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Adobe, Linux Support, and the Linux Foundation.

Community Beginner ,
Apr 08, 2019 Apr 08, 2019

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While generally I've only lurked the Adobe forums I've finally worked up guts to post this. I also know that about every 1-2 months this question is asked but I think it deserves a another go around.


My premises is this:


Adobe joined the Linux Foundation in 2008 for a focus on Linux for Web 2.0  Applications like Adobe® Flash® Player and Adobe AIR™. Currently Adobe holds a silver membership status with the Linux Foundation. So why in the world do they not have any Creative Cloud Programs available in Linux without the need for WINE and other such workarounds. I think it's a sucky move to support the Linux Foundation and use Linux in the back-end while not doing anything to support actual Linux users who have for at least a decade requested Adobe desktop products on Linux. Sure it's going to take a lot of manpower, financial resources, etc. But to truly support Linux and the Linux Foundation I think it's necessary that y'all do make things like Photoshop and Lightroom available for the Linux desktop. In any regards the wider Linux community would most likely help with testing and debugging programs. We're used to it.


Idea No status




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replies 765 Replies 765
Community Beginner ,
Jun 30, 2016 Jun 30, 2016

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I won't go into the firts part for ovious reasons, but about the contribution of 5M: we have already contributed this amount through our creative cloud subscriptions. It's just that we don't want to use adobes products on win or mac, but currently are forced to do so, thus we can't achieve maximum performance/workflow. This is hampering the whole industry and many more millions are lost because of this.




Contributor ,
Jul 14, 2016 Jul 14, 2016

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nah likely not a business decision




Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2016 Jul 18, 2016

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Hi, I'm a hobbyist. CC made cheap for me a subscription for PS+LR. I do enjoy using PS for its professional level and speed. I achieve so easily everything with Adobe products.

I pay 12 EUR/month for PS+LR and I'm from Romania, even for me it's cheap. It would be so easy for me to work under Linux. Lately, I've had many technical issues with Windows 10. As IT specialist I could say it is less and less reliable. On other hand I have used Sabayon Linux for years, one installation ever, from v6 to v15 and further. Without reinstalling it ever since! And it is a cutting edge distro, a rolling release. I would be so happy to get rid of Windows because all my tools are on Linux. I keep Windows for Adobe products only (I use Illustrator too). And CC might ask to upgrade the Windows version from time to time, which makes me pay more for some OS I don't trust...




New Here ,
Sep 15, 2016 Sep 15, 2016

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How bout a kind request for Linux support: please




Sep 15, 2016 Sep 15, 2016

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blittle33 wrote:

How bout a kind request for Linux support: please

I told them this a long time ago but it seems they think this is the only place for this.

Those people who are still waiting for a Linux version please note that I have not seen or read about any progress so don't keep banging on it because it is not even at an embyonic stage.

You just have to wait and see what happens in 5 years time.




Participant ,
Sep 22, 2016 Sep 22, 2016

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They are being very short-sighted if they don't think they stand to lose users over this --2020 is not that far off.  Windows 7 will be my last MS OS before I adopt Linux because the subsequent Windows UIs are intolerable. Abode is the ONLY holdup, as it is for other Adobe users I know.  And therein lies a substantial user loss for the two OS giants.  At this point there can be only two possible reasons for no Linux-based Adobe: They are taking payoffs not to do it, or they lack the technical competence (doubtful). Either way, what does this say about Adobe and their regard for their customers?




Sep 23, 2016 Sep 23, 2016

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George in Seattle wrote:

They are being very short-sighted if they don't think they stand to lose users over this --2020 is not that far off. Windows 7 will be my last MS OS before I adopt Linux because the subsequent Windows UIs are intolerable. Abode is the ONLY holdup, as it is for other Adobe users I know. And therein lies a substantial user loss for the two OS giants. At this point there can be only two possible reasons for no Linux-based Adobe: They are taking payoffs not to do it, or they lack the technical competence (doubtful). Either way, what does this say about Adobe and their regard for their customers?

You forgot the third possible reason.  Adobe wants to sell its products to Corporate customers and corporate customers in majority using   Windows or Apple MAC.  Linux is hardly used for desktop work.  Is this likely to change in the short term?  I doubt it.




New Here ,
Sep 23, 2016 Sep 23, 2016

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Nope. Wrong again. I used to work for a fortune 100 company, every single employee had a linux desktop. Another place I worked made more than 300 million a quarter, 100% linux company. It isn't as common as windows, but it is far more common than you realize, especially in the financial sector.




New Here ,
Oct 25, 2016 Oct 25, 2016

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This is so frustrating. Yeah, I know how to set up a nice virtual machine, even with 3D accelaration etc. But you know how much more comfortable your tools would be, when they'd integrate with Ubuntu's Unity? We'd have more than 4 team licences, if it were available for linux, too...:( It can't be that hard? You should be drowning in money... but well, I guess you don't care bout users but only bout investors? This is why monopolys suck.




Explorer ,
Oct 25, 2016 Oct 25, 2016

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I mean really what happened to just a simple program that we used to help edit our photographs. Now I have a program that I have to pay XX amount of dollars a year. This all depends on what package you get stuped into buying. Better pay extra if you want more than 20 ish or so fonts. Then now we have to pay for this program all the time for the rest of our lives that we want to use it right ???? But you can not even design a program that will work over multiple hard drives ?? you have to have Creative Cloud on the OP drive no matter what ??? Then when you have to sit here and delete and re-download the programs over and over and over again, you have the nerve in another forum to tell us we should probably use a third party program to clean our system because your uninstall does not actually completely uninstall your program even if you check the box that say completely remove from the system ??? What does complete mean to Adobe these days that is the question I want answered. I want a program that I can instal on any HD and it works the same, I don't want to be bothered every time I turn on my computer that the fonts or behance won't work unless I turn on the Cloud. Who edits thier photos on their cell phone ??

I mean how many files do you need to make per photo now Adobe ??? good grief I mean really has anyone actually looked to see what these programs are doing to your computer ???

WHY WHY WHY give me my old program that I could pay for and do what I want with it , not one that sits here and controls my computer , and that I have to pay for but can't actually use the way I want to use it.




Explorer ,
Oct 25, 2016 Oct 25, 2016

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I mean really what happened to just a simple program that we used to help edit our photographs. Now I have a program that I have to pay XX amount of dollars a year. This all depends on what package you get stuped into buying. Better pay extra if you want more than 20 ish or so fonts. Then now we have to pay for this program all the time for the rest of our lives that we want to use it right ???? But you can not even design a program that will work over multiple hard drives ?? you have to have Creative Cloud on the OP drive no matter what ??? Then when you have to sit here and delete and re-download the programs over and over and over again, you have the nerve in another forum to tell us we should probably use a third party program to clean our system because your uninstall does not actually completely uninstall your program even if you check the box that say completely remove from the system ??? What does complete mean to Adobe these days that is the question I want answered. I want a program that I can instal on any HD and it works the same, I don't want to be bothered every time I turn on my computer that the fonts or behance won't work unless I turn on the Cloud. Who edits thier photos on their cell phone ??

I mean how many files do you need to make per photo now Adobe ??? good grief I mean really has anyone actually looked to see what these programs are doing to your computer ???

WHY WHY WHY give me my old program that I could pay for and do what I want with it , not one that sits here and controls my computer , and that I have to pay for but can't actually use the way I want to use it.




Oct 25, 2016 Oct 25, 2016

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If you guys want Adobe products for Linux or you want new features then please contact the developers direct at this link:

<Feature Request/Bug Report Form >

You will get direct response from them and you can tell them whatever you want.  I don't see any point in crying here because we are just ordinary users like you and most of use Windows or Apple MAC machines.

Hope you can take some positive action by contacting them.




New Here ,
Oct 26, 2016 Oct 26, 2016

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Learn to love GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus.

I strongly doubt Adobe will ever make Creative Cloud available for Linux.




Community Beginner ,
Nov 01, 2016 Nov 01, 2016

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It is because of Microsoft. Microsoft give money to adobe for not make any product for Linux. Adobe create its products for OS X (New PC with Unix) because Apple is under Microsoft control and Microsoft not have any concern about Apple.




New Here ,
Feb 05, 2017 Feb 05, 2017

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Mister, you are the biggest troll on this thread - spoken after one hour of reading.

To everyone else, I add to the list of users who would love to see Premiere (and others) on Linux. Not  buying anything until that gets addressed. Too bad - good software Adobe used to make..




Feb 05, 2017 Feb 05, 2017

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To everyone else, I add to the list of users who would love to see Premiere (and others) on Linux. Not buying anything until that gets addressed. Too bad - good software Adobe used to make..

This is going to be a very long time indeed and I am sure Adobe would miss you and your custom for not buying anything until Linux is sorted out.

the only quickest way to get Adobe to make anything for Linux is to ask Ubuntu or other Linux distro makers to invest in R&D by paying Adobe to open a centre for Linux software.  That is how Microsoft started by paying software makers to make software for Windows so that people can buy Windows machine.  Ubuntu will have to do the same otherwise it is going to remain an operating system for the hobbyists and enthusiasts.

There is no money in the desktop market as most people are using either Windows or Apple MAC..




New Here ,
Mar 09, 2017 Mar 09, 2017

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ir I do love them, but unfortunately the GRD forum I work with requires their use.  I would prefer not to also swap my computer as well. Damnit.




New Here ,
May 30, 2017 May 30, 2017

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I would completely love to see Creative Cloud developed and launched for Linux. Performance will increase in many levels, and also the combination of a Linux environment, Adobe CC and running on PC hardware would make Windows sink.

Nervertheless, we may never see that happening in our lifetime, due to not having such a huge amount of willing to pay customers for a Linux offering. Last time I noticed there was a 700,000+ petition list asking for Adobe to deliver that offering, but until 2016, their CC customer base was aroung 9 million paying subscriber, we represent less than 10%. Adobe: Strong Creative Cloud Growth to 9 Million Paid Subscribers | ProDesignTools

These are some of the things why we will never see a Linux offering on Adobe CC:

- The increased collaboration between Adobe and Microsoft to improve the offering to Windows clients. https://phys.org/news/2017-04-microsoft-adobe-cloud-partnership.html    (like an arrow to the knee: http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2016/09/adobe-100684487-primary.idge.jpg )

- Our 700,000 potential Linux Adobe CC subscribers represent 7.77% of the 9 million subscriber up to 2016. Adobe: Strong Creative Cloud Growth to 9 Million Paid Subscribers | ProDesignTools

- They would be developing or porting apps to Linux, just to make 7.77% of the customers happy. Financially it´s not worth the hassle.




New Here ,
Sep 02, 2017 Sep 02, 2017

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If only half of the signatures led to a single month of CC - that's $20M - Adobe makes a lot of money -but it's foolish to imply that $20M per month is not enough to cover the additional development costs.




New Here ,
Sep 12, 2017 Sep 12, 2017

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I find it quite amazing to see this thread active for almost FIVE YEARS without any response from the adobe staff. The two messages early on just had to suffice I guess. I think that's sad, it implies they don't care but they must at least care a little. At least, that's what I make myself believe... Hope to here from the adobe staff after a little less then five years. Would do some good for them.




Community Expert ,
Sep 12, 2017 Sep 12, 2017

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If you read very many problem messages in the various program forums (I have saved links to a dozen forums, including this one) you will see that the programmers don't always get things right the first time with TWO computer platforms... I see just about a zero chance of Adobe adding a third platform to their workload




Explorer ,
Sep 29, 2017 Sep 29, 2017

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Just adding my voice that I'd love to see the Creative Suite made available for Linux users. This may not have been likely years ago, but things change and Adobe must constantly re-evaluate where to put their resources. Linux might still not make sense but maybe someday it will. Apple is decreasing focus on Mac OS and as a result it has become crappy and unstable in recent versions. Windows has been crappy and unstable since Vista and seems to get worse with each release. The only reason I need an OS at all is to use the Creative Suite. Seriously, just release the Creative Suite as its own OS (ala Chrome OS) and I will use it. Anything to get me away from Mac OS and to avoid having to use awful Windows.




New Here ,
Sep 29, 2017 Sep 29, 2017

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I'll add my voice to the chorus. I bought PS CC for my Win10 laptop, but would vastly prefer to run it on my Linux box. I tried installing it via PlayOnLinux and Wine, but POL crashes every time.

I've read that CS6 works better with Wine. I tried asking via Adobe's chat support about downloading CS6 as my "second installation," but the support person (or 'bot) said to come ask on the forum because, and I quote, "those are the adobe experts." Not the Adobe tech support person, apparently. Jesus.

So I'll ask you guys: Can I get CS6 under my CC license? Thanks.




Community Expert ,
Sep 29, 2017 Sep 29, 2017

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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2017 Sep 29, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/John+T+Smith  wrote

Previous via Cloud https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/download-install-app.html

That link leads to these instructions:

Download more apps with Creative Cloud app:

     To open the Creative Cloud desktop app, click the Creative Cloud icon, located in the taskbar (Windows) or Apple menu bar (Mac OS).

     If it’s not already selected, click the Apps tab at the top of the window.

     You will see your installed app, as well as a list of other apps you can browse and install.

     In the Find Additional Apps section, scroll to find the app you want to install.

     Click Install, and your app will begin to download.

There is no "Find Additional Apps" section; only "All Apps" or "Installed Apps". Under All Apps, I have "My Apps & Services" and "Trial Apps". I tried searching on CS6 and it took me to stock images on the Adobe website.



