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So I used the new Dimension CC to create a 3D object...a new concept for my company. Now they want me to make a video of it just like the one found at
Is it possible to do this with what I have created in Dimension CC so far? If not where should I start? I assume AE is the best app to create this video....just never used it before!
Thanks in advance,
- Kevin
Dimension does not have any 3D animation capabilities at this time. Unfortunately it also doesn't have any export capabilities for working with other 3D software. At this time you'd have to start from scratch. You could use Cinema 4D with After Effects, Blender, Maya, 3ds Max, or another 3D tool. Dimension will support animation and workflows with After Effects in the future.
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Dimension does not have any 3D animation capabilities at this time. Unfortunately it also doesn't have any export capabilities for working with other 3D software. At this time you'd have to start from scratch. You could use Cinema 4D with After Effects, Blender, Maya, 3ds Max, or another 3D tool. Dimension will support animation and workflows with After Effects in the future.
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That would be amazing if dimension supports animations in after effects. Any idea when this feature will come out? I'm currently working on a project that I need that for so I could use that feature yesterday... 😛
For now, are there any work-arounds besides starting from scratch in another software? Could I export my dimension file into adobe animate and and animate it there? - Thanks!
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You can't use Adobe Animate for that task. Adobe Animate works only with 2d artwork. As @Ussnorway suggests you can use adobe Ps animation feature as you can customize 3d objects environment lights, position and size for creating 3D animation and exporting it as video or gif file.
You can also use for making realtime animation and use it for presentation.
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It's been a few years now, any update? Going to switch software otherwise!
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the mp4 slideshow?
if you already have the model then I would rendor it (with a background) to a PSD then open that in Photoshop to add any effects... both Photoshop and Prem-pro can make mp4 but for something so basic i.e, just a background that scrolls, i'd use Photoshop
p.s, I recommend you consider using an animated gif instead of a mp4 for that design... for web devices, animated gif have better browser compatability but weight becomes an issue if you use to many frames. the example above goes for a min and is a small mp4 (3.68Mb) ... i would replace that with a gif of about 30-50 frames should be about the same size unless you go for all high-rez images.
a tutorial = Create animated GIFs |
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Hello! It's the future now! Has there been any progress toward exporting a fly around video of a 3D object from Dimension?
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no there hasn't and its not going to happen [to Dimension] now but it may come to Stager one of these days... pretty sure Ares opened a tictet back in the day so feel free to add your vote
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For anyone still looking at this - the new beta version of After Effects supports .glb files from Dimension and I've just followed this - - to import and animate a 3d model a client sent me in Dimension. Obviously not seamless or available in Dimension itself but it worked and was far less clunky than Cinema 4D etc etc... Happy Days.