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i've spent hours downloading a product and serial # doesn't work. now they want me to deinstall ALL ADOBE products and resinstall them. it will take hours. as if i have nothing better to do. adobe customer supoprt sucks!!!
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Could you please share the following logs:
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I have idea what you're taking about
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 20:17:52 -0700
To: [email address deleted by host]
Subject: Forum comments adobe customer support sucks!!!
Could you please share the following logs:
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You really should get an employee label on your forum account so the users will know that you are an Adobe employee and not just another user.
Then they'll probably trust you more with their install logs, etc.
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Adobe Admin here doles out employee labels.
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mark1926 wrote:
i've spent hours downloading a product and serial # doesn't work. now they want me to deinstall ALL ADOBE products and resinstall them. it will take hours. as if i have nothing better to do. adobe customer supoprt sucks!!!
What exactly do you expect Customer Support to do for you? Do you think they can, by sheer magic, solve your problems? They told you to uninstall all adobe products before re-installaing them so that any corruption in your system can be rectified. Now what is not so helpful here? How else can they solve your problem? Sometimes people have to be realistic when they are seeking help from the professionals. May be there is no other way to solve your problem so how can you say "Customer Support Sucks"?
Merry christmas.
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User mistakes ... are user mistakes. No point blaming someone for something they have nothing to do with. From what you are saying you should have probably entitled your thread "Adobe products installation is very annoying". But then ... you have this similar issue with pretty much every other software manufacturer out there.
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hi,there, just be calm down.taking hours to dl,then u check the network first,then the setting of yr browser,like the IE,FF and so on.there may be some errors in the browsers,then ni should fix the errors using some fixing tools like the Registry Easy,Fix IE Utility and so on,using the keyword[fix IE]in the google search engine.
2nd,u can also try other parter website of the Adobe official web to download.
and by,before ur new installing (a new edition),u probably need to uninstall the older one and clean its branches in the registry.
thku ,hope to be helpful to yr problem.
good luck and hpy new year!
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I haven't had many problems ... not many I wasn't able to resolve myself. I guess complaints about it may be founded then. Considering that we have to pay for it, people would be entitled to some sort of support. Perhaps we should ask them to price their software with and without support as an option .
PS ... sorry for getting you anrgy, mark .
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Going back some years (last time I dealt with Adobe T/S, or C/S) they were excellent. I used to rank them as #2 all-time, right behind the old WordPerfect T/S, now long gone.
Things did seem to change, and not for the better. Many, many users had issues, so if sheer volume is any indicator, things deteriorated horribly.
Adobe has stated that they are working to improve things. In some product fora, I have seen those changes, and several Adobe employees have even tracked down cases to set things right. The positive changes might be slow in coming, but is some circles, one CAN see the improvements, and can see the employees working to make 'em even better. With any major corporation, improvements can come excruciatingly slowly.
Here's hoping that Adobe can regain that position, or maybe even #1, in the future.
Good luck to us all,
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Hi all
I believe Adobe decided to outsource their customer support. And oftentimes, this unfortunately and inevitably leads to a loss of quality and as a result, more unhappy customers.
I'm not claiming that folks in other countries are less capable. I'm sure they are just fine. To me, the problem ensues because you now have a third party introduced that may not be dedicated to supporting just your products. They may well be performing other support for who knows what else.Companies seem to have been sold a bill of goods by folks claiming things like Software Decision Support Systems are now capable of replacing human knowledge and reasoning.
So the poor support person often really never gets a chance to become proficient on the products. And there is also the issue of support now being far removed from where development occurs. In these situations there seems to always be a loss of knowledge because the support person can't establish relationships with development to gain valuable insights that aren't typically available to outsiders.
Just some thoughts from the edge. Rick
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I think that your comments cut right to the heart of one of the biggest problems today.
Also, in those "good old days," that I referred to, the Adobe portfolio of products was much smaller, and then, it seemed that the folk manning the phones actually knew, and used, the programs, for which they were providing support. If they did not, they transferred the call to someone who did. Life was much simpler then, and better too.
One of the reasons that the old WordPerfect support was so good, was that they had ONE product, and everyone answering the phone knew it well, used it daily, and probably did some of the coding for it. It's aspects like that, that make T/S for companies, like Pixelan, so good - the guy who answers the phone wrote the program! There are no layers of VP's, efficiency experts, and no buffers between the engineers, marketing and T/S. Now, WordPerfect is just a small part of the Corel corporate structure, just like with the Adobe products.
We get the full spectrum of useful programs, but pay a price on the T/S end.
Good one Rick,
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ahhh. word perfect support from word perfect corp was legendary. free full support "forever"! the high point of tech customer support. it's been all down hill since then!
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They had the best wordprocessor for the Macintosh bar none. Put MS to shame. They had the best system for envelope printing. That no one has been able to duplicate. A built in database. you typed in persons add addresses and creaate the style envelope Thenyou could use saved the entry, again and again.
No one has been able to duplicate it. Some people still use the last version out Version 4 with an emulator on X.6. Mostly lawyers and legal types.
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I'm still using WP, but it's the Corel version. They seemed to have worked hard to make it more like Word, but it still has Reveal Codes, so I stick with it, and pine for "the good old days."
Here is hoping that Adobe CAN make good on their promises, and that over time, T/S WILL improve. At least before I have to use it again.
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Agree with the general view that Adobe support has deterioriated. Moved to a basement in India, I think. From there, they send you around in ever-widening circles until you give up in frustration. Microsoft has actually improved. Too bad, Adobe has some good products. Their support screws it up.
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I just want to add in my experience, in case someone from Adobe is paying any attention, which I seriously doubt. Do a web search for "Adobe customer support terrible" and you could check out links FOREVER. It's been two weeks since I raised my issue -- the ridiculous gray sound player box that appears in interactive PDFs, and still no resolution, and of all the "support" people I talked to -- at least 6 -- only one understood my problem.
I've been trying to get what I think is either a bug or some obscure file issue looked into and it's been painful just getting to someone who is even mildly familiar with the software. The routine is always the same. You get someone on the phone (the "wait in the cue and we'll cal you option is by far the way to go, having already experienced the ridiculous hold times you get by just calling) who knows nothing about the software, they put you on hold for a LONG TIME to ask someone who knows almost nothing about the software, then they come back on the line, thank you repeatedly for your patience, and either tell you that the problem is with another application (which doesn't make sense), refer you to another ridiculous Adobe non-support center, or suggest something so ludicrous that you're ready to have a coronary. If you demand to talk to someone else, the supervisor is always "on the line" with another customer (i.e., sleeping because it's 3 AM in Mumbai). I have gotten a "supervisor" once, who also had to "consult" with another "expert" and couldn't resolve or explain anything about my problem. He says he's escalating my issue, but this means that the person at the next level up, which I assume means someone who might have actually used the software, will be communicating BY EMAIL with him, not me. And I get to wait another four days for the potential of some word on the issue because it's Thursday, meaning Friday in India, and they don't work on the weekend. So I might get more information, or I might just blow my entire project because there is no support whatsoever for Adobe products. I am a professional. I am not a moron. I have been using Adobe products since they started making them. I rely on this software for my income. This is unacceptable and there is no recourse because Adobe owns it all.
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With each update on my Mac operating system or Adobe photoshop I have huge issues. Phone support for a company to whom I pay a monthly fee should be better than it is !! There is no reason why Adobe cannot have IT support technicians based in the USA, for whom English is their native language and with whom the phone connection doesn't sound like I am talking to my childhood friend with a paper cup and waxed string.!! Very disappointed with ADOBE.
BLTell, Minneapolis
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If you want to post the details of your computer and operating system, and the errors you have, someone here MAY be able to help
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There is no reason why Adobe cannot have IT support technicians based in the USA...
BLTell, Minneapolis
I guess one could argue there's no reason they all can't be based in France or Germany either. This is a global space. Adobe's customers and support personnel reside in various parts of the world.
Next time, use online chat.
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