow! I am blind as a bat!!! Ive never even noticed that transition section - (Ive not been using Captivate for long but you may have gathered that)
Works fine in both preview and SCORM output. Thanks very much again
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Totally understand, lot of 'old' users are still confused by the change in UI. Since Effects are now in the Timing panel (used to be a small panel in CP8), the Transition part is at the bottom of that panel, and if you have not a high resolution screen you can miss it because you have to scroll to get down to that part. New UI was meant to avoid....scrolling in panels
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Are you using a responsive project? Currently the text in a responsive project will not play Alpha effects, however it will work for a non-responsive project.
We are aware of the issue, and thanks for reporting it. Meanwhile, can you try using the Fade In transition with a motion path instead?
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mohanadas​ can you point me to a location where I can see a list of features like this that do not work as expected? While I'm unhappy that a feature like this doesn't work, a list like this would certainly save me a bunch of time searching forums,only to find out that a function I'm looking for isn't possible. Is anything like this available? thanks
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Hi Mohanadas....You mentioned in 2016 that Alpha effects do not work in Responsive projects. Is that still the case??? I am not able to get any effect with Aplha being used to work. How can this option be available if it does not work? Please help!