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Hallo zusammen, ich suche schon stunden nach einer Lösung für mein Problem und gebe es langsam auf. Adobe sagt mir ich würde meinen Cloud Speicherplatz zu 68gb benutzen von 20gb die ich habe. Ich finde nirgendswo die Daten die diesen Platz belegen sollten, auch meine Creative Cloud Ordner für die Arbeiten ist nur zu 8gb belegt. Im Creative Web habe ich bereits die gelöschten Dateien entgültig gelöscht. Leider ist keine Snycro mehr möglich da der Platz angeblich voll ist. Wo kann ich sonst noch suchen..
besten Dank
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File Sync Links that may help... all the links I have, since I don't know the cause of your specific problem
-About cloud storage
-sync and email link
-an overview of assets
-File sharing
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I had just the same issue before. There are five web locations that you need to check. My problem was the deleted folder. The cloud desktop app did not show any deleted files, but the web page showed hundreds of files. I tried to delete them. It did only delete a few and then I was told that 900+ files can't be deleted, because a user restored them. I tried it a few times. After a while I refreshed the page and then the files were gone and the cloud storage displayed corectly.
The locations:
Cloud Documents view
Deleted Folder view on
Assets web view
Document Cloud
Lightroom Web also check Deleted sections there
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thanks for that, @LindyHop1943 .
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Das ist die Lösung 🙂
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Konntest du das Problem mittlerweile lösen? Ich habe das gleiche Problem und komme nicht weiter.
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nein leider nicht, hab es aufgegeben. Adobe scheint das Problem nicht zu kennen und sie meinen ich sei zu doof meine Daten aufzuräumen, bzw behaupten indirekt der Speicher muss bei mir belegt sein. Ist er aber nicht. Ich benutze nun eine eigene NAS Lösung und fühle mich somit auch deutlich besser.
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In order to free up storage, you have to disable the photoshop presets feature as described here (chose NO when asked to keep the data in the cloud):
then go to your cc web site by opening cc desktop app>clicking cloud icon>cc web
empty all 8 folders (4 in your files, 2 in shared with you, 1 in shared with you, 1 in deleted).
note: if you delete from your sync folder, your local files will be deleted, too. this is the only folder that affects your locally stored files.
click the lightroom link at bottom left of your cc web page and delete files from there.
lastly, recheck your deleted folder and delete whatever is there.
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Ich habe dieses Problem leider auch und bekomme es einfach nicht gelöst.
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use a web browser to navigate to the following locations. at each location there are several folders to check.:
if you delete anything from any of these locations, check for a deleted folder where your file(s) was (were) moved. if you want to clear space you must delete files in the deleted folder.
the used storage shown at each of those four sites (when totaled), should match the space shown used by your cc files.
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Thanks, I did that. No files whatsoever at all these locations.
All 'deleted'-folders are empty as well.
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then contact adobe support. there are 2 ways to contact adobe; chat and twitter:
use a browser that allows popups and cookies
and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam,
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Hallo Mario,
ich habe leider genau das selbe Problem, welches mich wahnsinnig macht. Wie kann so etwas passieren, bei einem Anbieter der so viel Geld verlangt??
Ich bin wirklich sehr sauer darüber, da ich das Abo monatlich zahle, ohne das ich PS oder LR nutzen kann...
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did you check all the file sites with a browser?