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i want to have a video in my masthead. When I upload it is in poor quality. What can I do?
Daniel from Denmark
2 Correct answers
There is no forum for that product here, Portfolio help may be obtained at the links below
And Lighrtroom Integrations
Video in a masthead is not a good idea for a lot of reasons. I suggest you stick with background colors or images in your masthead. Use video on project pages.
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Please post the name of the Adobe program you use so a Moderator may move this message to that forum
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I'm also having difficulty with Adobe Portfolio (adding a video to the masthead background). When I add the video in the background, it works well for me. But... when I ask others to test it, they can't see it. They only see a black background. However, they can see it on their mobile (doesn't work with iPad either).
Hope you can help!
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Hi Abambo,
I did see that post. But what's the point of having this option available if you're recommending people don't use it? Just a bit confused. Is there no way to make it function properly? Thanks
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We are users, not Adobe. We recommend what we would or wouldn't do, not what Adobe allows you to do.
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Oh, I see. That makes sense. Thanks! 🙂
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your masthead is like a logo for your website. it should be easy for the user to recognize that they are looking at your website because of your masthead.
a video doesn't make sense for that. eg, have you ever seen any company with a video logo, or video masthead? even an animated logo with just a few frames is unwise.
if you want to use your masthead for something else and not convey to users that they are viewing your website, you have the freedom to do that, just like nike could change their swoosh logo for a video (if they were crazy).
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Hi kglad,
Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep that in mind. I'm using it as a background on the landing page. I've seen many other websites with a video playing in the background (faded behind the title, etc.) and always find it looks dynamic and more interesting. Perhaps I should do some UX research before going this route. Anyway, again, thanks for your feedback. 🙂
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you can always test the way it looks, and if you're happy with it, go with it. it's not like your portfolio page has to satisfy the stock holders in your computer or you'll be voted off the board of directory.
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Ha! True.
Well, I like the way the video looks. It fills the landing page. I've put a screen over it so it's not too intrusive and the title, subtitle, CTA button, and scroll arrow are very visible. The only problem I have is that it's not showing on all devices. It seems to work on a PC, my MacBook but not on others or my iPad. Anyway, it's not a big deal. I was just hoping someone might have had a similar problem (which they had resolved in some way). Thanks! 🙂
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I was just hoping someone might have had a similar problem (which they had resolved in some way). Thanks! 🙂
By KymberlySteel
That makes sense too. Good luck.
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Thanks Abambo! 🙂
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you're welcome.
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Ralph Lauren has a video as the main masthead on their landing page and so does Louis Vuitton... But from what I'm reading, it's better to have a video masthead on a video projects page for your Adobe website than on your main landing page?
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did you have a question?
in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from download&install">
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it's better to have a video on a video projects page than on your main landing page's masthead?
By KingNP41
Yes. Media should never be forced on users without their permission.
- Some people with limited data plans don't want to consume video.
- Others may not have enough available memory.
- It's always more courteous to let users decide to play media or not.
Hope that helps.
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Not too surprising. Many devices & browsers won't autoplay video containing an audio track. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
As a workaround, remove the audio from your video. Or replace video background with an animated GIF or a static image (JPG/PNG).
Hope that helps.
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Given that video is embedded in Masthead background, Portfolio is using an API to invoke autoplaying media on page load. In the absence of player controls, some browsers will invoke autoplay without sound while others won't play anything. MDN explains this below.
And then there are people like me with autoplay blockers. 😁
As a courtesy to users, I recommend keeping audio & video where it belongs in the foreground on separate project pages with player controls and mute buttons so users can choose what's best for them. It's the right thing to do for WCAG accessibility reasons, too.
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@Nancy OShea Ohhh I didn’t even think of that! The audio isn’t on but I didn’t remove it before saving the video in After Effects. I’ll try that… Thanks!
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There is no forum for that product here, Portfolio help may be obtained at the links below
And Lighrtroom Integrations
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Video in a masthead is not a good idea for a lot of reasons. I suggest you stick with background colors or images in your masthead. Use video on project pages.