Is Adobe Cloud Services down? 15/6/2022 10:18 UK GMT
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Hi All,
I'm getting all sorts of issues today trying to get into Premiere. After forcefully closing CC and then re-opening it I'm getting this on screen and I could REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLLY use Premiere right now!
and more worryingly
Can anyone advise please?
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There was a meaty update from Windows 10 coming down which may / may not have interfered with the connection to Adobe. Shut down, took 10 mins to apply. Rebooted and now ok.
I'd still like Adobe to offer some form of Offline Grace period following an authentication. Even 48 hours would be enough for those who have to quickly jump on to to Suite but maybe dont have Internet access.
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I'm getting warnings from all my CC applications that today is the last day of my subscription and that I am not connected to the internet! I clearly am on the internet, and I'm also logged into my Adobe account right now. CC is letting me work 'offline' at the moment! Something clearly not right - I haven't had chance to do a full reboot yet as I'm working - and can't get locked out until I've output my files.
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Do you have TLS update?
TLS 1.2 is now required to connect
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I'm not sure how I update the TLS though? I'm running the latest version of Chrome already, and this has only started happening today. I can still connect to Creative Cloud and only updated some apps last week, so I'm assuming it's already updated? I am on Plusnet though and have been having some terrible speed issues lately, and they tested my line yesterday - I wonder if the two are connected.
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I just did the Windows 10 update on both my machines and all the server connection warnings have disappeared - I'm running Bridge, Photoshop and InDesign, as I was at lunchtime.
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That TLS link was October 2021 and I've been fine since. This has only happened today and its happening again. Yet I'm clearly online because I'm writing this reply!
No Windows Updates waiting either.