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Can't Update to PS 24, LR 12 - Says My Windows 10 Incompatible

Community Beginner ,
Oct 19, 2022 Oct 19, 2022

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I can't update to the new version of Lightroom, and Photoshop because CC Desktop says they are not compatible with my version of Windows 10 which is version 2004 (Build 19041) even though it's a newer release than the 'minimum requirement' version 1909.

Anyone else having this problem? what's causing it?


Creative Cloud , Installation




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Community Expert ,
Oct 19, 2022 Oct 19, 2022

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reset the cc desktop app: make sure it's in the foreground, then press:

Win: Ctrl + Alt + R
Mac: Cmd + Opt + R




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried it but it hasn't made any difference. See attached to see the 'not compatible' flag and the 'update required' message I get. As previously noted I have a later version of Windows 10 than the one called for here.




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New Here ,
Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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I have the same issue. CC app says "1809 required". I have 1909. Reset of CC does nothing to change this.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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can u perhaps upload a msinfo32 file ?


Is LR 12 = Lightroom 12 ?

I can't see any Lightroom 12 version under adobe.com. The system requirements for Lightroom is just 20H2 not 2004.

Lightroom System-Requirements 







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Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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in your windows search field type winver > enter







if you see anything older than version 21H2 build 19044, update your windows.





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Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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It's not necessary to update from 19044, is still supported.

I saw that 20H2 is not supported anymore.







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Community Beginner ,
Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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Thanks for your help. Having looked into this in more detail it turns out that Photoshop v24 and Lightroom Classic v 12 need different Windows 10 updates to be in place: 1809 and 20H2 respectively.

I now understand that my version of Windows 10 won't run Lightroom Classic v12 but it should support the update to Photoshop v24. Unfortunately, I can't seem to update my Windows 10 any further - my 10 year old processor seems not to be supported.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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@Reasonable_Northerner , embed a screenshot showing your "about windows" panel.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2022 Oct 21, 2022

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Thanks for your continuing interest. Please see attached. On further research I've determined that my i7-3930K processorcan't support a later Windows release than this so it looks like after 10 years it's time to replace it.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 21, 2022 Oct 21, 2022

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i still don't understand why you can't update ps (you need  win 10 64 bit 1909 or later) and 2004 is later.


reset the cc desktop app: make sure it's in the foreground, then press:

Win: Ctrl + Alt + R
Mac: Cmd + Opt + R

if that fails, restart your computer and see if you can update your ps.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2022 Oct 21, 2022

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Hi again,


You have a not up-to-date Version of Windows 10 2004, yours is 19041.685 and the up-to-date for Windows 10 2004 is 19041.1415.


Do Please the following:


1. Cache cleaning !


Windows Cache Cleaning

Press Win-Key+R and paste cleanmgr.exe in it, press enter.

Click on Clean System Files and select all.


Press right mouse on the Windows button on the bottom left, then Search, give in Powershell, on the right u see some options, choose "Run as Administrator" and paste one after the another in it:


net stop bits

net stop wuauserv

net stop DoSvc

net stop uhssvc

net stop cryptSvc

net stop msiserver


Let the Powershell Window open, we need it later.


Then go with FileExplorer or another Explorer to C:\Windows, rename the SoftwareDistribution Folder to SoftwareDistribution.old.


Start again all Process which we closed before, in the Powershell Window/Terminal:


net start bits

net start wuauserv

net start DoSvc

net start uhssvc

net start cryptSvc

net start msiserver


Adobe Creative Cloud Cache Cleaning

First close the Adobe Desktop Service and Core Sync Service in theTask-Manager.

Backup following folders:

  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\AdobeSync\CoreSync
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CoreSync


Open up the Adobe Creative Cloud App, should be in the foreground and press "Ctrl + Alt + R".

Alternatively, is better for you, to go to Windows 10 Start Button and Settings, then under Apps, search for Adobe Creative Cloud App, press on it, there is an option to RESET, FIRST press on CLOSE and then on RESET.


Close the CC-App completly, also when it is minimize in the right corner.

Restart your Computer or Notebook, Please.


2. Update Windows 10 2004


First of all, for EVERY Windows Update you download, check the Checksum, the Hash in most of the case is SHA1 (*.msu) !!!!!!!


Download this Latest SSU Update 5005260 for Windows 10 2004 


Go back to the Powershell Window, go to the Download location, most of the case it's the Download Folder, if it's default or go to your own and paste this line in.


get-filehash .\ssu-19041.1161-x64_e7e052f5cbe97d708ee5f56a8b575262d02cfaa4.msu -algorithm sha1


If the SHA1-hash the same like the filename it's all fine.

Copy this line for every Windows-MSU-Update you download, by the mrt exe-file, you can look with the right-mouse context if the signature is verified under Digital Signature from Microsoft Corporation.


Again Powershell Window and Install it:

Dism /online /add-package /packagepath:[YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION]\ssu-19041.1161-x64_e7e052f5cbe97d708ee5f56a8b575262d02cfaa4.msu


Wait until it's done.

Let the Powershell Window still open for the update process until you restart the pc/notebook, if we or you still need it.


Download this one

Latest .Net Update for Windows 10 2004 


Again Powershell Window and Install it:

Dism /online /add-package /packagepath:[YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION]\windows10.0-kb5007289-x64-ndp48_0cd072430731065201ff609c8df5208cc6e64cd2.msu


Wait until it's done.


Then download this 

windows10.0-kb5008212-x64 - latest Update Windows 10 2004 Update


Again Powershell Window and Install it:

Dism /online /add-package /packagepath:[YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION]\windows10.0-kb5008212-x64_aef75b014bf6a8b9f858533d9dafb07c6f6fb741.msu


Wait until it's done.


Latest Windows 10 MRT Update - KB890830 

After you check the Hashsum, Rename this file to MRT.exe and copy it to "C:\Windows\System32\".


Restart again your Computer or Notebook again.


If you have your own Antivirus Software you can skip this chapter with Windows Defender Security Intelligence Updates and Scans. Use your Own.


Download the latest Windows Defender Signatures:

Up-to-Date WD-Signatures 


Start it and can take some time.


The start a quick scan and let it run until it's done.


After this Press again "Windows+R" and paste in this:



Go thorugh Assistent and start the scan also.

Wait again until it's done.


After this Update-processes check this HowTo, please:

Windows can't load Updates after ... 

(Ask, Please, if something it's unclear, try also to download the Update-Health Package which came out where some Windows 10 versions had Problems or still sometimes have problems to update it self)


3. Maintenance of your Windows


Press again "Windows+R" and paste this in it




press enter, click on Maintenance, start the task please and wait until it's done.


Try to start Windows Update again through the Windows Settings Window. Sometimes after some Mass-Updates Routine, you can get the one or another update from Microsoft or other components, look if you have following buttons activated in your Windows Update Settings:


  • Peer-to-Peer
  • Download other Microsoft Products
  • Automatic Restart Option
  • Up-to-Date Option


4. Uninstall CC-App

Follow this one Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool Process 

After this Sequence, Shutdown your PC or Notebook and start it again.


5. Download and Install the CC-App again - MS-Store or through Website, how you want to use it or you use it before, before, this Mass-Sequences, i told you right now

Login again and download/install your Adobe Applications that you want, look if it's working Now.

Let me now if it helps.


This steps are important because, you have an End-of-Servicing Windows version.

Try also to download the latest security updates manually and play it in and disconnect the internet while you working with your Adobe Apps.


Sources to learn about Windows-Updates:


Sorry for the english words, I don't know all these words in english, I use another language in my Windows but I did my best.

I see some of this problems with Adobe Apps, have these problems, when it's the CC-App (It was also where the App came out in the past, at the beginning) or the Update Process of Microsoft wrong or Updates aren't play right in or there aren't any Updates anymore (End of Servicing). Also Microsoft have some errors sometimes in there Updates. All Versions which are still in Servicing for Windows 10, have the Ground of Windows 10 2004, you can also modifying one of the Up-to-Date Msu, after extraction (for example of 21H2 ) and try to complete it for Windows 10 2004, but this is some work. When you wanna do it, do it in a sandbox-environment or in a vm, first and look if it's work otherwise you can comepletly update Windows 10 to the last Functional-Update. It's quicker than these steps. But sometimes it's not possible, I know it from my own.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2022 Oct 22, 2022

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Thank you so much for going to this amount of trouble. I will try the solution next week.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2022 Oct 21, 2022

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Hi again,


You have an not updated Windows 10 Version, yours is 19041.685 and the up to date for Windows 10 2004 is 19041.1415.


Do Please the following:


1. Cache cleaning !


Windows Cache Cleaning

Press Win-Key+R and paste cleanmgr.exe in it, press enter.

Click on Clean System Files and select all.


Press right mouse on the Windows button on the bottom left, then Search, give in Powershell, on the right u see some options, choose "Run as Administrator" and paste one after the another in it:


net stop bits

net stop wuauserv

net stop DoSvc

net stop uhssvc

net stop cryptSvc

net stop msiserver


Let the Powershell Window open, we need it later.


Then go with FileExplorer or another Explorer to C:\Windows, rename the SoftwareDistribution Folder to SoftwareDistribution.old.


Start again all Process which we closed before, in the Powershell Window/Terminal:


net start bits

net start wuauserv

net start DoSvc

net start uhssvc

net start cryptSvc

net start msiserver


Adobe Creative Cloud Cache Cleaning

First close the Adobe Desktop Service and Core Sync Service in theTask-Manager.

Backup following folders:

  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\AdobeSync\CoreSync
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CoreSync


Open up the Adobe Creative Cloud App, should be in the foreground and press "Ctrl + Alt + R".

Alternatively, is better for you, to go to Windows 10 Start Button and Settings, then under Apps, search for Adobe Creative Cloud App, press on it, there is an option to RESET, FIRST press on CLOSE and then on RESET.


Close the CC-App completly, also when it is minimize in the right corner.

Restart your Computer or Notebook, Please.


2. Update Windows 10 2004


First of all, for EVERY Windows Update you download, check the Checksum, the Hash in most of the case is SHA1 (*.msu) !!!!!!!


Download this Latest SSU Update 5005260 for Windows 10 2004 


Go back to the Powershell Window, go to the Download location, most of the case it's the Download Folder, if it's default or go to your own and paste this line in.


get-filehash .\ssu-19041.1161-x64_e7e052f5cbe97d708ee5f56a8b575262d02cfaa4.msu -algorithm sha1


If the SHA1-hash the same like the filename it's all fine.

Copy this line for every Windows-MSU-Update you download, by the mrt exe-file, you can look with the right-mouse context if the signature is verified under Digital Signature from Microsoft Corporation.


Again Powershell Window and Install it:

Dism /online /add-package /packagepath:[YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION]\ssu-19041.1161-x64_e7e052f5cbe97d708ee5f56a8b575262d02cfaa4.msu


Wait until it's done.

Let the Powershell Window still open for the update process until you restart the pc/notebook, if we or you still need it.


Download this one

Latest .Net Update for Windows 10 2004 


Again Powershell Window and Install it:

Dism /online /add-package /packagepath:[YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION]\windows10.0-kb5007289-x64-ndp48_0cd072430731065201ff609c8df5208cc6e64cd2.msu


Wait until it's done.


Then download this 

windows10.0-kb5008212-x64 - latest Update Windows 10 2004 Update


Again Powershell Window and Install it:

Dism /online /add-package /packagepath:[YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION]\windows10.0-kb5008212-x64_aef75b014bf6a8b9f858533d9dafb07c6f6fb741.msu


Wait until it's done.


Latest Windows 10 MRT Update - KB890830 

After you check the Hashsum, Rename this file to MRT.exe and copy it to "C:\Windows\System32\".


Restart again your Computer or Notebook again.


If you have your own Antivirus Software you can skip this chapter with Windows Defender Security Intelligence Updates and Scans. Use your Own.


Download the latest Windows Defender Signatures:

Up-to-Date WD-Signatures 


Start it and can take some time.


The start a quick scan and let it run until it's done.


After this Press again "Windows+R" and paste in this:



Go thorugh Assistent and start the scan also.

Wait again until it's done.


After this Update-processes check this HowTo, please:

Windows can't load Updates after ... 

(Ask, Please, if something it's unclear, try also to download the Update-Health Package which came out where some Windows 10 versions had Problems or still sometimes have problems to update it self)


3. Maintenance of your Windows


Press again "Windows+R" and paste this in it




press enter, click on Maintenance, start the task please and wait until it's done.


Try to start Windows Update again through the Windows Settings Window. Sometimes after some Mass-Updates Routine, you can get the one or another update from Microsoft or other components, look if you have following buttons activated in your Windows Update Settings:


  • Peer-to-Peer
  • Download other Microsoft Products
  • Automatic Restart Option
  • Up-to-Date Option


4. Uninstall CC-App

Follow this one Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool Process 

After this Sequence, Shutdown your PC or Notebook and start it again.


5. Download and Install the CC-App again - MS-Store or through Website, how you want to use it or you use it before, before, this Mass-Sequences, i told you right now

Login again and download/install your Adobe Applications that you want, look if it's working Now.

Let me now if it helps.


This steps are important because, you have an End-of-Servicing Windows version.

Try also to download the latest security updates manually and play it in and disconnect the internet while you working with your Adobe Apps.


Sources to learn about Windows-Updates:


Sorry for the english words, I don't know all these words in english, I use another language in my Windows but I did my best.

I see some of this problems with Adobe Apps, have these problems, when it's the CC-App (It was also where the App came out in the past, at the beginning) or the Update Process of Microsoft wrong or Updates aren't play right in or there aren't any Updates anymore (End of Servicing). Also Microsoft have some errors sometimes in there Updates. All Versions which are still in Servicing for Windows 10, have the Ground of Windows 10 2004, you can also modifying one of the Up-to-Date Msu, after extraction (for example of 21H2 ) and try to complete it for Windows 10 2004, but this is some work. When you wanna do it, do it in a sandbox-environment or in a vm, first and look if it's work otherwise you can comepletly update Windows 10 to the last Functional-Update. It's quicker than these steps. But sometimes it's not possible, I know it from my own.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

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If u have a vm software, you can test each version if it's still compatible and you can use it also, as ground app for the adobe apps.

You can also use a Thin-App or a Linux installation with wine.

Also an App virtualization app with specific os choose possiblity, is possible.

Also an upgrade is possible with a modification of the Windows Setupto upgrade Windows.








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