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The company has moved me onto creative cloud. I used the uninstaller to remove CS6 and installed CC.
CC indesign is so slow! Just scrolling about etc is a total dog.
I am using OSX 10.8.4 with a quad core i7 mac with 16 gigs of ram and SSD drive. CS6 was great but CC is a dog.
Do you think there is reminants from the previous version or something? Do I need to consider a total wipe of the OS and start again?
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Hi, folks
This is coming from a novice user which I really am, weighing all options to start using "Creative" software of the likes of Adobe or Adobe itself. Reading all the comments of unfortunate users I felt sorry for most of you and signed in specifically to post a comment of mine. I came across a blog addressing just the issue of incredibly sluggish InDesign performance regardless of a platform you are on - Mac, Windows. To make long story short the problem (if not fixed still by Adobe) may
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There are a couple of very long threads here about this that you should read...
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where are the threads you mention?
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There was no need to remove Cs6 at all - you can keep both versions running on your machine at the same time.
What exactly is slow - is it files from CS6 - or brand new files?
What are you doing when it's going slow? Have you checked the preferences under Interface>Live Screen Drawing
Can you give any more information on what exactly is happening for you?
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HI live screen is set to never and handtool set to better performance.
Just the whole interface is slow, for instance using the arrow keys to move things around, you let go and its still moving to catch up. Scrolling around the interface feels really groggy.
Did not know I could leave Cs6 on which is a pain as I notice indeisgn wants to update all files, that being said everyone else in the company is on cc now so should not make too much difference.
Have started a new file and worked with older ones, makes no difference its just terribly groggy, will have a look abouts here and read these long threads.
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You should also make sure that you're on the latest version of InDesign CC via Help>Updates
And is anyone else in your team experiencing this problem?
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I have a brand new PC laptop here on running the same files it flies, so what ever the problem is its local to my mac.
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Retina Display? That's apparently a known issue.
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nope standard i7 imac from 2009
I suspect some left over prefs or something from creative suite CS6
ON the weekend I will do a clean install of the OS see if that fixes it.
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Any new info with this issue?
I'm with you on this, my company just purchased Creative Cloud for my team and it's rediculously slow.
It's not only one or two of us experiencing this, but ALL of us. We're all on Macs, ranging from an i7 iMac to a 12 core Xeon, clean installs to upgrading from CS5.5. Opening a document with cross references in InDesign is an exercise in patience. Forget using keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator.
Perhaps Adobe is shifting away from professional commercial strength use and more towards a lightweight watered down version that's not able to handle all the new features?
CS6 worked near flawlessly, now this? If I could take the seats I have for this and use it so my whole team was on CS6, I would.
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Again - any updates? InDesign on the Creative Cloud is SUPER SLOW!!
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It appears, from another thread, that Adobe Drive can be a problem, so if it's running, and you don't need it, try turning it off.
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My entire Mac is a piece of poo since installing CC but have been told it is just an old Mac (3 1/2 yrs old( This is rubbish. If I only get 4 years out of a Mac, why am I bothering to even waste my money? I have been on Macs for a long time and this is just BS.
I think Adobe Cloud is to blame.!!!
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photoshop and other Adobe products, were much faster before Creative Cloud.
On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:40 PM, chelseac46743955 <>
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Yah, I've been using Adobe products since 94. CC is trash made for the general public now. It's not a professional only program anymore and is too filled with garbage so unskilled people can become graphic artists. Really sad and pathetic.
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Some of your comments are sadly very true, its become a very sad state of affairs. Adobe products do seem aimed at a wider market these day's and obviously that's where the money is. Unfortunately this has encouraged the software designers to add as many bells and whistles onto what was already good/great software. The results are out there to see, we know have millions of graphic designers competing for jobs and thus wages have become stagnant and the clients now demand a bigger skillset for less money. The mac combined with Adobe software has become what the Casio keyboard was to music (press a few special pre programmed effects and hey presto 'you're a musician) Yep because its just so easy!
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I started in the business long before computers. Had a young kid could not believe it was possible to print anything before the computer. No joke. In his mind he could not grasp printing without the use of a computer. I just stared at him and asked how do you think we did it and he honestly could not tell me.
Your right about the wages and qualifications. I've seen ads for jobs with skill set requirements that would in reality take two lifetimes for the smartest and most talented person to ever walk the planet in history and offering a part time unpaid intern job.
A couple times I have sent nasty fake applications in saying something like "I'd make more working at Taco Bell, and at least there I get a free lunch." or something to that effect. I know it's bad, but some are just insane. Saw an ad for a company in LA I know charges $250 an hour to their clients for high end retouching for companies like Nissan, Disney, Toyota... you get the idea, anyway they are offering $15 an hour for someone with a min of 10 years experience. When I worked there 15 years ago I was paid $60. They still charge the $250 and get it no problem, but their work now is garbage and their just profiting now on the reputation employees like me built for them.
I think I'm just going to go into the pot business at this point 🙂 LOL.
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I have slowly come to the conclusion that computers are the worst invention ever. They have caused mass unemployment and downgraded so many skillsets. Oh and the human race is chained to a couple of hi tech companies for the foreseeable future. Bleak stuff, I'd like to live on an island with no computers or mobile devices. The revolution starts here!
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I hear ya. Best of luck to you.
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Yea, best of luck. Great to hear likeminded people
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My iMac when to COMPLETE POO POO after installing Creative Clound and Acrobat. It is almost unusable, with spinning rainbows everywhere. Uninstalled ALL ADOBE ACORBAT and cleaned. Adobe is powerful enough doo doo to almost shut down a very powerful iMac. Junk software!!!!
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It's the reaction time of every click, every command. I feel like I'm being punked. It's PAINFUL.
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Exceptionally sloooooooooow for me too - CC Photographer (Photoshop only), Windows 10 high spec machine.
I'm beginning to wish I'd stuck with good old faithful Photoshop 7 local install. Grrr!
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This is an InDesign forum.
Please post in the Photoshop forum.