For one typeface, a couple of its fonts are not loading, and red dots appear to the right of the weight names. Clicking the retry icon spins but it still doesn't load. Any ideas?
I am embarrassed to say that I found the problem. The Roboto fonts that refused to be installed via the Creative Cloud app had already been installed on my system—maybe even as Google fonts. So, the lesson here is the CC app does not to download fonts already installed as local fonts on a system. Sorry for the hassle.
@kglad I did every single step, including wiping my disk clean of all things Adobe, reinstalling everything, restarting my computer and I still can't install those two Roboto fonts.
You mentioned something about a corrupt account. How could that be and I still can install apps and other fonts? And is that an Adobe account? I've had the same account since Adobe started having accounts.
I am embarrassed to say that I found the problem. The Roboto fonts that refused to be installed via the Creative Cloud app had already been installed on my system—maybe even as Google fonts. So, the lesson here is the CC app does not to download fonts already installed as local fonts on a system. Sorry for the hassle.