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I have an issue with creative cloud syncing: It never ends. I only have around a thirty PDFs in my creative cloud folder. When I access the PDFs online, they are all there. However, the syncing is ongoing and never stops. It only stops when I delete all my files and folders within the creative cloud folder. I have left my PC on for two weeks now in the hope the syncing would finally come to an end. No chance, it is still syncing. I have a super fast internet connection, so 30 PDFs usually take seconds for me to up- or download.
This is cause for concern, as I am wondering what the hell Adobe is still syncing? It cannot be my PDFs since they are all synced already! Also, this is using my system resources and is putting a strain on my bandwidth!!
Can anyone explain to me:
1.) Why the Creative Cloud App is continuously syncing
2.) What is the app syncing (since my files are all uploaded already)
2.) What I can do to make it stop
I do not want to stop syncing altogether, I just want it to stop after my very minor changes are complete. That said, it does make me wonder if it is a good idea to let Adobe into my system in such a way, if things like this occur!
Any help is greatly appreciated... but please only respond if you know what your talking about!
Don't tell me to reinstall the app - I have done that!
Don't tell me to move files into another folder and then back - I have done that!
No need to tell me how to stop syncing altogether - I know how to do that!
1 Correct answer
Hey Walter,
I after reviewing your logs our engineering department was able to identify the cause. This issue will be fixed in a future update to the Creative Cloud app. I'm not sure when that will be, but hopefully some time soon.
Thanks for reporting it!
- Dave
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Hi Paul, I tried this solution on Windows 10. On macOS, you would find these files in:
/Users/<Your Username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync
I haven't tried this on Mac, I sure hope it works for you.
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agustincordes wrote
I finally found a fix for this issue. Seriously Adobe, you need to get your act straight with CoreSync because it's poorly implemented. Very slow and unreliable, feels more like an afterthought than a proper service developers could use.
I had the exact problem mentioned by the original poster two years ago: moving the Creative Cloud Files folder completely broke sync. I certainly won't uninstall and reinstall 15GB of applications, so I found another way to fix sync:
- First, stop syncing and shut down the Creative Cloud app
- Second, just in case delete all temporary files in AppData\Local\Temp
- Third, delete the {hash}.db, {hash}.db-shm and {hash}.db-wal from AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Coresync
- Finally, launch the Creative Cloud app and start syncing
At least in my case, it was just as simple as deleting the CoreSync database files. Maybe Adobe could do this preemptively when moving the folder.
Hoping this works for the rest of you.
This fixed my sync issues. (I very annoyed that tech support could not just help me with this and I'm very annoyed that these issues seem to be reoccurring over the period of years and they are not seemingly able to fix the software core to the service I am paying for)
EDIT: nope, gets a few more files in and stops again
EDIT: started working this morning with no further action on my part. maybe someone in adobe is frantically fixing all these issues on the server end by hand?
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Hello, I have the same problem since the reinstallation of MAc OS High Sierra and Adobe CC. The sync has lasted for at least 3 days, certainly there is a lot of element but it's quite long!
Since yesterday I no longer have access to files to collaborate or share from the MacbookPro but online I seem to have the hand.
The synchronization is done then disappears, the different markers which indicate the synchronization disappear.
I'm on a MacBBookPro 2016 with High Sierra 10.13.4
See the video
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Hi CIA_design,
I wondered if user permissions might have become damaged when you upgraded the OS. Can you try repairing the Creative Cloud app installation? If you launch the uninstaller within the Creative Cloud Files folder in Applications it should give you a repair option. Could you test this and see if it makes any difference?
Also, I'm not able to see your video. It looks like it might be set to private or be the wrong URL.
- Dave
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Thank you David, but the repair has not fixed anything, the problem persists.
For the video she was on private, sorry, she is now on public.
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Thanks for testing the repair and making the example video public. I noticed that there was a red dot next to clients folder, do you have some other application on the system set to interact with that folder too? I'm wondering if Creative Cloud sync is getting reset because it is conflicting with some other software.
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The red dot is only to mark the folder with the finder of MacOs
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Okay, so it's just a tag that you've applied and not from other software.
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Could you also please test if the issue occurs when running in safe boot? Start in Safe Boot mode for Adobe products on Mac OS X
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Always the same as soon as the synchro of the file clients & formation starts all stops!
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Hi Cia Design,
Could you also, moving a portion of the files out of the Creative Cloud files folder as a test and see if sync completes normally? There is a limit to the number of files or collections which can be synced (25K assets) and when this is exceeded further syncing is not possible. I was wondering if that might be the cause. If that doesn't work we'll need to collect log files from you to share with engineering to better understand the cause.
- Dave
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I had to go into task manager to fully close coresync and also the creative cloud in order to delete the DB files & the temp files, otherwise it wouldn't work. Once I did that the files deleted, and voila - syncing stopped in a few minutes.
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I am also having the problem of constant syncing.
I was away from my laptop for 5 days, and had it turned off while I was away. When I booted up this past Friday evening, I left to eat dinner and came back to a rebooted laptop that I didn't start, and constant notifications that 9 files have been updated in the creative cloud folder.
I investigated the situation, paused syncing, rebooted my laptop once again. When that didn't work and the syncing continued, I left the sync on pause and didn't come back to the situation until today. This morning, the Creative Cloud App updated itself, but the problem persisted. I ran the uninstaller, where I got an error message that said "Unable to uninstall creative cloud desktop as it is busy." I then ran the Adobe Clean Tool and uninstalled ALL Adobe apps, and rebooted. I did a fresh download and install of the Creative Cloud App and got this:
Went to repair, and the freshly installed program opened fine. It synced my files and is up to date, but then the same notification began to pop up every few seconds: "9 files have been updated"
This laptop is an MSI GL62M 7RD-032 running Windows 10. I have a late 2015 Macbook Air running OSX High Sierra that is logged into my colleague's Adobe account and the files are syncing fine without a constant sync problem, so I would not assume it's a file corruption problem.
Both computers are running the CCA Version after a fresh install on the MSI, but keep in mind the problem began on my MSI before an update was downloaded this morning.
My MSI is my primary laptop, so even if I can work on my Mac, I would also prefer to have this fixed ASAP. Let me know if you need more info from me.
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Hi, I actually let time and sort files. It seems that a file was a problem and after erasing unnecessary files and those who posed problem, little by little the synchronization was done perfectly.
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Hi TheMegaQueen,
Would it be possible to temporarily remove the 9 files which are causing the issue (they shouldn't have the green check mark in the Creative Cloud files folder) and see if syncing completes? If it does, please add them back in small batches and let us know if it completes or the errors return.
Please let us know if this helps,
- Dave
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Hi Dave,
I can't tell which 9 files are causing the problem, because they appear and disappear from their location faster than I can determine the file names. Is there another way to find out what files they are?
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Are they appearing and disappearing within the Creative Cloud files folder or is it the notifications which are appearing and disappearing? Do files which have already synced within the Creative Cloud files folder have green check marks?
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They appear and disappear within the Creative Cloud files folder, and I get a notification each time it happens. I just turned on syncing again and new and working files have synced perfectly fine. There are green check marks across the board, and then the sync problem reappears.
It looks like 3 subfolders have files that are constantly syncing. More often than not, I get notifications that 9 files have been updated, but sometimes I get 18, and sometimes I get 27. Whether or not the multiple of 9 means something, I'm not sure. The 3 subfolders that constantly sync do not always sync at the same time; sometimes the sync indicator turns into a checkmark and other times an indicator disappears altogether, then reappears later.
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A few additional questions.
- Are you on Windows or Mac and what version of the OS?
- What Anti-virus software are you using if any?
- Are you syncing XD files? Do you have any files within the Creative Cloud files folder listed as having conflicted copies?
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I'm running Windows 10, with Windows Defender. I'm not syncing XD files, and there is one conflicted copy file.
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Thank you for the info. Could you try stopping sync and removing the file or files with the conflicted copies and then turn it back on and see if the issue persists? Could you also download and run the log collector on the system Log Collector Tool
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It's unfortunate that you are still facing the issue after reinstalling Creative Cloud application. Could you please to try the steps mentioned below:
- Close Creative Cloud application
- Open task manager and make sure that Creative cloud application and Core Sync application is not running
- Open Run window by pressing shortcut Windows Key+R
- Enter “%appdata%” and press ok
- Navigate to Adobe folder
- Delete “CoreSync” folder
- Start Creative Cloud application again
If you still face the issue after trying above steps, then please share logs after running Log Collector Tool
Puneet Aggarwal
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Hi Puneet,
I closed the CCA and Core Sync apps in the task manager, and when I tried to delete the CoreSync folder I received this error:
I then closed all background apps containing "Adobe" just in case, and this error still showed. Am I missing something?
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Not sure it helps, but maybe try quitting all other Adobe processes from Task Manager and then try deleting the CoreSync folder.
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I quit all applications that contained "Adobe" or "CoreSync." I'm just not sure if there's anything else that pertains to Adobe that could be running, because I still can't delete the Core Sync folder