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I am getting this error and it is frustrating me. I need to access this book for my class and still have not gotten it. I have paid money for it and would like to use it sometime....
I installed this program on my friends computer and accessed the book. At the time, that was the only place I could download the book and read it. Now I would like to switch it to my computer so that I can do my homework and assignments at my place. I have looked and tried and everything you can ever imagine to fix it, but I still get the same error.
Please help!
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Quote: "
Yeah....and what do you do when that doesn't work after a dozen failed attempts?
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Quote: "
Yeah....and what do you do when that doesn't work after a dozen failed attempts?
Agree - beware this solution!!
After de-authorising I get a message that this computer cannot be authorised using an ADOBE account that has already been used for another computer or device. !
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I am also having this same issue. I've tried the uninstall and clean up registry and re-install twice (the second time I rebooted before doing the reinstall). I've deactivated and reactivated my computer. I chatted with customer support and they were no help at all, sent me to this forum. They claim the "experts" here on this forum will help me. So what do I do now. So now what?
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Thank you for the help!
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I've tried several times, but it doesn't work. Thank you.
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I received this error because I was using an AdobeID to access an OverDrive book. I don't know if there is a way to link the two.
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I had downloaded an ePub book from a library. Nothing worked - authorised and deauthorised my computer. It is now set with ADE unauthorised. But, I belong to a different library also and downloaded two other books from there, both ePub. ADE had no problem with these, and I used ultimate to covert them to mobi for my kindle No problem. I remember reading somewhere that the "in use by another user" was a problem from the vendor end, in my case it would seem to be the first library. I have not made contact, yet As I have spent enough time on it already. But others may also find it is worth considering that the problem may not be with ones own computer at all So I thought I would post this.
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STUPID ADOBE. Stop interfering in people's lives. If I OWN a real book, I can lend it to anyone in the world I want over and over and over again and you or NO ONE can do anything about it. Stop being a da*m Book Gestapo Nazi. We PAID for our books - make it EASY for us to use them to our pleasure, on whatever device we decide to use on any given day!!!
Kobo could have a different solution that Adobe Digital Editions to use. I would dump this crud off my computer in a hot second if I had an alternative. JUST WANT TO READ MY DAMN BOOKS I PAID FOR ON MY SONY DAILY EDITIONS EREADER.
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Please use the steps below. It resolved the same issue for me.
Resolution: Follow these steps:
This is the information I came across on the forums--hope it helps.
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This did not work at all for me.
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Yeah, no way I'm going into regedit to download a ebook I BOUGHT...
Best I can tell - if you buy a book by Kobo or Google or whatever - and you use Adobe Digital Editions - you have to use ONE computer to access your ADE program and download books from. Heaven forbid we should trade ebooks (even though people have shared their hard copy books for hundreds of years without the book police coming in and shutting them down...) -- but yeah, they don't want you to be able to do that. So be really sure you are using one computer log in for Kobo or whatever , then Adobe or whatever, and ADE -- its a damn police state when it comes to reading material now. LOL
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For me, it was because I had already downloaded the book on a different PC. (Well, macbook.). When I downloaded it on my iMac that was fine, but when I tried to open it, I got the error message.
Basically, it doesn't matter about authorisation, or using an ID, it will only let it be opened on the one it was first downloaded on.
The way round I found was to delete the book from the ADE libraries on both macs and then download it to the one you want to open it on.
I wasted a whole weekend on this because the uni library staff didn't know what the problem was, and kept trying to tell me it must be that specific book, even though I'd tested it on quite a few.
I explained that I'd been googling it and reading these forums and loads of people had this problem, but they wouldn't believe me. So I spent an entire weekend trying things out and reading until I found that worked. Nuking ADE didn't work because, I now see, I didn't nuke the activation file Adobe hide in the HDD somewhere.
That meant that when I nuked and reinstalled ADE, it knew my library.
I then spent more time with their IT guy who was being deliberately obstructive when all I wanted to do was to make sure the staff knew my solution if another student has this problem. It took me two hours to talk him into noting down my solution.
Anyway, hope this solves it for at least a few people and hope the rest of you find what's causing the error in your case. Keep us updated with your progress.
All the best. RN
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You're talking about a library book, right? Does it matter that others have downloaded the file before?
What if you've downloaded/deleted the file multiple times on the same computer? Is it still possible to get it to work?
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No. I downloaded it on my macbook (mba). Via the uni library, which is logged in with my uni email address. When I downloaded my first ebook last term, I had to download and install ADE as I did it. So ADE is linked to that uni email/library log in.
I could download every 3 days all the books I wanted on the MBA. No problem.
When I tried to download the ebook to my iMac, it downloaded and installed ADE and then the book. But when I tried to open the book, I got this error message.
Because the book was linked with my ADE on a different machine. (I guess it stops me giving my uni log in to everyone.)
I had to delete the book from both macs, and then I could redownload it on the iMac and it would now open. No error message.
My fix only applies to the error message coming because you've downloaded it to a different PC with the same ADE library log in.
If you've downloaded the book on 2 PCs, my way fixes it. If you suddenly got the message for no reason, I don't know. Sorry.
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Which solution did you use?
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Ebooks was sure a fun thing. Untill The only e(rror)book we'll ever read is Adobe digital Editions: E_LIC_ALREAdY_FULIFILL_BY_ANTHER_READER. End of adobe
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It's too difficult and too time consuming. Thank you for killing reading, Adobe, Kobo, Google and all the rest. You allow spammers and thieves and every other huckster to use your servers but we can't get our epubs on our epub readers. Really great job, I will continue to try and find ways around you.
I had to call Kobo and THEY had to try and remove the DRM so my books could be downloaded and put on my ereader. I literally spent a total of at least 5-6 hours on this the last week for 13 books purchased and we still couldn't get all of them, they had to put me in for a refund of my money. What the hell is wrong with this picture??
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This is a rip-off by adobe and ebook sellers, everybody is saying they cannot do anything.
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Mi associo ai messaggi che sottolineano che questi sistemi complessi e sconclusionati che mi portano oggi a non poter scaricare i libri che ho regolarmente pagato - con denaro buono, in cambio di programmi indaginosi e fallaci - deve finire.
Non parliamo poi della libreria (Bookrepublic) da cui ho comprato sempre, che nemmeno risponde alle mie richieste di aiuto.
Credo che sospenderò ogni acquisto. Sono adulta, vaccinata e stanca di fare IO il lavoro per cui ho abbondantemente già pagato.
Credo che ogni libro che comprerò d'ora in poi sarà un solido libro cartaceo, che potrò prestare, rivendere e regalare, e - finché avrò gli occhi - rileggere a volontà .
Aggiungo che non ho fatto prima che arrivasse questo errore, nulla di nuovo: da un giorno all'altro la cosa non funziona più. Dopo ho tentato di tutto, e sono esausta
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Sono d'accordo con te. Anch'io dall'oggi al domani mi sono trovato con il problema di aver acquistato diversi libri e mi ritrovo oggi a non poterli leggere, inspiegabilmente, e senza aver fatto nessuna variazione. E Adobe non fa nulla per risolvere questo problema
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This is happening to me, too, but I've never used ADE on any other computer. I have downloaded the file multiple times on this computer, but the only reason I did that is because I couldn't get it to work. Is there anything I can do about this?
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See my reply. Delete the book from your mate's PC, then from yours. Then redownload to yours.
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Right, but I haven't downloaded it to another computer, just to mine, multiple times (while I was trying to get it to work). And I assume it's been downloaded to other people's computers in the past because it's a library book.
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That won't make any difference, mate.
All my books had been downloaded by lots of other students. My fix works for the OP who had my problem cos he first downloaded it on his mate's computer so it wouldn't open on his when he downloaded it there.
I can't help.
Have you tried nuking ADE, and then finding and nuking the register file. Then downloading and reinstalling ADE as you do it?
But downloading and deleting is no problem.
What happened? You'd downloaded the books lots without problems and then one day, you get this message?
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I've never used ADE before this.
I downloaded the book and at first I thought I needed to edit it in Calibre, but it just messed up the file, so I downloaded it another time (had multiple copies on my computer at the same time, which probably caused the program to act up).
What do you mean by the register file? I uninstalled Calibre and deleted everything on my computer that I could find related to ADE and the book, then reinstalled ADE and downloaded the book again, but still getting the same error message.
I just tried another book, and it worked fine.