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Sync Loop

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May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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I recently moved all my creative cloud files to an external harddrive, for my laptop started to overflow with files.

Now that I've done so, the creative cloud doesn't stop resyncing them.

It just cicles through the files (roughly 7000ish at a time) and syncs them over and over and over again. I'm not sure why and it really does a number on the battery and internet connection. Is there a way to inform the creative cloud that certain files are already synced?

File sync




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Community Expert ,
May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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did you change the sync folder in your cc desktop app preferences?




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New Here ,
May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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Sure did. That's why its syncing still and not putting everything back on my Laptops internal hard drive.

I read that this issue used to be there before and that they "fixed it with an update" but that was like in 2017.




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Community Expert ,
May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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are the cloud files being updated, then?




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New Here ,
May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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Yes. But all of them constantly. Which means if I update a file it takes hours before its the files cue again to be updated. And as I said, its a huge pain for the battery, so I'd rather CC didn't do that. Its really confusing.




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May 06, 2023 May 06, 2023

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what you should have done, and what you still can do is to suspend sync and manually upload (from your new sync folder) to your sync folder at https://assets.adobe.com




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New Here ,
May 07, 2023 May 07, 2023

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I've done that. It kinda defeats the purpose of having a cloud service like that, but for the moment it'll do. I just hope they patch that or something.




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May 07, 2023 May 07, 2023

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i don't see how that undermines cc, but ok.




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New Here ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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Well, cause the idea is that you can always sync your files and have them avaiable on multiple devices. Not have them update once a week after cc pinched half the battery trying to get to the file you wanted.




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Participant ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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Are you saying you had the creative cloud folder on your laptop with files in it and then moved your creative cloud location to an external hard drive that is plugged in to your laptop? You then waited for it to move the files to the external hard drive but noticed it keeps doing the countdown every time and not saying files up to date correct? 


Is it adding duplicate files to your external hard drive or changing the files modified date as if they are being updated to your external hard drive?


If Yes - The creative cloud is reading your external hard drive as a new drive each time you connect it/turn on the laptop. In this case you should not use an external drive and should opt to put a new internal hard drive in for more storage. With external connections that can disconnected or shut down easily it's not great for cloud services. You'll want a drive that is always on when the desktop app is always on for best use. There was an issue back in the day where I found my cloud deleting files when one of my drives went to sleep. They supposedly fix it, but I don't trust it to not happen again. 


If No, the cloud is trying to confirm the files are unchanged on the external hard drive. It does this check each time to confirm none of the files have been changed and need to be updated on your external hard drive. It is done by time stamp. Normally it only looks for changes which usually takes a few minutes, but if the main folder is getting modified for some reason each time you are opening the external hard drive it could be forcing the creative cloud to search the full folder for any changes made inside it. Depending upon your external hard drive speed/connection type and amount of files this can be done quickly or take a long time. If you'd like to avoid it scanning each time even though you know nothing has changed you can pause file syncing on the app by clicking the cloud icon on the top right of the adobe creative cloud desktop app. When you need to sync again unpause it. It will still have to check all the files are sync'd at the time, but will avoid it from running non stop when you aren't using it. 


Are you seeing any ! or red triangle icons on your creative cloud folders or files on your external hard drive or are you seeing any "conflicts" listed next to file names on any files when viewing folder/files from https://assets.adobe.com ?


If so remove those files from your external hard drive (do not delete them just in case), just remove them and allow the files to download from the cloud to sync. If that doesn't work you could try syncing to any empty folder instead as there possible could have been some issues with the move that is messing things up. It's unlikely but an option to try. When doing a new sync to a new folder that was empty (not moved) it usually downloads everything on the first sync and then syncs it a second time to confirm so you'll see the countdown twice. After that you should only see the countdown for any new files/folder you've changed. 




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New Here ,
May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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Yes, that's what I did. My laptop harddrive was getting too full, so I moved them all to an external hard drive instead. Everysince the resyncing doesn't stop. Its not duplicating files, its just constantly trying to sync them again. Which doesen't even come across on the other side. My computer (who's on the other end of the cloud) usually notifies me when files have been updated or added. With the redone ones, it doesn't. Only if my laptop so happens to catch a new file in the bulk every few days.


I dont think it re-recongnizes it, for it doesn't try to update everything at once, but always does bulks. Once its done with 7000ish files it just grabs anohter 7000ish files to go through until it got them all, then starts from the top.


A new harddrive would be tricky, since its a mac. Can't easily replace parts on those.


And no, it doesn't casue isseus. Precicely one conflicted file since I started and no red ones whatsoever.

Isn't there jst a way to tell the cloud that certain files are good for now?




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Participant ,
May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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Isn't there jst a way to tell the cloud that certain files are good for now?

By @Nopfen

It's supposed to update the database file to confirm the files are in sync by time stamp and currently there is no way to tell it not to sync/check certain files unless you took them out of the creative cloud folder which defeats the purpose of having a cloud folder that is supposed to sync across all devices. As of now it looks like there is an issue on Adobe's end causing this problem. One of my clients is having the same issue as you. All the files are on his system. It counts down all the files and than starts counting them down again while making no actual changes to anything in his creative cloud folder. It's almost like it's not updating the local database file so it just keeps trying to sync until it can update the database file. 


Did you just start noticing the issue right after you switched to the external drive? My client started having the issue on May 4th. If it was around that time it might not be your external drive and just something wrong on Adobe's side that you'll need to wait for them to fix. 




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New Here ,
May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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It happened right as I switched, but it was also around that time, so I can't say for certain which one it was.

Might've been an internal error that just got triggered from me changing safe locations. I'm not sure to be honest.

I hope they get to it then. That issue seems to have been around in 2017 too from what I've read and the answer to that was also to just wait till they fix it. Which as you says kinda defeats the purpose of a cross platform cloud.




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