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I've already turned off notifications for everything Adobe at the OS level, but this is extremely annoying.
While working on something completely unrelated to Photoshop, Creative Cloud continuously harasses me with random notifications about basic photoshop tips. If I want to know how to create AmAzInG eFfEcTs iN pHoToShOp, I'll google it like a normal person.
It's bad enough I have to run two programs to run the one I want, but this is extremely irritating and I already want to go back to GIMP.
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Have you turned off notifications in the Cloud Desktop app?
Cloud desktop app Avatar > Preferences > Notifications
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I am also struggling with this and cannot follow the reply from John Waller. I use Adobe desktop only, and constantly get signature requests and other pop-ups that have nothing to do with what I am working on. Frustrating and a waste of my time to be interrupted by the software "thinking" I need more help or that I am shopping fornew Adobe products.
Adobe is not the only software guilty of this these days...
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in the cc desktop app, click file > preferences > notifications and untick what suits you.
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Maybe I am in the wrong spot to discuss my problem. I am using Adobe Acrobat Standard - on my PC not on the cloud or on the web. Every time i open a new file I get pop-ups for various hints, tools, items to sign up for. So under file there are no preferences. Under Edit there are preferences - but no selection for notifications of any kind.
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do you want your posts moved to the acrobat forum?