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Hi, I am thinking of purchasing a Creative Cloud plan, but I have two computers, a desktop and a laptop. Can on account run on both computers??
1 Correct answer
You can install on as many machines as you like. Of all the installations you might have, only two of them can be in an activate state (signed in). Of those two active machines you can only use the subscription software on one at a time.
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I would like to know this as well, but I actually have three systems. A laptop for shooting images tethered to Lightroom. One system for graphics (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc). And a system for video, audio work.
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Hi Antonia and Gpaai,
When you join Creative Cloud the licensing allows you to use it on two different computers, typically a home and a work computer.
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As an educator, I have access to more than 2 computers. It seems to me that the whole idea behind cloud is to access your stuff from any location. It also seems to me that this is a limitation in your cloud philosophy. I have one version on a Mac and another on a PC. I also have 2 Macs at work. I work at both locations. The 2 license scenario needs to be strongly reviewed if cloud is your answer for the future. I work with new technologies for higher education and I have always been a huge Adobe supporter. However, this puts strong limitations on my workflow.
Monte Darland,
Instructional Technologist and Instructor
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@mgdarland01 - The perpetual license (serial number) only allows you to activate two machines too. So the number of activations allowed for a single license / subscription has not changed.
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mgdarland01 wrote:
As an educator, I have access to more than 2 computers.
I also have access to more than 2 computers. I rarely use more than one at a time, though.
You may install & activate Cloud software on 2 machines at a time. If you install software on a 3rd machine, your other 2 machines will be deactivated.
You can then install the software on a 4th machine. When you're ready to use the previous 2 machines again, deactivate the software from machines 3 & 4. See how that works?
Nancy O.
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Hinders productivity!
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mgdarland01 wrote:
Hinders productivity!
If you need activated software on multiple machines at the same time, you must purchase additional subscriptions / licenses. This is nothing new, BTW.
Nancy O.
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If I have any problems with my second machine, do I have to de-activate it before trying a third machine if I don't want my main machine to be deactivated automatically? If one machine is deactivated, do I eventually have to reload the program to reactivate it, or is it just going to the cloud to turn off one and turn back on the other?
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Hey VJ, the answer to your first question is yes.
On your second question, you have to reactivate the program, not reload it.
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Thanks. Another question, is there a work around now or an update coming to support the new Sony PXW-X70 4K codec? I want to be able to export in full 4K. I don't see this sony camera codec in any of my export options.
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So to use the third machine do I just log out of my adobe id or do I have to deactivate one of the machines? If it is to deactivate - how do I do that and I assume I can reverse the process to use the original machine. Thanks for any clarity. I just sat down to use the cloud from home to avoid the office and now am left going to the office to do my work. Bit frustrating but do want to know the process to work on three computer locations. Thanks.
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I am in the exact same situation, and completely agree. Look forward to greater flexibility of your licenses for users like us working multiple (at least 3) devices (iMac, Macbook Pro and Windows).
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I am curious in when I get to the website to adobe photoshop I see that it's asking me to buy it when I already have it on a work computer. Do I still need to buy it or will it install for free?
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Does your Cloud subscription properly show on your account page? for subscriptions on your Adobe page
If you have more than one email, are you sure you are using the correct Adobe ID?
If yes
Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
-Sign in help
-ID help
If no
This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe staff to help
Adobe contact information -
Chat/Phone: Mon - Fri 5am - 7pm (US Pacific Time) <=== NOTE DAYS AND TIME
-Select your product and what you need help with
-Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"
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Sorry to belabor the issue, but I just want to be absolutely clear before I join: Can one of the computers be a Mac with OS X, and the other be a PC with Windows 8?
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@Jeremy bowmangraphics - Yes.
From the Creative Cloud FAQ at under the Getting started section:
Can I use the software I download from Creative Cloud on multiple computers?
Yes, you can use Creative Cloud desktop applications on two computers at once, regardless of operating system, for the individual associated with the Creative Cloud membership. See the product license agreements page for more information.
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Great. Now that I'm sure, I'll join. Thanks!
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I joined and I'm having a blast! It has opened so many new opportunities for me.
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another question of mine would be: If you get a new macbook pro and do not use the old one (like give it to your younger sibling or something) can you easily logout from one and login into the new one? Sorry totally new to this, so I thought I asked.
Besides what happens if you happen to have an imac from 2010, is it possible that these devices will someday be to old for these updates or downloads? I mean my imac is doing just fine, I do not want to change that one too.
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On your first question, yes:
Sign in and sign out to activate or deactivate Creative Cloud apps
On your second question, historically the minimum level of Mac OS required to run Creative Suite/Cloud has inched up over the years, simply because Adobe has evolved the capabilities of the software and the underlying o/s services that it needs and uses.
However, this has just been a general long-term trend and no one can say or tell you for sure what the exact system requirements will be in the future. You can always keep or re-download a specific CC version on older hardware (and not update), if that works for you.
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Hi, this is a related question to the thread. I am already a Creative Cloud costumer and I am trying to install it in the second computer. When I log in with username and password in the second computer, I get the unpleasant {"error:"bad request"} message. Anything I could be doing wrong? Any suggestions?
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Hi David,
Sorry for my bad english. I would like to ask, my boss bought three licenses under one single account. Knowing buying those licenses in one account can be use on three different machine. License he bought is the annual plan so we have three license equivalent to three years. What I experienced is, once I signed in the 3rd computer the other two computers I previously signed in will automatically signed out. My question is, how to prevent this issue since we bought three licenses? Is it possible to undo the licenses and transfer it to different accounts? Thank you in advance.
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I have replied the resolved the issue in other post, please feel free to contact us in future too.
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So question! If I have an iMac, and a MacBook, I can install, and run, lightroom on both devices....BUT, will I have access to all the same photos on BOTH devices? Or will I have to import seperately onto both devices? (For example: If i start working on a session on my desktop, and then I need to head to a coffee shop with my laptop, could i continue that session away from home using the Macbook...or would they be completely seperate?) That could get time consuming and inconvenient.
HELP!! Thanks!