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Creative Cloud Libraries and Stock Photos

Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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When browsing through Adobe Stock in the CC Libraries in InDesign, I am unable to download/access any photos after licensing. I get a spinning circle and then says it's unable to download. Then I try to go to the Adobe Stock website and download directly onto my computer and it doesn't do anything. It says the photo is licensed and asks if I want to re-download, but when I do it doesn't respond.


In the past I have browsed the website and when I license photos through there it updates on CC Libraries with no issues-almost instantly. I figured I would use the cloud feature more to save some time and storage space, but it's causing me more problems than solutions.


I've attached 3 snapshots:

  1. Error dialog box.
  2. Licensed photo unable to download in CC Libraries in InDesign
  3. What I see on Adobe Stock's website when I try to download the photo after it says I've already licensed and downloaded the photo already.


Has anyone experienced this or know of a solution? I have been having a lot of syncing issues with CC Libraries as a whole lately which is frustrating. 

File sync , Libraries






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

I've resolved the issue! It was because my organization is using a new firewall that I did not know they were implementing. Adobe mentions this on their website for troublehsooting, but I didn't think to check since I was unaware of the changes. Adobe Stock uses fotolia.com which is hosted in France and the firewall blocks international connections. If you are having the same issue at your job I would double check with your IT department to check if the website is being blocked by the firewall (




Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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1. Open CC Desktop App.
2. Click your Avatar (top right image) > Preferences > General tab > Settings. Select "Always keep Creative Cloud up to date."  Also ensure that syncing is on.
3. Click on your Avatar again.
4. Sign-out of Creative Cloud.
5. Close all apps.
6. Restart your computer.
7. Open CC Desktop app.
8. Click your Avatar.
9. Sign-in with your paid ID and password.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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I've resolved the issue! It was because my organization is using a new firewall that I did not know they were implementing. Adobe mentions this on their website for troublehsooting, but I didn't think to check since I was unaware of the changes. Adobe Stock uses fotolia.com which is hosted in France and the firewall blocks international connections. If you are having the same issue at your job I would double check with your IT department to check if the website is being blocked by the firewall (especially if a new one is being used).





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