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How can I see and manage authorized devices? I don't want to improve the number of authorized devices, but only manage (especially remove) them.
1 Correct answer
I found out how to do it! (and I do not work for Adobe but totally agree that someone should've helped you at least in the past FOUR YEARS. crazy.)
So log into your adobe account online.
Go to Plans & Products.
Under Plans, find your "Creative Cloud Membership" section. Click on Manage Plan.
On this page, you'll see a section called "Activated devices".
You'll see all the devices your membership is using and can easily deactivate one (or all) of them by clicking the x on the right.
Oh happy day!
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How can this question NOT get an answer? I mean, if Adobe actually thinks that it's simple to find this answer so many people wouldn't be viewing the question (over 700); likewise, if Adobe cannot answer this simple question then why even have the ability to ask questions. I hate using the word HATE, but I hate how companies give it's customers a false hope of having their questions answered then ignore them. Adobe, please remove the support feature when marketing your products. I mean, damn.... a totally easy question from 2012 was asked and four years and 23 days later you still have not responded? SMH
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I found out how to do it! (and I do not work for Adobe but totally agree that someone should've helped you at least in the past FOUR YEARS. crazy.)
So log into your adobe account online.
Go to Plans & Products.
Under Plans, find your "Creative Cloud Membership" section. Click on Manage Plan.
On this page, you'll see a section called "Activated devices".
You'll see all the devices your membership is using and can easily deactivate one (or all) of them by clicking the x on the right.
Oh happy day!
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I had the same question. If you log into your Adobe account and open up the "plan details", there is a section on approved devices. Open this section and it will give you the opportunity to delist devices. This will allow you to register new devices.
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I don't see any of these options -Activated Devices or Plan Details when I log on. What type of accounts do you have?
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The option only exist when have a creative Cloud. For Digital Edition (Which are open this thrend) the option not exist.
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You deactivate your device by 'signing out'. Just did it. It is not very obvious at all... Click on the tiny CC logo on the top bar (at least on a Mac) and click on gear icon. Click on Preferences... and you'll see a blue button reading 'Sign out'. Click. You're done. Now why anyone would bury a signing out feature inside of Preferences is a different discussion, though.
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I want to authorize my ereader to read books. I am informed that I cannot authorize my pc and/or ebook, because there is a device somewhere on the planet that has been authorized using my adobeID. Without the ability to find out what device I once upon a time authorized, and without the ability to revoke such authorization, this means de facto denial of service. Am I wrong?
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Have you tried the solution marked correct in this thread?
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I cannot use the solution mentioned above as I do no see the same menus. On the plans page, I can see the Creative Cloud Free. Clicking on it does not show any device or anything helpful.
My CC account has been automatically created when I signed up for a Adobe ID account (in order to read DRM-protected books). Maybe the solution applies better to paid accounts.
Any other suggestion?
Thanks in advance!
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Use this site to log in to your account and it should show you what devices are activiated.
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The most straight forward answer. Still works as of 2022.
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This is the answer - still works in 2024.
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Really? I just activated a device, downloaded a DRM-protected book, opened it and it worked. But when I go the "Activated devices" page, it says: "You have no activated devices".
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You can find active sessions when you go to: and you can also deactivate on any devices that you no longer use.
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The new way to do this (in 2022) is to:
- Sign in at
- Under Activated devices section, select Deactivate to deactivate the device.
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sorry - just now saw that GenX7 posted the same link. can't see a way to delete...
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Hi Thanks for this.
I have been using a Mac book pro 2012 which only allows me to run LR cc2015. I am in the process of buying a brand new Mac book. One question though. I have a considerable amount of keywords, collections ect in my current Catalogue. Please can you let me know the procedure for transferring everything as is, to my new MacBook. Thanks
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does anyone know how to increase the number of authorized devices? seems a bit silly to only allow for 2 devices...thanks
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"log into your adobe account online. Go to Plans & Products. Under Plans, find your "Creative Cloud Membership" section. Click on Manage Plan. On this page, you'll see a section called "Activated devices".
After logging in to my account-
When I go to Plans it says - You have no paid plans
When I go to Products it shows all my paid products
When I go to Activated devices is says - You have NO devices
So how can I de-activate?