updating zip file to Captivate Prime doesn't work
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Hello, could you help please?
I'm not able to upload a .zip file created in Adobe Captivate 2019 and published to computer as HTML/SWF.
It says File type could not be added. Please read about static and interactive file types before uploading.
I did read it, but didn't find anything that would help.
To avoid any troubles in the project, I created a new empty project and just published.
Still doesn't work.
Don't you have any idea or recommendation?
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Most users helping here are Captivate users. However I wonder if it is not better to post this question in the Adobe Learning Manager (formerly Prime) forum? Personally I have no idea what that platform accepts: zipped packages as well as SCOs or only SCOs. Was Quiz Reporting activated for this course? If yes, you have created a SCO and normally that is accepted by any LMS. About a zipped package, I am not sure. Blackboard accepts that type of package, but for sure not all LMSs do.
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Thank you, you're maybe right, I should asi in the Prime forum.
Strange is that it used to work fine, now I can't upload even any of my older projects that used to work.
At our company we work on one drive. After not being able to upload it, I was trying to move all files to local C:/ folder, it didn't work, so I copied it back, I'm not sure if I hadn't destroyed something with this movements.
Thank you for your reply, I will try the forum you're suggesting.
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I can move this thread to the Adobe Learning Manager forum if you want...
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Thank you, I would leave it also here, I'm not sure whether the problem is in an ACP or or Captivate 2019.
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Hello, you were right, I found the reason and it was mainly a question of ALM. Are you able to delete my question here so that it doesn't create an unnecessary mess?
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are there any rules where the captivate.exe file MyAdobeCaptivateProjects, AdobeCaptivateCachedProject folders or any other files or folders related to Captivate should be stored?
We work on OneDrive at work. I thought this could be the problem and moved the folders MyAdobeCaptivateProjects and AdobeCaptivateCachedProject to the local C:/. The .exe file I'm not alowed to move.
After that I found out that I'm not able to upload even my older .zip files that used to work before.
So I restored the folders back to OneDrive.
It didn't help. Now I have everything stored twice and am afraid to move or delete anything.
But still I can't upload anything. I tried to publish .zip to computer and also Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime. Nohting works for me now. 😞
Appretiate any help.