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I an using Cold Fusion 2016 Enterprise Edition on a Microsoft Windows 2016 server and IIS. We do alot of file transfers to printers that are running Solaris Unix via SFTP using the CFFTP secure="yes" option.
On certains system the SFTP portion hangs infinitely, or errros out with a auth timeout. This only occurs when Cold Fusion is running with a AD domain account, and does not occur if I run Cold Fusion with the local system account.
I've tried using both Key/passphease and username/password to login.
Has anyone come across this issue before, and is there a fix? I am currently running Cold Fusion 2016 using the local system account however the security implementaiton guides I need to follow state that I should be running the service with domain account.
CFFTP Code using:
<cfftp action="open" server="#ip#" connection="foo" secure="yes" username="#username#" passphrase="#passphrase#" key="#keypath#" retrycount="5" stoponerror="yes" timeout="120" port="22" />
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I suspect a configuration issue. You should request your System Administrator to configure the FTP service to use Active Directory
1) for credentials/permissions;
2) for user isolation on the server.
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