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I want to install my creative cloud apps in a other folder. Therefore I changed the settings for the app-directory in the creativ could manager to drive D: but creativ could manager says during installation "not enought space on drive C".
How can I install my cc apps on drive D ?!?
Please check the FAQ section of this link : Download and install Adobe Creative Cloud apps
Although Adobe suggests you install application on the primary drive, it is possible to change the installation destination from the Creative Cloud app preferences. Please note that there will still be shared resources stored on your primary drive. In addition, temporary files will be created on your primary drive during the installation process. The Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app will remain on the defa
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Some common parts of Cloud programs are hard wired to go only to the C drive
Move data files from your C drive to your D drive to make space
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Please check the FAQ section of this link : Download and install Adobe Creative Cloud apps
Although Adobe suggests you install application on the primary drive, it is possible to change the installation destination from the Creative Cloud app preferences. Please note that there will still be shared resources stored on your primary drive. In addition, temporary files will be created on your primary drive during the installation process. The Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app will remain on the default drive.
If you have already installed the app, you need to uninstall it, change the destination drive, reboot the machine and then install the app.
moving to Creative Cloud Download & Install forum
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WTH this one isn't answered either! Why are all the questions asking "My C: drive is limited space SSD, how can I install CREATIVE CLOUD core on another drive" answered with "Oh, just install CC on drive C. It doesn't really matter."
I do that, my comp crashes. Someone here going to buy me a new one? It is patently ridiculous that Adobe forces install to C when every other third party developer out there is able to give the install location option.
UPDATE: Workaround found using command line junctions: This should be done before installing, and make a folder named Adobe on the drive you want the Creative Cloud to actually be installed on. For instance, the drive I have space on is D. So I made a folder D:\Adobe
If you already have CC installed, you'll have to uninstall it before doing these steps.
On Windows, hit the Start button and type "command".
In the search list, RIGHT Click "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as Administrator".
Type mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe" G:\Adobe
Run the Adobe Creative Cloud installer.
Details: The Complete Guide to Creating Symbolic Links (aka Symlinks) on Windows
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This sucks! This really, really sucks! This is why I don't use Google Chrome. I want to, but it is virtually impossible to install it on D. I don't have any room left on C:, which is used exclusively for Windows.
Please fix your products so that they are not so dependent on drive C:!
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My workaround above also works to redirect Chrome installations too. It has a learning curve to get used to, but apparently these devs are rich and can afford massive C: SSDs so it might be worth learning until they get their act together and make things easier on all of us who make them rich.
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THis is really bullshit adobe. so many new pcs have SSD launch drive. THumbs down
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This is definitely a Chicken and the Egg situation. Very sad indeed. I called Adobe support on this exact situation and guess what!! They said they couldn't help me and that I should look here in the support forum. Wow what great support.
So I uninstalled everything off my C drive, cancelled my Master CC subscription and I'm going back to my Dependable Master CS6 CD's. I can't see paying over $800 to continue using CC when it stops my Computer from functioning!!!
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Command line has additional required parameters, for which default values are taken if you run Setup.exe by double-clicking.
In the command:
[ADOBEINSTALLDIR] is the installation directory where apps are to be installed on the client machine.
[INSTALLLANGUAGE] is the locale in which the apps are to be installed.
Syntax example:
setup.exe --silent --ADOBEINSTALLDIR="C:\InstallDir" --INSTALLLANGUAGE=fr_CA
Location of setup.exe:
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Just make sure the custom install directory exists beforehand. For instance, if you want to install to D:\Program Files, create the directory first, then include this switch in the command line: --INSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files". After running setup with that switch you'll see Acrobat installed in D:\Program Files\Acrobat DC\.
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Sorry, the proper switch should be:
--ADOBEINSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files"
My apologies.