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After uninstalling Photoshop and Premiere Elements from my (old) computer, over a year ago, I am now unable to have accepted the printed serial numbers on my Win10 new computer - please help (my first forum). The site-noted maintenance?

New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Due to a series of problems with my (now) old computer, I uninstalled Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements, after carefully printing out Profile and Serial numbers.  Now having purchased a Windows 10 HP desktop, I have sought to install much-valued software.  Very early in the installation, I entered the serial number - as stated - from my print-out.  It was refused and I was asked to enter again!   Checked and re-checked - exactly as I had entered it.  But refusal of these same numbers persisted! 

Logging into my account - after the printed link for the product serial number (https://www.adobe.com/go/acctmgmtserialnum) failed to bring up a destination in my browser - I note that there is mention of maintenance - although the denial of my serial number did not offer this as a problem, rather flatly accepting the number.  Under my products, I drew the warning that the information could not be provided.

I have learnt that a forum - an area in which I have never ventured before - is my ONLY option.  Although I recall having received a large number of emails about Creative Cloud - I was very happy with my existing Photoshop and still do not use iCloud.

As a complete `newbie' to this means of seeking an answer, please help.

Has Photoshop been superseded and that now prevents my software from being installed as redundant?  Is it simply the maintenance being undertaken - and the serial number rejection simply a `generic' warning?  Thank you - in advance - for any help you can afford me.

I did not even try Adobe Premiere Elements - expecting the same print-out will draw the same rejection of the number.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

You MAY have simply run into a case of an old program that will not install properly on a new operating system

Windows 10 is not really compatible with your version 9

An idea that MAY work to install and/or run old programs in Windows 10... works for some, not for others

-RIGHT click the program icon or EXE and select a compatibility mode in the pop up option window

-or Run as Administrator http://forums.adobe.com/thread/969395 to assign FULL Windows permissions may help... says Encore, but sometime




Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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It is possible you are trying to use old software in a new operating system wherein the two are not compatible.  What versions of Elements does this involve, and what are the system specifications?





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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Thank you for your reply - as I am in Australia, reading and response times will undoubtedly be askew.

Certainly what you suggest is - and still may be - possible, but I have not got anywhere near that far.

I engaged the set-up file and an initial part of that set-up is entry of the serial number.  When the serial number, that I have, was unaccepted, I could only exit that process.  So without installation, I did not actually run the software.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Printed your serial number from what/where?

Did you print your number from an email you received when you downloaded the programs, or from within the programs?

If from within the programs, the entire number is not shown, so "someone" walking by your computer can't steal your number

When you went to the link you posted, did you then click Adobe ID and check to verify your number?

Also, as Ned asked, which program version are you trying to install on Win10?





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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Thank you for your reply - and please excuse any delays in my response - I am in Australia.

The print-out, of the serial numbers, was obtained - prior to my uninstallating the software from my `old' computer - by my logging into my Adobe account and calling up my `Registered Products'.  An act that I was unable to perform yesterday - possibly due to noted site maintenance.  The serial numbers, in this area, were displayed in full - also showing my registration date (in 2012).  This is the print-out - ironically printed in anticipation of any later problems.

My attempts to use the link - that recorded in my original post to ask again for the serial number - drew the response that the link - again checked and rechecked - as unavailable by way of my browser.

Attempts, while in my Adobe account yesterday, drew a blank - no response at all - in calling up those registered products, numbers, etc.  Again, I suspect that the maintenance at the site played some part in that.

And with apologies to Ned, the print-out of my registered products records the `Version' as `90'.  I do not know anywhere near enough to understand where that sits as to compatability with Windows 10.  Although retired from work and a veteran as to  computer time, I am very much a novice in both the complexities of software and, as stated, forum participation.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Did you deactivate from the old computer?

Use the chat option here and they should be able to help:

Contact Customer Care





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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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If I may please also extend my thanks for your reply and offer the same explanation as to delays, in my response, due to my living in the very different time zone of Australia.

I certainly do not recall de-activating the software before uninstalling it.  I was unable to bring forth any detail, on the current status, when I was in my Adobe account yesterday.  Of course, I am mindful that the website did advise of the site maintenance occuring at the time.

So I would hope I can perform whatever activation/deactivation from there - as the `old' computer crashed and crashed - and then could not even be started in `safe mode'.  That path is, sadly, a dead end - that path through the `old' computer.

When I explored my options, within my account, I was advised that my ONLY option was by way of the forums.  So I imagine the link, that you have kindly provided, to not be available for my problem.  Thank you anyway.

Being brand-new to forums, I can only state that I would exhaust all avenues before venturing into this very-untried methodology.  I did even considered simply looking for another comparable software product (and embargo Adobe) rather than persist with a product that the providing organisation will not give direct assistance - and that may yet still be the case, because I cannot even register my purchase on my computer.

I have a great deal of software and, thankfully, I have always - until now - been helped, in all matters, by the software provider - shielding me from an inevitable-shaky start into (for me) the scary world of forums.  Which, I know, puts me out of step with much of the wide computer world.

All of which should not detract from gratitude for your assistance - or that by your fellow respondents.  Thank you!





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Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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What versions of Elements does this involve, and what are the system specifications?





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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Hi, Ned

Please forgive my earlier omission to your reply.  All I have to go on is my print-out from my Adobe account, made just prior to installation, a year ago.

The Adobe Premiere Elements version is designated `90' - and, if it helps, the `Platform' is noted as `multiple'.

How much more information, I am not sure I can provide.  Yesterday (Australian time) when I access my account, the previously-supplied (a year ago) details were not displayed and I could not seem to `populate' that section.  Which may be a side-affect of the site maintenance.

Thank you for persisting.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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The Adobe Premiere Elements version is designated `90' -

That's not a recognizable version. Do you mean version 9.0?

If not, Premiere Elements versions run from version 1.0 to the current 15.0. Which one is yours?

Adobe Premiere Elements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Hi John - you, of course, are right - 9.0 is the version.  Thank you.

I will, next time, ensure proper lighting before I read.  The serial number that I entered was double-checked - and again, by my wife.  So, despite my mistaking 9.0 for 90, the serial number was definitely correctly entered.

My apologies - as an ex-management analyst and systems administrator, I am shamed to admit that I was lax/presumptive in my initial reply.  Precision has clearly suffered in retirement.

I must admit that I am unsure as to how you very good and kind people can help me in this matter.  Acceptability of a serial number would not simply be a misunderstanding of software - which I am sure this format would be excellent to address.  The keying in of a number suppllied by Adobe is outside a forum's purview - surely.

So, while grateful for the help of so many, I am not sure how anyone can have the expertise to provide a number that can only be issued by Adobe - or at least an Adobe explanation as to why it is not being accepted.  I am not getting beyond that aspect of the set-up, to encounter any confusion surrounding the software itself, which might lead to forum referral.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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You MAY have simply run into a case of an old program that will not install properly on a new operating system

Windows 10 is not really compatible with your version 9

An idea that MAY work to install and/or run old programs in Windows 10... works for some, not for others

-RIGHT click the program icon or EXE and select a compatibility mode in the pop up option window

-or Run as Administrator http://forums.adobe.com/thread/969395 to assign FULL Windows permissions may help... says Encore, but sometimes required for ALL Adobe programs (this is NOT the same as using an Administrator account)





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New Here ,
Oct 09, 2016 Oct 09, 2016

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Thanks, John - I fear you may be correct.

I just downloaded a trial Photoshop to access the chat facility.  I did end up chatting with three individuals (each unannounced) - having to repeat most of the information a few times and provide screen prints - but besides their referring me back to the forum, it seems the advice I am receiving is the same as you have supplied.

Sadly the whole experience has persuaded me to uninstall the trial version.  I imagine my recounting this experience may amuse my friends - but may also warn them.

Thank you again - and also those others who have sought to help in this forum.





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