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Get off the cloud

Explorer ,
Feb 11, 2016 Feb 11, 2016

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I have asked  this question before and been given the wrong answer and yet nobody else came on with the right answer, so I am asking again. I hate cloud technology.  I dont trust it.  I can't think if a better way to ask to be hacked than by using cloud technology. Cloud technology slows down my internet connection, and I also dont trust corporations at all, and that includes Adobe.  How do I know they are not selling my information?  I don't.  please read the entire problem before answering because if I am given the wrong answer again I promise I will not reply politely. This is a multi part question.

I have CS6.  A downloaded version,  not the cloud version.  I will not use any software online for the reasons listed above.  a few months ago during an update,  adobe creative cloud was launched on my desktop. I cant close it most of the time because the drop down menu is just a big white box with nothing in it.  sometimes it is that way for months before one day out o f the blue the box actually opens properly and there is a close button I can use,  but then the next time I reboot the computer,  adobe creative cloud automatically opens again and the same problem occurs where the drop down menu is just a big blank box with nothing in it.  so the first part of this question is:  Why is the drop down menu a big blank white box with nothing in it? Please scroll down below the the screenshot to read the rest
of the question.
Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 11.16.35 AM.png

The next part of the question is that I asked on here one time about how to prevent adobe cloud from opening at startup.  I was given an answer, which worked temporarily, but then the next time I upgraded creative cloud began opening at startup again. 

I asked a question on this forum again, this time about deleting creative cloud from my laptop altogether, and and was given the answer about how to prevent it from opening at startup, again.  That is not what I asked.  I replied that that was not the answer I was looking for and would somebody please give me the right answer.  That was months ago and nobody else answered the question.

I have now found this website: Uninstall the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application. What I want to know is this:  If I delete creative cloud from my laptop together and never re-install it,  how badly will it affect the functionality of illustrator, Photoshop or indesign? I used these programs for decades before creative cloud was ever invented and I will be very happy if I can do that again.

Please answer this question thoroughly or dont answer it at all. it is very frustrating when the people answering my questions clearly know less than I do on the subject. I have been an adobe user since September 1990.  Remember the most important factor to consider in the answer to the question is that I HATE cloud technology and I REFUSE to use it.  Please help me get off the cloud.

Creative Cloud




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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Feb 11, 2016 Feb 11, 2016

The update manager that came with CS6 has been replaced by the Cloud update manager, which is why you see "the Cloud" on your computer How do I prevent Creative Cloud from taking over my CS6 perpetual license?

As far as I know, the only way to do what you want is to DE-activate your CS6 and then uninstall everything Adobe... then reinstall and reactivate CS6... and when you do, set the CS6 update manager to NEVER check for updates

You would then need to do your own check for updates... should only



Adobe Employee , Feb 11, 2016 Feb 11, 2016

If you have your serial number, you can download and install from here: Download CS6 products

After downloading the installation files, see these instructions to extract the files and install your product.

If you need help locating or registering serial numbers, please see these links for assistance:

Find your serial number quickly


Community Expert ,
Apr 11, 2017 Apr 11, 2017

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Hi Mr. Jackson,

First, you may want to try this and see if that helps:

Adobe Creative Suite 6 applications unexpectedly revert to trial mode




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Explorer ,
Feb 15, 2016 Feb 15, 2016

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thank you so much for your help




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 16, 2016 Feb 16, 2016

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you are very welcome




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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2016 Mar 22, 2016

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Can anyone answer my !st question....

"I RECENTLY bought the month to month subscription, but then canceled it (i think?) because I got frustrated. I have been using bridge and photoshop cs6 for 4 years. I have never understood light room and where it fits in. I dabbled with it and I could not figure out how to save my images into my currengt workflow, or how to resize and put a border around my images. How to save for the web and as tiffs like I have been doing for all my files for four years. LR seemed to be trying to take photos from my Iphoto folder and I don't use that. I tried to cancel the photoshop cc and lightroom cc and bridge cc but I am not sure if I did. I am just really confused, and I have work to do. What can I do, should I do, help me!@@ !"

I also never had a disk. My cs6 came with the computer(I have a macbook pro retina-no dvd drive).

Part of my question was that I don't understand what the difference is between using bridge, camera raw, photoshop vs. lightroom, bridge, camera raw, photoshop? Why lightroom? Don't you still have to size your photo in photoshop or use photoshop to put borders around the image, and after lightroom don't you still have to use camera raw which has the same basic functions as lightroom? From light room to camera raw I feel like I am doing the same thing twice? And with my cs6 I can't update camera raw past version 9.1 so that means no "haze" function and no lens updates? I would like to use the new stuff I just don't understand why it is better, easier, and more productive? I shoot everyday and edit everyday. I would love to be more productive and up to date. Please help...




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Community Expert ,
Mar 22, 2016 Mar 22, 2016

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New Here ,
Jun 09, 2016 Jun 09, 2016

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Can u help me if u know... I have cs5 then got CC and it looks like CC updated all my cs5 stuff so if I want I can run cs5 or the updated version... For example I use ae in cs5 CC gave me the updated version of ae I no longer have CC my subscription expired but it looks like the updated version to ae is still there. Do I now have an updated version of ae without the subscription any more ?




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Explorer ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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I hate the CC cloud for the same reasons (and more).   When I can no longer use CS6, I will switch to another brand. Period.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 01, 2023 Mar 01, 2023

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Yea, greedy adobe cut my paid $500 CS6 suite off stopping the disk load knowing it's hard to locate out-of-business resellers with who adobe registered your software back then. People blame windows 10 but I found out its Adobe that wants everyone to do the CC subscription especially after going public stock market. Adobe doesn't care about making enemies, only $$$ money. Actually, they did me a favor because it forced me to try and learn other programs like free DaVinci resolve and perpetual easier up-to-date Ai programs like Filmora, Affinity Photo, ''Luminar Neo from Ukraine'', inPixo, and a host of others. These programs may not have longevity user support establishment, but I'm very satisfied and will never look back at Adobe.     




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Community Expert ,
Mar 01, 2023 Mar 01, 2023

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please don't cross-post.  also, again - adobe's done nothing to stop you from using cs6.  additional info on your duplicate post, https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install-discussions/yea-adobe-cut-my-paid-cd-s-over-500-cs6-...




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