Adobe Digital Editions mandatory updates for iOS and Android
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What is the change
Due to some security constraints, the certificate on Adobe ADE Activation server must be changed.
This will impact all existing ADE (v4.5.10) iOS and Android installations. As a result, users may not be able use their Readers.
What is the error
You may receive the following error during the activation of ADE v4.5.10 or lower versions in iOS and Android platforms.
Update ADE iOS and Android to the latest versions available in apple Apps store and Google Play store respectively.
If you are using ADE v4.5.10 or lower versions, update to the version v4.5.11 or above.
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Hi, this sounds like the issue that is happening on desktops as well, as in these posts and many others:
Are there any plans to fix it on macOS or Windows as well?
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How? The only version available on the web for the laptop Mac is 4.5.10
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I still cant open .acsm file but i have an updated digital solution
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So disappointing. Still nothing works in none of the ADE versions. We all bought an e-reader to make our reading experience easier and more comfortable and it has gotten harder. Too bad for the e-reader companies.
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Hi , sorry this is not working, even with version v4.5.11 .
Have you other solutions ?
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After many attempts, this worked for me:
1. De-authorize PC
2. Uninstall ADE v. 4.5.11
3. Reset ereader to factory and install updates, if any (not sure this step is necessary, it's what I did)
4. Install ADE v. 3.0 (
I was able to transfer AND open a book on my beloved Aluratek (it's ancient). I loaded a book using ADE v. 3.0, which authorized the ereader (ADE v. 4.5.11 did not have the authorization step). I then installed ADE v. 4.5.11 and copied another book without any problems. Right now I have both versions of ADE on my PC.
Hope this helps.
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I am on windows and have updated to 4.5.11 and it still does not work. I cannot move files to my kobo ereader.
Will this be fixed?
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Yep here neither it dosen't work, I can't open .acsm file
I always have error message :
Erreur lors de l'obtention de la licence. Problème de communication avec le serveur de licences :
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I have ADE 4.5.11. I can download ebooks from the library to ADE on my MACbook (OS Catalina) but for the past little while I haven't been able to transfer the books to my Kobo (probably since I upgraded to Catalina). I get the message: "This book is protected by Adobe Digital Rights Management. You need to re-authorize your e-Reader with your Adobe ID using ADE." I've tried that, of course. No luck. I've chatted with the library, Kobo and Adobe. None of their recommendations have worked. Adobe said that since ADE is free software, they couldn't really help me. Kobo and Adobe all suggested going back to ADE 3.0. Unfortunately that doesn't work with OS Catalina.
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I just finally got 4.5.10 working with my Kobo eReader? Do I have to update? It took me months of deleting, re-installing of every different version, de-authorizing, re-authorizing, factory resetting and now I FINALLY have it working.
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May 7, 2020 Just started with this problem on a laptop trying to open a Kobo book. Had never used an Adobe ID prior to yesterday and have downloaded many Kobo and other ebooks to my laptop. Got geared up with an Adobe ID. Worked yesterday for one book. Not working today. Have passed through the ranks of four Adobe ID reps without resolution to date. Recommendations included the Virtual Assistant suggesting I delete the account which I did. Now reps are replacing account. Anyone have a happy ending to a simlar story?
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Same issue here...
Not able to transfer any books rent at library... message of error every time since May 5
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In January 2020 I encountered this problem on a Mac Laptop & Kobo Aura while out of country. Neither Kobo nor Adobe could fix this. In Febuary 2020 I could download library books to a Kobo Touch - until last evening when ADE rejected a new download from the library. Kobo's Tech spent an hour + trying to help today. No luck. Adobe's Tech on Chat was anxious to help until he read my problem. Then I was informed that Adobe Chat does not support Adobe Digital Editions concerns and I was referred to the Community Support Forum. A complete waste of time but no solution in sight.
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I'm dealing with this same issue right now. I need ADE for work but it isn't working. Completely unhelpful company. Adobe needs some major work done to their customer service model.
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I have updated the APP in IOS unvironment, (release the authorization procees ocurs normaly. I have the message the device is ativated, the ebooks are dowloaded. However when I open the ebooks most of the pages are blank, a few look normal and others are shaded. This happens with all ebooks I bought and could read in the past.
In desktop unvironement all works normaly
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Hi Luis,
I have the same problem on my iPad (latest iOS instaled 16.3 and Digital Editions v. - I can't read eBook because many pages are empty or blurred like partially erased content (see attachements).
Adobe- would you repair broken app, please? It's unusable at this moment..
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Quick update: I got solution for iOS devices with problem to display eBooks correctly - you have to change Background colour in Digital Editions app 🙂 (sun icon) to different , default is causing problems .
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I had problems opening my Adobe Digital Edition 4.5 and read books on the last 3 days, so I read that I have to desinstall and reinstall Adobe Digital Edition on my PC, wich I did, but it doesn't work, the programm now just dont open anymore.
Could you please help me?? I am in the middle of my master degree and need to be able to have acces to the book I had bought.
Thank you.
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I'm not sure if it is related but in Oct 22 something changed that caused my ADE 4.5.11 to frequently report a cannot open file error when I tried to import a downloaded library epub. I could save the epub to my Del Latitude with Win7-Pro (saves as a .acsm file in my downloads) but would have the file open error for about half the epubs. I've tried everything I know to include uninstalling/reinstalling ADE 4.5.11, deauthorizing/reauthorizing, removing all epub related files in downloads, MyDocs, upgrading NET to 4.8 as well set up ADE on a different pc (desktop with Win7Pro) to no avail. I found a ADE version 4.3 and installed it -- problem fixed and 100% epubs imported successfully. All successful imports to ADE would load and open on my Kobo Clara. Tried ADE 4.5.11 on Win10Pro on 2 different PCs and worked well. I don't trust ADE and Adobe support is usless but cannot find an alternative way to convert the .acsm files to epubs downloaded from my library.
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I have installed in my MacBook Pro, ADE 4.5.11; but since the last friday I have a problem that I couldn't fix. I normally buy ebooks from Google Play and dowload to open wiht ADE (just as ,epub or .pdf as Google Play decides). I didn't have any problem to the LAST WEEK … From then I was unable to open the file that I download from Google Play in ADE 4.5.11 as I did before. I check the problem with Google Play and with Adobe … I did everything: (Re-download the eBook.; Re-install Adobe Digital Editions; Activate ADE and authorize your computer (previous I deauthrize the Mac) … I restarted the Mac several times … BUT THE ISSUE IS THERE. I insist on these point: THE PROBLEM IS NEW … Before Nov 11st there wasn't any problem… From that day is imposible to open any file new file with -epub.acsm with ADE 4.5.11 … Adobe's people suggested me to ask help to the community … For the Google Play the problem is a problem of Adobe. Many thanks
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Yep, as of yesterday I Adobe won't open books from my library. Have uninstalled, deregistered, restarted computer, tried a different library, updated ADE, updated MacOS, and problem persists. Really annoying that there isn't a fix for this!!! The error message I get is
Error getting License. License Server Communication Problem:
I've never had a problem in the past, and am a regular user of ADE.
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I have exactly the same problem, started mid-Nov. I get the License error or Activation error. Even past dowloaded books onto ADE 4.5.11 can now no longer be opened = message says that the book hasn't been dowloaded! Pbviously I can't connect to my Kobo reader, as nothing lands in Adobe (despite BorrowBox telling me that my loan was successful. Adobe, what are you going to do to fix this recent, and obviously common problem?
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My ADE will not download any more. I cannot even de-authorise and authorise again, and the other E-books tzhat are in ADE cannot be opened any more (Code E_ACT_NOT_READY). I tried re-installing ADE, talking to Adobe support, changing the ID - nothing. Any idea how I can retrieve my E-Books and put them into my Kobo reader?
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Try to make sure you uninstall ADE and cleanup thoroughly
- Ctrl + Shift + D, erase ADE authorization.
- Windows uninstall ADE
- Clean up any ADE residual files everywhere
- Delete your files under "My Digital Editions" if they exist:
Remove or rename C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Digital Editions
- Download new version of ADE, install, log in with your Adobe ID and authorize.
- Download your acsm file from library again and drag it to the ADE.
- Hopefully will work. Adobe help is worthless. (link removed)

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